Enel Chile Cor orpor porate Pr e Pres esent entation on | Jul uly 2019 2019 Santiago, Chile
Company Representatives Paolo Pallotti Chief Executive Officer Enel Chile Marcelo De Jesus Chief Financial Officer Enel Chile Isabela Klemes Head of Investor Relations Enel Chile 2 Talinay, Chile
Enel Chile Overvie view
Enel Chile as part of Enel Group Enel Group is leading the new energy world¹… 73 mn end users 1st network operator 2 43.4 GW capacity 3 World’s largest private 46.4 GW capacity 4 player 3 in renewables 6.2 GW demand response Largest retail customer 70.4 mn customers 5 base in Europe 1. Data as of December 31 st , 2019 4 2. By number of customers. Publicly owned operators not included 3. By installed capacity. Includes managed capacity for 4.2 GW 4. It includes nuclear 5. Includes customers of free and regulated power and gas markets
Enel Chile Overview Leading the energy transition in Chile 4.7 GW capacity 63% emission free 13.8 TWh generation Leader in 16.5 GWh energy 69% emission free renewable with a distributed diversified portfolio 1.9 mn end users ~292k digital meters Indefinite concession in the capital city 2.7 GW capacity An important player 6.3 TWh generation EBITDA ¹ Highly flexible & efficient as a network US$ 1.4 bn operator Electric mobility 15.6 TWh regulated customers Expanding our free + 100 electric buses 10.2 TWh free customers customer base and Growth through new services, Better positioned to face the services business lines products and solutions liberalization of Chilean market 1. Data as of December 31, 2018. 5
Organization structure Enel Chile Shareholders ¹ Chile 19% Enel SpA Chilean Pension 2% Funds 4% US$ 6.5 bn ADRs (Citibank N.A.) Market Cap 2 93.5% 100.0% 99.1% 100.0% 62% Retail 14% Institutional Investors Green Power Generación Chile Distribución Chile Enel X Unique and diversified investment vehicle enhancing the sustainable long-term value creation 6 1. As of May 31 st , 2019; excludes treasury stocks 2. Market Cap as of Jun 11 th , 2019
Enel Chile Attract active veness ss of Chilean Marke ket Lalackama Chile
Global Energy Perspective towards the Energy Transition Shifts leveraging the Energy Transition: ▪ Shift to renewables Energy transition ▪ Accelerated uptake of Electric Vehicles is a reality ▪ Accelerated electrification of residential (i.e. heat, cooking), and industry ▪ Improved efficiency gains and increased uptake of low emissions fuels ▪ More efficiency gains on recycling, low-emission feedstock in iron and steel production ▪ Increase of sustainability awareness, demanding low- emission and sustainable products and services 8 Source: Adapted from Mckinsey (2018)
Chile is well positioned to accelerate the Energy Transition ▪ Large renewable resource (noticeably solar and wind) Natural resources ▪ Vast resources associated with electrification (Copper and Lithium) ▪ Leading the coal power plants decommissioning in LatAm Regulatory evolution ▪ US-denominated power purchase agreements ▪ Urbanization and Three main urban centers concentrate nearly 70% of the population of Chile ▪ electrification Public-private projects for electric buses ▪ Empowered clients, with high willingness of digitalization Innovation / ▪ 2019 COP25 (Conference of the Parties) will be held in Santiago , Chile Energy ▪ Chile is better prepared in Latin America to tackle the energy transition opportunities transition 9
Enel Chile Key Key I Inv nves estment ment C Cons onside derations ons 10 Headquarter, Chile
Our competitive advantages supports our growth and leadership in the Chilean Market Generation Distribution Enel X Financials Well diversified mix of generation, with Indefinite concession in most New growth opportunities through Long-term contracts profile the largest presence of renewables . populated area in the country with new services, products and leading to revenue stability. the largest consumption. solutions. Efficient natural gas thermal capacity to Solid cash flow generation. mitigate hydrology risk. The most efficient distribution Boosting electric mobility, +100 Company in the country in terms of electric buses for public Increasing Dividend payout up to Largest NCRE¹ player in the country. energy losses. transportation system. 70% in 2020. Strong pipeline of projects to continue Leading digitalization process in Roll of opportunities, as Chile is Recognition from Rating supporting country development and Agencies. the national grid. better prepared in Latin America to Company’ value creation. assimilate the transition of the M&A opportunities in Distribution energy sector. Lower needs of maintenance capex business. implying in better profitability. Better positioned to face the Opportunity to sale energy outside liberalization of the Chilean market. Technology improvement benefits the concession area. NCRE load factors. Leader in the decarbonization process in Chile. Leading position in the Market 11 1. NCRE (Non Conventional Renewable Energy)
