pipelining quality

Pipelining quality best practices, lessons learned and tools for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pipelining quality best practices, lessons learned and tools for continuous delivery processes 25. Oktober 2017, Markus Tiede Basler Versicherungen AG Wir machen Sie sicherer. Wir machen Sie sicherer. @MarkusTiede Wir machen Sie sicherer.

  1. Pipelining quality best practices, lessons learned and tools for continuous delivery processes 25. Oktober 2017, Markus Tiede – Basler Versicherungen AG Wir machen Sie sicherer. Wir machen Sie sicherer.

  2. @MarkusTiede Wir machen Sie sicherer.

  3. Bird's eye view http://www.datacenterjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/devops111116.png 25.10.17 www.baloise.ch 3

  4. 01 Galileo „ OOTB approach n large-scale insurance enterprise project n 4 products CM Portal n 8 Scrum teams for "customization" n ± 75 people n POs, SMs, Architects, Developer, Tester, Business Analysts n 1-2 team(s) per product n cross-functional team(s): integration, release www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 4

  5. 02 Overall process „ "classic" SCRUM n two week sprints (sync) n but: harmonized releases n decoupled from sprint(s) n everything digital n knowledge / documentation base n deeply integrated / coupled n application lifecycle n CRs, User Stories, Bugs, … n SourceCodeManagement n Continuous Integration www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 5

  6. 03 A journey to production „ knowledge and automation is key: Confluence Dashboard www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 6

  7. 04 Jenkins pipelines ( scripted and declarative ) „ orchestration of environment(s) – CI as code (Job DSL) LB / SSO PC BC CM Portal o1 o1 o1 o1 o2 o2 o2 o2 coo coo coo o3 www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 7

  8. 05 Agile testing pyramid (per coordinate) „ goal: fail fast / fail early www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 8

  9. LB / SSO PC BC CM Portal 06 Coordinates (stack : env) o1 o1 o1 o1 „ allow (massive) parallism + bubbling o2 o2 o2 o2 coo coo coo o3 TEST INT ACC PROD Project+0 TEST INT ACC Project+1 TEST INT ACC Project+2 TEST INT Project+3 12 x 12 = 144 individual nodes www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 9

  10. TEST INT ACC PROD Project+0 07 Releases TEST INT ACC Project+1 „ different flavours TEST INT ACC Project+2 TEST INT n MAJ.MIN.MIC.FIX Project+3 n HOTFIX ( e.g. ) n 8 – 12h (full regression) n MICRO n < 1 week n MINOR n < 1 month n MAJOR n < 1 year www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 10

  11. 08 Change and data flow „ multi-master branches and tags per repo www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 11

  12. 09 Change and data flow „ "Golden master / copy"-approach Project+0 TEST INT ACC PROD Project+1 TEST INT ACC Project+2 TEST INT ACC Project+3 TEST INT www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 12

  13. 10 Tools „ inspection, analysis, monitoring n low level – log mining n high level – "pure path" analysis n custom level – knowledge graph www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 13

  14. 11 2do „ aka – pain points n Environment as code n Puppet, Anisble & Co n Code Review per Feature Branch n automated and manual n (Test) Data Management n all or nothing – x TB of data n Highly interconnected data n Legacy systems / processes (Batches) www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 14

  15. 12 Summary „ take away n 100% digital – linked resources; knowledge base n simultanuous release (train) vs. agile shippable artifact n Multi-(Stack)-(Jenkins)-Pipelines n Agile Test-Pyramid n SCM „tag“ driven deployments n Data Management: Golden Data / Master approach n Build your own knowledge graph: neo4j www.baloise.ch 25.10.17 15

  16. https://github.com/baloise Making you safer.

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