points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on

Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on Points to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on Points to ponder

  1. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  2. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  3. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  4. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  5. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  6. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  7. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  8. Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…

  9. L ets Talk Philanthropy : Womenomics Presented by: Suzanne T. Allen Ph.D., President, Philanthropy Ohio Nichole Dunn, President and CEO, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio Meghan Cummings, CFRE, Development Officer, The Women’s Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

  10. Welcome Tiffani Gottlieb

  11. H ow the Webinar Works All phone lines are muted to eliminate background noise during the webinar. This webinar is being recorded. If you arrive late, leave early or miss any part, you can watch what you missed at your convenience. All recordings are placed on the members side of the Philanthropy Ohio website.

  12. H ow the Webinar Works To ask a question use the Chat Box. Only the chairperson and To ask a question use the Chat Box. Only the chairperson and presenters can see your questions. presenters can see your questions.

  13. H ow the Webinar Works If you cannot see the Chat Box. Click the button on the top If you cannot see the Chat Box. Click the button on the top left hand corner that says “Chat” to open this feature. left hand corner that says “Chat” to open this feature.

  14. Welcome Jessica H oward Membership Services Associate, Marketing & Communications

  15. H ow the Webinar Works Chat with us on… facebook.com/philanthropyohio @philanthropyO H (hashtag: #O H philTalks)

  16. H ow the Webinar Works To maximize your screen click on “full screen”. To maximize your screen click on “full screen”.

  17. H ow the Webinar Works All phone lines are muted to eliminate background noise during the webinar. This webinar is being recorded. If you arrive late, leave early or miss any part, you can watch what you missed at your convenience. All recordings are placed on the members side of the Philanthropy Ohio website.

  18. H ow the Webinar Works All phone lines are muted to eliminate background noise during the webinar. This webinar is being recorded. If you arrive late, leave early or miss any part, you can watch what you missed at your convenience. All recordings are placed on the members side of the Philanthropy Ohio website.

  19. H ow the Webinar Works • If you experience any technical difficulties during the call…

  20. H ow the Webinar Works • If you experience any technical difficulties during the call… – dial back at the number we provided – contact the ReadyTalk helpdesk at 800.843.9166 – Go to ReadyTalk.com and chat with a representative online.

  21. H ow the Webinar Works • If you experience any technical difficulties during the call… – dial back at the number we provided – contact the ReadyTalk helpdesk at 800.843.9166 – Go to ReadyTalk.com and chat with a representative online.

  22. H ow the Webinar Works • If you experience any technical difficulties during the call… – dial back at the number we provided – contact the ReadyTalk helpdesk at 800.843.9166 – Go to ReadyTalk.com and chat with a representative online.

  23. L et’s Talk Philanthropy Suzanne T. Allen Ph.D. President, Philanthropy Ohio

  24. L et’s Talk Philanthropy Meghan Cummings, CFRE Development Officer The Women’s Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

  25. L et’s Talk Philanthropy Nichole Dunn President and CEO The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio Meghan Cummings, CFRE Development Officer The Women’s Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

  26. Goldman Sachs: 10,000 Women Initiative Womenomics: The Case for investing in women and girls within Emerging Markets, from Katie Koch September 2013

  27. Goldman Sachs: 10,000 Women Initiative Womenomics: The Case for investing in women and girls within Emerging Markets, from Katie Koch September 2013

  28. Goldman Sachs: 10,000 Women Initiative Womenomics: The Case for investing in women and girls within Emerging Markets, from Katie Koch September 2013

  29. Goldman Sachs: 10,000 Women Initiative Womenomics: The Case for investing in women and girls within Emerging Markets, from Katie Koch September 2013

  30. Nationally Locally Women who work full time earn 81 cents for every Women who work fill time earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns dollar a man earns Women participate in the workforce Women participate in the work force at a rate of 58% at a rate of 63% Women experience unemployment Women experience unemployment at a rate of 8% at a rate of 7% Median income for a woman working Median income for a woman working full time is $36,476 full time is $40,362

  31. D isparity in Earnings A gender disparity in earnings makes it even more difficult for households to meet their basic needs budgets. Women earn more as their educational attainment rises, $77,026 yet still lag behind men: $61,195 $57,916 $40,811 $41,917 Women $32,188 $30,224 Men $21,597 $23,452 $14,029 < High school High school degree Some college Bachelor's degree Graduate degree degree

  32. Where We Stand Columbus MSA: 15.4% in poverty Cincinnati MSA: 14% in poverty Poverty Rates based on 2011 US Census

  33. Where We Stand C incinnati ranks second in the nation for children in poverty. Two out of three children in poverty in our region live in female-headed households.

  34. B asic Needs B udgets for different types of Central Ohio households (2011 dollars) A nnual basic needs Monthly basic Requires hourly Which is this far from the federal budget is… needs budget is… wage of… poverty level… Single mother, two $44,423 $3,702 $21.36/hr 240% of poverty children Single mother, one $34,466 $2,872 $16.57/hr 234% of poverty child Single woman, living $20,358 $1,697 $9.79/hr 187% of poverty alone With these “Basic Needs Budgets” in mind, we then accessed U.S. C ensus Bureau data to estimate the number of households that are not economically secure.

  35. P ositive Social Change for Women’s Economic Status The economic status of women in Ohio can be positively impacted through efforts in a few key areas. • Education • Education • Living Wage • Workplace Policies • Employment • Family Structure • Childcare • Childcare

  36. I nvesting in Women E conomic development grant dollars aimed at women and girls accounted for slightly more than 5 perce nt in 2005 and n o t eve n o n e half o f o n e perce nt in 2008. Spotlight on E conomic Development Grantmaking in Ohio, The Foundation C enter, March 2011

  37. I nvest in women, change the landscape Bringing a gender lens to grant making Gender analysis is a form of inquiry Gender analysis improves programs. Gender analysis does not explain everything. Grant Making with a Gender Lens: From Grant C raft – A service of The Foundation C enter

  38. “There is now overwhelming evidence that women’s empowerment and economic development has the most far reaching effect in improving the lives of all… men, women, and children.” A martya Sen Nobel Laureate and E conomist

  39. Q uestion and Answer Time • To ask a question… – Type your question into the Chat Box. – Ask a question by un-muting your line

  40. Q uestion and Answer Time • To ask a question… – Type your question into the Chat Box. – Ask a question by un-muting your line To un-mute, press the star key (*) and 7.

  41. Q uestion and Answer Time • To ask a question… – Type your question into the Chat Box. – Ask a question by un-muting your line To mute, press To un-mute, the star key press the star key (*) and 6. (*) and 7.

  42. Thank you for attending! Stay tuned for: • Change and Resilience – Webinar: Aug 27- 12 to 1pm • L ights! Camera! Action! – Webinar: Sept 24 – 12 to 1pm • Civic Dialogue Series for Emerging L eaders Featuring H eidi Jark – Cincinnati, Sept 30 th - 4:30-5:30pm

  43. C o nn ec t w ith u s! Facebook.com/philanthropyohio Twitter.com/philanthropyOH (#OHphilTalks) Linkedin.com/company/philanthropyohio p hilanth rop y o hi o.or g


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