Enel Chile Ou Our S r Strat trategy Canela, Chile
Sustainable long-term value creation Development and Growth in automation of the network renewable capacity Promote digital Renewable at full speed networks as a key to a profitable and infrastructure in the completely energy transition decarbonized mix e-Mobility Urban infrastructure Boost the electrification of Lead cities transformation mobility to capture the through infrastructures and future value platforms 13 13
Generation capex: allocation in renewables projects Gross Capex Generation 2019-21 14% 1.6 Gross Capex 2019-21 Installed Capacity Evolution (MW) US$ bn 86% +12.1% 8,369 28 747 133 7,463 156 69 -158 Asset Management 41 1,239 Asset Development 492 69% 18% 63% 2.2 775 Renewable 642 75% Renewable Gross Capex Distribution 2019-21 US$ bn (2021) (2018) 3,704 3,548 7% 40% 2,740 2,582 30% 2018 Thermal Hydro Wind Solar Geothermal 2021 0.5 US$ bn Thermal Hydro Wind Solar Geothermal Asset Management Asset Development Customers 30% Asset Development Asset Management Customers 14 Generation’s investment plan is focused in increasing its renewable capacity up to 69% in 2021 (+1.1 GW)
Renewables (under construction) Valle del Sol and Chile Solar Renaico II wind farm solar farms +28 MW Geothermal - COD 2020 + 747 MW Solar - COD 2020-2021 + 133 MW Wind Cerro Pabellón extension - COD 2020 Strong renewable pipeline improving diversification 15 and mitigating risks
HPP Los Cóndores (under construction) 76%¹ already completed Located in San Clemente, Region of Maule - 150 MW run-of-river hydro plant - COD 2021 - ~ 600 GWh generated per year After 3 years of underground work in complex geological conditions, the excavation of the tunnel that will capture the water has been completed 16 1. As of March, 2019
Decarbonization Tarapacá Coal Power Plants closure timeline 158 MW Bocamina 2 Bocamina 1 Bocamina 1 | Bocamina 2 Tarapacá 128 MW 350 MW Up to 2040 Up to 2023 Up to 2020 Enel Chile is leading the decarbonization process in Chile 17
Our commercial strategy with highly contracted profile leading to margin stability Contracts profile (GWh/year) Active position in free clients to capture all market opportunities leveraging on portfolio flexibility 20.000 38% 42% 50% 39% 36% 15.000 Most of our production is covered with contracts until 2024 with prices around US$ 80/MWh and an average 10.000 duration of ~ 7 years. 62% 58% 50% 61% 64% 100% 5.000 0 New contracts served by new renewable capacity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Regulated customers Unregulated customers 18
Capex allocation in digitalization Gross Capex Generation 2019-21 14% 1.6 Gross Capex 2019-21 Energy Distributed (TWh) US$ bn 86% +12.7% Asset Management 18.6 Asset Development 2.2 18% 75% Gross Capex Distribution 2019-21 US$ bn 16.5 7% 40% 30% 0.5 US$ bn Asset Management Asset Development 2018 2021 Customers 30% Asset Development Asset Management Customers Capex of Distribution business is focused in facing the electric market transformation, 19 converting the grid into a digital network
Enel Distribution Located in a premium area Enel Distribución Chile Empresa Eléctrica Colina Clients Market Share¹ 1.9 Metropolitan area >40% Luz Andes million SAIDI LTM² Energy losses 2018 2018 Enel Distribución Chile 5.0% 178 min Indefinite concession period Premium presence to leverage other business 20 1. In Distributed Energy 2. System Average Interruption Duration Index (Last 12-month)
Enel X National presence 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Electric 2 76 285 Public lighting (‘000) 259 275 234 buses Charging e-Home services 2 (‘000) 63 221 540 31.0 114.5 50.8 points 1 Enel X addresses customers needs with new services and electric mobility Opportunities outside the concession area 1. Stock in 2017 : 63 private & public charging station for electric vehicles. Stock in 2018: 147 public & private charging station plus 74 bus charging station. 2. A ctive contracts in the year for Micro Insurance in B2C segment 21
Enel Chile Fi Fina nanc ncial hi highl ghlight ghts Valle dos Vientos, Chile
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