ports to plains corridor feasibility study hb 1079

Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Segment #2, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Segment #2, Committee Meeting #3 Conference Call/Web-Ex April 2, 2020 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB

  1. Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Segment #2, Committee Meeting #3 Conference Call/Web-Ex April 2, 2020 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079)

  2. Welcome TxDOT Leadership Caroline Mays, Director, Freight, Trade and Connectivity, TxDOT Honorable Dan Pope, Mayor, City of Lubbock, Ports-to-Plains Advisory Committee Chair Honorable Brenda Gunter, Mayor of San Angelo, Segment 2 Committee Chair April 2, 2020 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079)

  3. Agenda Review 1 Welcome 2 Recap of Previous Meeting 3 Determination of Areas Preferable and Suitable for Interstate Designation 4 Preliminary Cost Estimates 5 Break 6 Preliminary Committee Recommendations 7 Funding Sources 8 Review and Discussion of Report Chapters 3 and 4 9 Open Discussion 10 Adjourn April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 3

  4. Segment #2 Recap of Previous Meeting Caroline Mays, TxDOT Mayor Brenda Gunter, Segment 2 Committee Chair April 2, 2020 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079)

  5. Changes in Alternatives Studied ORIGINAL BASELINE REVISED SCENARIOS SCENARIOS SCENARIOS • Baseline (No Build) • Baseline (No Build) • Baseline (No Build) • 4-Lane Divided • 4-Lane Divided • Interstate Highway • Interstate Highway • 4-Lane Divided with Locally Preferred Route • Interstate Highway April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 5

  6. Overview of Segment Meeting #2 – February 5, 2020  Held in San Angelo, TX  Members attended via in-person or via online conference due to inclement weather  Agenda – Forecasted conditions – Planned and programmed projects Online Conference – Identification of gaps – Preliminary Corridor Feasibility Analysis – Review and discussion of Report Chapters 1 and 2 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 6

  7. Segment #2 Forecasted Total Population 2020 and 2050 2020 2050 1,046,558 2,104,479 (2020) (2050)  Total population for the 31 counties is projected to increase by 1,057,921 persons.  Andrews County (352%) and Midland County (206%) and have the highest projected population growth.  Lynn County (-25%) and Kimble County (-24%) have the largest projected population declines.  Overall Segment #2 population is projected to grow by 101% . Source: Texas Demographic Center April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 7

  8. Forecasted Traffic Conditions 2050 Traffic – Interstate 2050 Traffic – No Build Overview of Findings  Interstate H Highw hway G y Growth – 100-200% growth over 2018 volumes found in all three segments on arterial sections – US-87 provides path to I-25 – US-287 route unimproved in Oklahoma  Interstate H Highw hway y Diversio ions – Fills in National Grid – Most diversions from within 100 miles – Diversions also traced on national and statewide basis Source: TXDOT SAM and TxDOT 2018 RID April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 8

  9. Segment #2 Total Freight Growth by County - 2050 2018 Total Freight Tonnage 2050 Total Freight Tonnage  Segment #2 total truck tonnage is projected to gr grow w 87 87% through 2050 – 30 milli llion tons a added, for 41% o of the ne new tons ns o on n the corridor or – Tot otal v volume 6 66 m million t on tons ns  Fastest county growth: – Ector - 182% – Howard - 124% – Borden - 119%  Largest county growth: – Midland + 9.3 mil. tons – Ector + 7.5 mil. tons – Lubbock +6.3 mil. tons Source: TXDOT SAM and TRANSEARCH database April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 9

  10. Interstate Option – Anticipated Total Traffic Diversions Segment #2 Diversions – Segment #2  So South of L Lubbock, the corridor dr draws t trips f from US S 84/I-20, US 6 S 62/US-385  SH H 349 segment wil ill l at attract trip ips from SH H 137 an and US 3 S 385 t to Ode dessa  SH H 158 segment will ill at attrac act trips from I-20  South o of S San an A Angelo, the corridor at attrac acts n nat ational trips dr drawn t to t the e I-44 c corridor as as well as as local trip ips from US S 83 Source: TXDOT SAM and TxDOT 2018 RID April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 10

  11. Overview of Public Meeting #1 – February 4, 2020  Held in San Angelo  52 Attendees – 27 General Public  Use of Mentimeter  Comments/Input Top goals included: – Safety and mobility – Economic development – Freight movement Potential opportunities: Key needs and challenges: – Economic development – Safety – Safety and mobility – Economic development and benefits – Growth along the corridor – Cost for construction and maintenance April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 11

  12. Overview of Public Meeting #2 – February 19, 2020  Held in San Angelo  48 Attendees – 24 General Public  Use of Mentimeter  Comments/Input Factors influencing future economic, traffic, and freight conditions: What changes will occur to the local – Water availability population, economy, and land use if – Energy production changes are made to the Corridor: – Workforce development and – More economic development will availability spur growth – Growth will likely occur in populated areas – Not all change will be positive April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 12

  13. Segment Committee Report Outline  Executive Summary 6. Segment Improvement Letter from the  Strategies Segment Committee Chair 7. Public Involvement Executive Summary 5. Public Involvement  and Stakeholder 1. Introduction and Stakeholder Engagement  Letter from the Engagement 2. Existing Conditions Segment Committee 8. Segment Committee and Needs Chair 6. Segment Committee Findings and Assessment Recommendations Recommendations 1. Introduction* and Implementation 3. Forecasting and 9. Financial Plan Plan 2. Existing Conditions* Future Conditions 10.Implementation Plan  Figures, Tables, and 3. Forecasted 4. Segment Feasibility Appendices Conditions Analysis  Figures, Tables, and Appendices 4. Segment Interstate 5. Economic Feasibility Analysis Development Impacts and Findings of the Segment *Reviewed with Committee April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 13

  14. Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study Scope We are here Economic Corridor Forecasted Purpose and Existing Development Feasibility Need Statement Conditions Conditions Impacts of the Analysis Corridor Meeting #1 Meeting #2 Meeting #3 Data Collection and Analysis We are here Implementation Feasibility Study Preliminary Final Recommendations Recommendations Plan Report Meeting #3 Stakeholder and Public Engagement April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 14

  15. Segment #2 Determination of Areas Preferable and Suitable for Interstate Designation Akila Thamizharasan, TxDOT Consultant Team April 2, 2020 April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079)

  16. Interstate with Frontage Roads Cross Section Includes Frontage Roads FRONTAGE INTERSTATE INTERSTATE FRONTAGE ROAD ROAD Traffic will flow No driveways connecting uninterrupted from one to main lanes. end of the facility to the No stop signs or traffic other. To accomplish this, signals on main lanes. overpasses are necessary . Higher design speeds Larger right-of-way widths April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 16

  17. Interstate Without Frontage Roads Cross Section No Frontage Roads Traffic will flow No driveways connecting uninterrupted from one to main lanes. end of the facility to the No stop signs or traffic other. To accomplish this, signals on main lanes. overpasses are necessary . Higher design speeds Larger right-of-way widths April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 17

  18. Federal Guidance on Interstate Designation  FHWA has approval authority  Three methods to obtain interstate designation – Method 1: The US DOT Secretary may designate, if the corridor currently meets standards – Method 2: TxDOT may submit a proposal requesting designation as a future interstate – Method 3: By congressional act  Within the scope of this study, Methods 1 and 2 are being assessed April 2, 2020 Ports-to-Plains Corridor Feasibility Study (HB 1079) 18


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