Por tland Har bor Dr e dge and CAD Ce ll Pr oje c t kshop South Por tland City Counc il Wor July 2 , 2019
Ag e nda 1. Intr oduc tions 2. Pr oje c t Ne e d 3. CAD Ce ll Ove r vie w 4. Dr e dge Ove r vie w 5. Pe r mitting 6. Costs and F unding 7. Sc he dule 8. Disc ussion
Proje c t Sta ke holde rs, Propone nts a nd Colla bora tion • Citie s o f Po rtla nd a nd So uth Po rtla nd • T he Po rtla nd Ha rb o r Co mmissio n • Ma ine De pa rtme nt o f T ra nspo rta tio n • F rie nds o f Ca sc o Ba y • T he Ca sc o Ba y E stua ry Pa rtne rship • Pie r a nd Ma rina Owne rs • L o b ste r a nd F ishing Co mmunity • T he Wa te rfro nt Allia nc e • Ma ine Co ng re ssio na l De le g a tio n
Why Dr e dge ? • Histor ic se dime ntation has made por tions of imme diate wate r fr ont unusable • Se dime nts not suitable for offshor e disposal • L e gac y c ontaminants in se dime nts impac ting be nthic c ommunity and wate r quality
Why Dre dg e ? All harbors needs dredging Aspasia Marina during an eventually astronomically low tide
Why Dre dg e ? South Portland’s vessel berthing assets are a regionally significant resource for boating and access to the water Over 900 Boat Slips Support multiple yards and boat service businesses
Dre dg e a nd CAD Ce ll Ove rvie w
Why a CAD Ce ll? • In 2008 Nor ma nde a u c omple te d Alte r na tive s Ana lysis. Additiona l a lte r na tive s e va lua te d a s pa r t of 1998 a nd 2013 E nvir onme nta l Asse ssme nts for Por tla nd Ha r bor Dr e dg e . • A CAD Ce ll is the most c ost e ffe c tive a nd e nvir onme nta lly sound disposa l option. Nor mande au 2008
CAD Ce ll F unda me nta ls CONCE PT • Be twe e n 250,000 and 300,000CY • 3:1 Slope in side s • ~ 50’ de e p be low c ur r e nt bottom
CAD Siting Criteria Technical considerations (Average) 1. Technical feasibility (CAD construction) 2. CAD Construction Cost 3. Area available for CAD (square footage) 4. Operational efficiency (during use of the CAD) 5. Influences on cap integrity 6. Land title Environmental/Habitat/Fisheries (Average) 7. Mapped shellfish beds 8. Water Quality (MEDEP rating) 9. Tidal Wading Bird Waterfowl Habitat 10. Lobster fishery (greater the effort the lower the score) Permitting/Public Feedback/Public Uses (Average) 11. State and Federal Agency feedback 12. Public uses (proximity to residential/recreational uses) 13. Public feedback 14. Navigational impacts (Federal Channel, moorage…) Scoring Stakeholder Meeting July 18, 2016
CAD Ce ll -49 MLLW (with 1FT OD to - 9.5 acres 50MLLW) : 278,810 Cubic Yard 800’x (400- Capacity 600’ wide)
Ge ote c hnic a l Boring / Sub- Bottom Profiling
CAD Ce ll Site Conditions Site Characterization January 2017 Lobster Survey December 2017
CAD RIM Suitability Suitability Determination Remaining 14,000 cubic yards Testing requirements
T a rg e t Dre dg e Are a s • Owne r o utre a c h a nd dre dg e fe e db a c k • 32 pie r/ wa te rfro nt o wne rs • Dre dg e fo o tprints/ vo lume s fo r pe rmitting a nd CAD sizing • Ove r ha lf o f c urre nt dre dg e vo lume fro m So uth Po rtla nd
Dre dg e Site Conditions
Sa mpling a nd Ana lysis Sa mple lo c a tio ns prio ritize d b a se d o n the fo llo wing : • Re pre se nta tive dre dg e de pth • L o c a tio n re la tive to CSO o r sto rm-wa te r o utfa ll/ histo ric a l use • I nne r a nd o ute r po rtio n o f dre dg e a re a • 30 vib ra c o re lo c a tio ns • 15 c o mpo site sa mple s
Vib ra c o re Sa mpling
E e lg ra ss Surve ys
L o b ste r Surve ys
Applic a tions • Multiple pe r mitting pr oje c t me e tings with age nc ie s • Umbr e lla pe r mit by the Por tland Har bor Commission for whar ve s and mar inas • CAD Ce ll pe r mit thr ough the City of Por tland and South Por tland • Subme r ge d L ands Dr e dge L e ase s
Project Costs and Funding Up to 278,000 cubic yards of material Approximate Dredge Costs $15,000,000 Approximate CAD Costs $15,000,000 Funding Sources (assumed) Municipal Funds (Portland and South Portland) Tipping Fees – Private and Public State Transportation Bond Funds Federal “BUILD” Grant (TIGER) Federal Port Infrastructure Discretionary Grant
Proje c t Sc he dule • Pe r mit submittals- Oc tobe r 2019 • Pe r mits r e c e ive d- May 2020 • BUIL D gr ant applic ation- July 2020 • CAD c e ll c onstr uc tion- winte r 2021/ 2022 • Har bor dr e dging- 2022- 2027
Disc ussion/ Que stions
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