plan act

Plan| ACT Routes and Schedules Service Expansion Plan (SEP) AC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Plan| ACT Routes and Schedules Service Expansion Plan (SEP) AC Transit Board of Directors Wednesday, October 14 9 Overview of Improvements Developed new routes and improved ones based on publics priorities: Fill in the grid.

  1. Plan| ACT Routes and Schedules Service Expansion Plan (SEP) AC Transit Board of Directors Wednesday, October 14 9

  2. Overview of Improvements Developed new routes and improved ones based on public’s priorities: Fill in the grid. • Increasing frequency, especially midday, evenings, and weekends Get you where you’re going. • Extend lines to major destinations Improve performance. • Adjust routes to reduce delay and improve reliability • Maximize resources like Road Supervision and restroom facilities by terminating in common locations 10

  3. Operator Benefits • Additional 160 operators to execute the SEP • Runtime added to all routes included in the plan • Shorter routes to ensure better schedule adherence and reliability • Simpler routes • Less turns to navigate and help with reliability • Replace loop routes and other confusing routes simpler routes • Terminate more routes at common endpoints with more convenient restroom access 11

  4. Before and After comparisons Existing Line 1/1R M6 Proposed Lines M3 M6 M7 M7 M3 12

  5. Proposed Route Profile Major Corridor PlaniACT M3 E.14th St San Leandro BART- Hayward BART 5:00am 15 20 12:00 am Activity Centers: • Downtown San Leandro • Bayfair C ente r • Downtown Hayward Ma j or Transit Hub Connections: • San Leandro BART • Bay Fair BART • Hayward BA RT Frequent Network Connections: • International ( M7 )* *Replaced ~·ith lntemational Bus • Hesperian Blvd ( M1 ) Rapid Transit (BRT), 2017 No rt h/ East Route: From Hay wa rd BA RT , Montgome ry , R A St, L Mission, E 14 th , L 159th ., R Coelho into Bay Fair BA RT. Coelho, L 159 th, L E. 14th, L Davis, L Hays, R W. Juana, R San Leandro, L San Leandro BART o 0.5 1 M il es B us every _ minutes Di sta n ce from B us line S ou th/West Ro ut e: From San Leandro BART into W. Juana, L Hays, R Da vis, R I I I I I I ' I I - s-s - 1s - 3o E. 14 th , R 159 th, Coelho, Bay Fair BART, Coelho, L 1 59•h , R E 14 'h , into Mission, 11 4 rrilo 0 Cleated by AC T r8Mll R B St, R Hayward BART Auguo.t 12 , 2015 - 1o -u 11 2 rrilo - 20 40 - 60 Plan ACT 13

  6. Proposed Route Profile Major Corridor PlaniACT M6 Telegraph Downtown Berkeley - Downtown Oakland 5:00am 10 12 12:00 am Activity Centers: • Downtown Berkeley • Temescal • UC Berkeley Campus • Downtown Oakland Major Transit Hub Connections: • Downtown Berkeley BART • 19th Street BART • Macarthur BART • 12th Str ee t BART • Uptown Tr ansit Center Frequent Network Connections: • 14 th - High Street (L 17) • Ashby (L21 ) • 51 A Broadway/Santa Clara • Inte rn at ional ( M7 )"' • College/University (M8) • Macarthur (M5) • 62 7th St/23 rd Av • Oakland/Park (L 16) • San Pablo/Macdonald (M4) • 52 Cedar-University • San Pablo Rapid (R1) • 40 Foothi ll •Replaced by lnternabonal Bus Rap1d 0.5 1 M il es Transit (BRT) 2017 0 Bus ev e ry_ minutes Distance fr om Bus Line I I I I I I I I - s-s - 1s - 30 N ort h Ro u te: From 10 th St, R Clay, R 11 "' . L Br oadway, L 2oth St , R Te legraph Av, l Ban cr oft, 114 mile 0 Cr eat ed byAC Tr a n!iOI R Shaii\Jck, R H ea rst. ,August 12. 201S 112 molt - 10-12 - 20 - 40-60 Sout h Rou t e: Fr om Hearst, R Oxford, R Un iv ersity, L Shattuck, l Durant, R Dana, L Dw ight, R Telegraph, L 20th S l, R Broadway, R 10th S t, To Washington Plan ACT 14

  7. ut~12 Aug Proposed Route Profile Major Corridor PlaniACT M7 International* Downtown Oakland- San Leandro BART 5:00am 8 10 12:00 am Activity Centers: • Dow nt own Oakland • Fruitvale District • Dow ntown San Leandro Ma j or Transit I Hub Connections: • 12th Street B AR T • Sa n Leandro B AR T • Fruitvale B AR T Frequent Network Connections: • San Pablo Rapid (R1) • 51 A Broadway/Sa nt a Clara • E. 14 th St (M3) • 62 7th SU23'd Av • San Pablo/Macdonald (M4) • 88 Sacramento • Te legraph ( M6 ) • 73 73rd-Hegenberger • 14 1h Street (L 17 ) *Replaced by lntemattonal Bus • Oakland/Park (L 16) Raptd Transit (BRT), 2017 • MLK Solano (L 23) 0 0.5 1 Mil es Bus every _ minutes Distance fr om Bus Li ne No rth/East Route: Via Je ff erson, R Washingt on , R MLK Jr, R 11 "' , into 1" Ave, R I II ' I II I I - s-s - 1s - 3 o I ntern ational, int o E .14'", R Davis, L San l ean dro Blvd, R into Sa n Leandro BART 1/4 nile () Created by AC Tran .. t . 2015 112 nile - 10 -1 2 - 20 4 0- 60 Sou th /W est R ou te: From Sa n L eandro BAR T, l San lean dro Bl vd, R Davis, L E .1 4' ". i nto I nt ernational , L 1"' Ave, L 12 "'. L Je ff erson to 11 u. Street Plan ACT 15

