Port Dalhousie Secondary Plan & Heritage Conservation District Study Public Meeting October 25, 2017 Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. Brook McIlroy Inc. Catherine Nasmith Architect BA Consulting Group Ltd
Meeting Agenda • Presentation • Draft Secondary Plan • Draft Heritage Conservation District Plan • Questions • Workshop • one worksheet deals with the draft Secondary Plan • one worksheet deals with the draft Heritage Conservation District Plan • Reporting Back • Next Steps
Purpose of the Study • Prepare a Secondary Plan for the commercial core and harbour areas which includes urban design parameters that help to identify and shape the character of the area • Prepare a new Heritage Conservation Sub-District Plan for the non-residential portion of the Port Dalhousie community • Address parking and transportation issues
Study Area
Draft Secondary Plan Vision The Port Dalhousie Commercial Core and Harbour Area (CCHA) is part of a distinct lakeside village community with: • a diversity of uses • vibrant retail, service and tourist businesses • a meaningful public realm • significant views of water, open space and historic landmarks • conserved and enhanced heritage buildings and landscapes
Draft Secondary Plan Vision cont’d • multiple opportunities for waterfront access and public recreation • an accessible, connected pedestrian and bicycling network, and • high quality design that is contextually sensitive The Vision is intended manage change to ensure an appropriate balance is maintained between growth that strengthens the vitality of the area and the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage resources that make Port Dalhousie unique.
Draft Secondary Plan Guiding Principles • Connect with the waterfront • Protect and enhance the character • Improve connections to the lake and harbour edges • Create a place for business • Conserve our heritage • Celebrate what we have • Make it easy to move around • Enhance and enliven the open space and harbour areas. • Instill design excellence
Draft Secondary Plan
Draft Secondary Plan Community Commercial • Ground floor size of commercial uses should be limited to approximately 400 sq metres (4300 sq ft) to prohibit large format retail uses • Individual retail commercial units should be restricted to a maximum width of 12 m to maintain fine grained streetscape character. Retail units wider than 12 m will prepare an urban design brief to show how it maintains an active public realm, visual rhythm and street character.
Draft Secondary Plan Community Commercial • Require new development to provide ground floor non-residential uses adjacent to Locke Street, Lakeport Road and Hogan’s Alley (except for a ground floor residential lobby or residential component of live-work units • On-going, active use of Dalhousie House will help to ensure the economic viability of maintaining and conserving it. Additional commercial, recreational, or institutional uses may be permitted in the zoning bylaw.
Draft Secondary Plan Community Commercial • Continue to recognize the permissions granted by Ontario Municipal Board for the lands at 16 Lock Street and 12 Lakeport Road • A new development application has been submitted for the site and will be reviewed under the policies that existed at the time the application was submitted and deemed complete. A public meeting regarding the application was held Sept 27.
Draft Secondary Plan Community Commercial Western Harbour Area. • Respect the historic building scale and massing with Lincoln Fabrics building remaining the most prominent building • Demonstrate how new buildings fit within the surrounding context • Provide direct public waterfront access that extends the length of the harbour • Maintain the nautical and industrial heritage character of the area • Preserve view corridors from Lakeport Road towards the water • Provide landscaping to create a gateway to the commercial core on Lakeport Road • Create cohesive landscape design • Promote active transportation
Draft Secondary Plan Built Form • Use of Section 37 (Bonusing) has not been included. • New buildings on Lock Street east of Main Street will be encouraged to maintain the existing street wall and a minimum height of 2 storeys at the street. Existing single storey buildings are permitted. • Maintain existing view corridors to the water, public spaces and historic landmarks. • New development may require an urban design brief to identify how it respects the historic building scale and massing, and animates the ground floor level
Draft Secondary Plan
Draft Secondary Plan Parkland and Open Space • Enhance user experiences and facilities at existing parks and maintain the carousel • Encourage expanded open space opportunities east of Lakeport Road in the harbour area including enhancement of Lakeport Point Park. Provide a mixture of passive and active recreational opportunities which encourage year round park usage. Uses should augment rather than compete with uses in Lakeside Park, take advantage of its prominent location and ensure views and vistas of the harbour are maintained.
Draft Secondary Plan Parkland and Open Space • Permitted uses on the east side of the harbour which are currently designated Parkland and Open Space, will be expanded to support and enhance the harbour and tourist functions to increase activity level and facilitate greater year round use. Cultural facilities and recreational uses which support the tourism and leisure function of the area are encouraged. Stand-alone restaurants that take advantage of the harbour views may be permitted.
Draft Secondary Plan Transportation and Parking Community Commercial: • Parking facilities should be below-grade or in above-grade parking structures screened by at-grade uses. Parking facilities will be screened from adjacent residential uses. • Shared parking is encouraged where a mix of land uses is proposed in order to reduce the overall number of parking spaces, if appropriate. Reduced parking standards may be considered where shared parking is available, and bicycle parking is provided.
Draft Secondary Plan Transportation and Parking • Active transportation will be encouraged particularly during peak parking demand periods and events. • The City will consider public transit incentives or increased and/or more direct transit service to the area during summer months to encourage greater transit usage. • The City will examine the opportunity to provide a convenient link between the east and west harbour parking areas, by way of water taxi, shuttle bus, or a pedestrian/ multi-use bridge.
Draft Secondary Plan Urban Design • In the Commercial Core • new infill development will be compatible with, but not mimic, existing buildings • development will align with current setbacks. • In the Western Harbour area • New buildings above 3 storeys should have a 3 m stepback on all sides • Buildings should be well spaced to allow for significant public outdoor space • Surface parking should be limited • In the Eastern Harbour area • Mitigate impacts of large surface parking areas • New building should frame Lighthouse Road, reflect the nautical and historic character of he area and maintain views to the water
Heritage Conservation District
HCD Plan Update Need for Update • Port Dalhousie Conservation District Boundary was adopted in 2002 • Existing Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study and Guideline was passed before the 2005, 2009 changes to Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) so they do not meet the current OHA Study or Plan requirements, and are advisory only • HCD Plan for Sub-District of Port Dalhousie Heritage Conservation District has been drafted to be adopted under Section 41.1(1) of the current Ontario Heritage Act
OHA Requirements • Objectives of the Plan (Chapter 4) • Statement of District Significance (Chapter 7) • Description of the heritage attributes of the District and properties in the District, Chapter (Chapters 6, 8, 9) • Additional policies, guidelines and procedures for meeting the objectives and managing change in the District, (Chapters 10 and 11) • A description of alterations, and maintenance matters that may be carried out without a heritage permit. (Chapter 11)
Objectives of the HCD Plan • To describe and propose effective methods to conserve and enhance the heritage values, character and attributes. • To enhance the vitality of the Core Commercial Area through conservation of resources and historic fine grained development patterns. • To ensure that Official Plan and by-laws, including zoning by-laws, encourage the above. • To develop guidelines, policies and implementation procedures. • To guide new development to avoid adverse impacts on the heritage fabric and traditional historic patterns.
HCD Principles Principle 1 Conserve significant landscape features that define the broader cultural heritage character of the 12 Mile Creek and Lake Ontario. 3 Character Areas • Plateau • Delta • Embankment
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