pima county transportation advisory committee regional

Pima County Transportation Advisory Committee Regional Local Road - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pima County Transportation Advisory Committee Regional Local Road Repair Program October 24, 2017 Recommended Project Presentation 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 1 of 38 REVISED TABLE 4 AFTER RATING DATA UPDATE Table 4 -

  1. Pima County Transportation Advisory Committee Regional Local Road Repair Program October 24, 2017 Recommended Project Presentation 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 1 of 38

  2. REVISED TABLE 4 AFTER RATING DATA UPDATE Table 4 - Condition, Type, and Treatment Costs for Unincorporated Pima County Treatment Cost Per Condition Arterial Collector Local Total Cost Type Mile Unrated 2 2 62 66 Failed 8 109 212 329 Rehabilitation $246,400 $81,065,600 Poor 90 201 582 873 Rehabilitation $246,400 $215,107,200 Fair 16 28 119 163 Major Seal Coat $70,400 $11,475,200 Good 47 60 102 208 Minor Seal Coat $26,400 $5,491,200 Very Good 37 32 158 227 Nothing $0 $0 200 432 1235 1866 $313,139,200 Total Miles 2,135 Total Paved Miles 1,866 Paved Miles 1,866 Arterial Miles 200 Dirt Miles 269 Collector Miles 432 Local Miles 1,235 Table 4 (REVISED) - Condition, Type, and Treatment Costs for Unincorporated Pima County Treatment Cost Per Condition Arterial Collector Local Total Cost Type Mile Unrated 4 5 15 24 Failed 8 109 258 375 Rehabilitation $246,400 $92,400,000 Poor 90 201 636 927 Rehabilitation $246,400 $228,412,800 Fair 16 28 149 193 Major Seal Coat $70,400 $13,587,200 Good 47 60 97 204 Minor Seal Coat $26,400 $5,385,600 Very Good 37 31 81 149 Nothing $0 $0 202 434 1236 1872 $339,785,600 Total Miles 2,141 Total Paved Miles 1,872 Paved Miles 1,872 Arterial Miles 202 Dirt Miles 269 Collector Miles 434 Local Miles 1,236 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 2 of 38

  3. DETAIL OF PASER 5 AND PASER 4 CHANGES AFTER DATA UPDATE INITIAL DATA UPDATED DATA PASER 5 PASER 4 PASER 5 PASER 4 # Miles % total # Miles % total # Miles % of Total # Miles % of Total 83 32.5% 196 51.4% 140 47.9% 124 42.7% 21 8.2% 9 2.4% 18 6.1% 7 2.4% 65 25.5% 92 24.1% 61 20.7% 78 26.8% 55 21.6% 57 15.0% 48 16.5% 55 18.9% 31 12.2% 27 7.1% 26 8.7% 27 9.2% 255 100.0% 381 100.0% 292 100.0% 290 100.0% 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 3 of 38

  4. METHODOLOGY OF USING PASER RATINGS PER BOS DISTRICT TO DETERMINE ACCELERATED FUNDING ALLOCATION Very Good Good Fair Poor Failed Unrated Total Miles DISTRICT # Miles % Miles # Miles % Miles # Miles % Miles # Miles % Miles # Miles % Miles # Miles % Miles BOS1 12 14.8% 11 11.3% 35 23.3% 279 43.9% 110 42.5% 3 21.4% 450 BOS2 3 3.7% 7 7.2% 11 7.3% 30 4.7% 13 5.0% 2 14.3% 66 BOS3 30 37.0% 31 32.0% 38 25.3% 156 24.5% 51 19.7% 2 14.3% 308 BOS4 30 37.0% 38 39.2% 53 35.3% 113 17.8% 64 24.7% 7 50.0% 305 BOS5 6 7.4% 10 10.3% 13 8.7% 58 9.1% 21 8.1% 0 0.0% 108 TOTAL 81 100.0% 97 100.0% 150 100.0% 636 100.0% 259 100.0% 14 100.0% 1237 PASER 7 PASER 6 PASER 5 PASER 4 PASER 3‐1 PASER 4‐1 DISTRICT # Miles % total # Miles % total # Miles % total # Miles % total # Miles % total # Miles % total BOS01 12 14.8% 35 23.3% 83 32.5% 196 51.4% 110 42.5% 283 54.3% BOS02 3 3.7% 11 7.3% 21 8.2% 9 2.4% 13 5.0% 16 3.0% BOS03 30 37.0% 38 25.3% 65 25.5% 92 24.1% 51 19.7% 87 16.7% BOS04 30 37.0% 53 35.3% 55 21.6% 57 15.0% 64 24.7% 105 20.1% BOS05 6 7.4% 13 8.7% 31 12.2% 27 7.1% 21 8.1% 31 5.9% Total 81 100.0% 150 100.0% 255 100.0% 381 100.0% 259 100.0% 521 100.0% 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 4 of 38