  8. Before and After comparisons Existing Line 11 Proposed Lines L16 L16 L28 L28 16

  9. n ~ h l and ~land Proposed Route Profile Frequent Local PlaniACT L 16 Oakland/Park Piedmont Montclair 6: 00am 15 20 12:00 am Activity Centers: • lnverlei th (until 10PM) • Lake Merritt • Adams Point • East Lake • Uptown • Montclair • Dow ntown Oakland • Piedmont Ma jor Transit Hub Connections: • 1 gth St BART • 12 1 h Street BART • Lake Merritt BART Freq ue nt Network Connections: San Pab lo Rap id ( R1 ) 51 A Broadway • 88 Sacramento San Pab lo/Macdonald ( M4 ) Macart hur [M5) • N L San Francisco Telegr aph ( M6 ) Replaced by lntema,KJnal Bus Rapid Transit 14" -H igh (L 17) (BRT) 2017 International ( M7 )' MLK/Solano (L23) 40 Foo th ill From Hig hland Ave: VIS High lan d Wy , R J.ighland Av , L Osldand, R Bay<~ Vista, L Harrison. lnlo 20th Sl, L Broadway, L 11th St. R Lake Merrill, L Into 1st. Into Lakeshore. R E. 18th St. L Pari<. L Mcurtain , Vee r R I nto 1 M il es 0 0.6 Bus every _ minutes Distance from Bus Une Mounf.lWl I I I I I From Montclair Vis ~tounlsi , L Medeu, L t.torsgs, I nto MO<.Wllain , R Park, R E. 1!1 "' St. L Lakeshore, Into 1 st Ave. Blvd, L 1 21h St. Rl Broactway. R 20th St . I nto l Harrison St. Into Oakland Av . R Highland Av, l Into Lake ~1eritl - s-s - 1s 30 V4 rrile 0 Created byAC Tran"' Wy For Ests1es Loop Co ntinue Vis. L Highland Av. R Hi Av, L Sheridan, l lilco ln. R Crocl<er, l .O..gust 12 , 20 IS 112 rrolt Hampton. R Estates. R lnver1eith Ter .. l Hampton. R Crocl<er. l Li ncol n. R Sheridan. R Highland Av . L Highland 10- 12 - zo - - 40 ·60 Wy To TerminaL Plan ACT 17

  10. s ter eb Proposed Route Profile Local PlaniACT L28 14th Ave Alameda Point- Dimond District 6:00am 30 30 10:00 pm Activity Centers: • Alameda Landing • Chinatown (Oakland) • Webster S tr eet • Laney College • College of Alameda • Eastlake Di st ri ct • Dow ntown Oakland • Dimond District Major Transit Hub Connections: • 12 1 h St reet BART • Lake Merritt BART Frequent Network Connections: International ( M7 )' 40 Foothill Telegra ph ( M6 ) 51 A Br oadway/Santa Clara Macarth ur (M 5) 62 ?Ill St12 Jtll Av San Pablo/Macdonald ( M4 ) 88 Sacramento Oakland/Park (L 16) NL San Fran ci sco San Pablo Rapid ( R1 ) 'Re placed with lnlemalional B us Rapid T ransit, MLK!Solano (L2. 3) 2017 No rt h/East Route: R F ruitv ale) l M acarth ur , L Beau mont , R into 14th Av e, R E. 12tn St 1 L S UI. Ave , R E. lO th Stree t, into 10 "' St , R Oak , l12"' St , R Broad w ay, l 7"' , R W eb st e r in to Webster T ube , R Willie Stargell , R 0 0.5 1 Mil es s tt., R Mitc he ll , i nto M ar ina Village, L Challenger, L Atlantic, l W ~ R Lincoln, in to M ars ha ll , in to Bus every_ minutes Distance fr om Bus line I I I I I Paci fic, R Main, l W M id way , l Pan Am, R W. Ran ge r - s-s - 1s -- 3o South/West R. oute c W Ran ge r, R Sara t oga , R W M idw ay, R Ma in, l Pacific, int o Ma rs ha l, in to li nc oln , l 114 nv le 0 Created byAC T ran!ill , R M arina Vill age, in to Mitc he ll, l Sth, L Willie S targe ll, l W ebster, L Sth , W e bster , R A tl antic , L Ch allen.ger !'ugust 12. 2015 112 nv lo - 10·12 -- 20 - 40·60 R Broad way, R 11m R M ad is on , L lO'IhSt, L SthAve 1 R E. 12 th St , L 14 th Av e 1 at E. 31rt , veer R14th Av e, R Mac art hur 1 R C hamp i on , R Mon tana to Fruitvale Plan ACT 18

  11. Before and After comparisons Existing Line L23 - Connect Downtown • 12 Oakland to Downtown Berkeley via MLK Jr Wy, Proposed Lines continuing to North Berkeley L20 and Albany via Shattuck and L23 Solano. Increase in span and frequency on MLK segments • L20 – Connect Jack London Square to Grand Lake District, Piedmont and Downtown Berkeley, continuing to North Berkeley and Gilman District. Increase in span and frequency on MLK segments 19

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