Piner er S Stad adium F Fiel eld Lights Project Status Update
Backgr kgrou ound This project consists of: Stadium Lighting PA system and speakers Sound wall – Required by Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Site improvements: Site Paving (ADA Requirements) and Landscaping The project is partially Owner Furnished-Contractor Installed, which means that the District will direct purchase the lighting and appurtenant equipment and a contractor will install it. The balance of the work; site work and landscaping, PA/speaker system and concrete sound wall will be included in the bidding contractor’s scope of work.
Statu tus a s as of 5/ 5/10 10/1 /17 The Musco Lighting for this project was board approved. The construction documents are 80% complete. DSA submission scheduled for May 24, 2017 Tentative date range for DSA approval is July 12 – August 16. Bidding schedule is as follows; ◦ 1 st Advertisement June 6 ◦ 2 nd Advertisement June 13 ◦ Pre-Bid Job Walk June 15 ◦ Contractor Q&A/Addenda June 15 – 20 ◦ Bids Due June 27
Lightin ing (Example le)
Pre reca cast st C Concrete Fe Fence Required by Environmental Impact Report Used to deflect sound from neighborhood homes Average wall height 12’ Meets California Environmental Quality Act BASE SCOPE: 10-13 FT HIGH FENCE LOCATION (CEQA) requirements ADJACENT TO TRACK & FOOTBALL FIELD
Prec ecas ast C Concrete F e Fence ( e (Exam ample) e) Samples – For Illustrative Purposes
Mileston ones es Completion of Construction Documents May 23 DSA Submission May 24 Bidding Process June 6 – 22 Estimated DSA Approval July 12 – August 16 Board Approval for Contract Award TBD after DSA Approval Construction Timeframe 2-3 Months
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