  5. EXAMPLE OF DATA SETS BEING REVIEWED 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 5 of 38

  6. SUMMARY OF YEAR 1 – BASE AND ACCELERATED FUNDING YEAR 1 BASE ‐ ADT/Length DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles BASE $ % of Total ACLRD $ Total $ % of Total BOS01 33 2,850 16.64 $1,290,121 35.8% $26,359 $1,316,480 34.4% BOS02 5 438 3.07 $201,806 5.6% $41,252 $243,058 6.3% BOS03 20 1,458 11.43 $911,734 25.3% $2,524 $914,258 23.9% BOS04 15 1,101 11.31 $886,508 24.6% $26,691 $913,199 23.9% BOS05 4 745 5.57 $313,522 8.7% $127,818 $441,340 11.5% TOTAL 77 6,592 48.02 $3,603,691 100.0% $224,645 $3,828,336 100.0% YEAR 1 ACCELERATED ‐ ADT/FT DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles ACLRD $ % of ACLRD Total $ Used % of Total Difference BOS01 19 1,448 15.16 $1,337,861 32.5% $1,335,292 32.7% $2,570 BOS02 6 445 4.52 $338,495 8.2% $329,946 8.1% $8,549 BOS03 13 845 11.17 $1,047,723 25.5% $1,044,659 25.6% $3,063 BOS04 14 638 10.51 $886,534 21.6% $882,353 21.6% $4,181 BOS05 3 670 6.21 $499,683 12.2% $492,019 12.0% $7,664 TOTAL 55 4,046 47.57 $4,110,296 100.0% $4,084,269 100.0% $26,027 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 6 of 38

  7. SUMMARY OF YEAR 2 – BASE AND ACCELERATED FUNDING YEAR 2 BASE ‐ ADT/Length DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles BASE $ % of Total ACLRD $ Total $ % of Total BOS01 13 988 14.38 $1,290,121 35.8% $67,630 $1,357,751 33.7% BOS02 5 127 2.51 $201,806 5.6% $12,007 $213,813 5.3% BOS03 7 639 11.66 $911,734 25.3% $277,569 $1,189,303 29.5% BOS04 10 512 11.56 $886,508 24.6% $28,783 $915,291 22.7% BOS05 4 472 5.28 $313,522 8.7% $36,704 $350,226 8.7% TOTAL 39 2,738 45.39 $3,603,691 100.0% $422,693 $4,026,384 100.0% YEAR 2 ACCELERATED ‐ ADT/FT DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles ACLRD $ % of ACLRD Total $ Used % of Total Difference BOS01 12 948 15.13 $1,273,398 32.5% $1,265,923 32.9% $7,476 BOS02 7 176 1.21 $322,185 8.2% $298,051 7.8% $24,134 BOS03 8 1,123 8.27 $997,240 25.5% $990,422 25.8% $6,818 BOS04 12 1,346 5.41 $843,818 21.6% $820,822 21.4% $22,996 BOS05 9 342 5.88 $475,607 12.2% $468,577 12.2% $7,030 TOTAL 48 3,935 35.90 $3,912,248 100.0% $3,843,795 100.0% $68,453 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 7 of 38

  8. SUMMARY OF YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2 YEAR 1 BASE $ ACLRD $ ACLRD $ DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles DIFFERENCE ALLOCATED ALLOCATED USED BOS01 52 4,298 31.8 $1,290,121 $1,364,220 $1,361,651 $2,570 BOS02 11 883 7.6 $201,806 $379,747 $371,198 $8,549 BOS03 33 2,303 22.6 $911,734 $1,050,247 $1,047,184 $3,063 BOS04 29 1,739 21.8 $886,508 $913,225 $909,044 $4,181 BOS05 7 1,415 11.8 $313,522 $627,501 $619,837 $7,664 TOTAL 132 10,638 95.6 $3,603,691 $4,334,941 $4,308,914 $26,027 YEAR 2 BASE $ ACLRD $ ACLRD $ DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles DIFFERENCE ALLOCATED ALLOCATED USED BOS01 25 1,936 29.5 $1,290,121 $1,341,028 $1,333,552 $7,476 BOS02 12 303 3.7 $201,806 $334,192 $310,058 $24,134 BOS03 15 1,762 19.9 $911,734 $1,274,808 $1,267,991 $6,818 BOS04 22 1,858 17.0 $886,508 $872,601 $849,605 $22,996 BOS05 13 814 11.2 $313,522 $512,311 $505,281 $7,030 TOTAL 87 6,673 81.3 $3,603,691 $4,334,941 $4,266,488 $68,453 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 8 of 38

  9. SUMMARY OF YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2 COMBINED TOGETHER YEARS 1 AND 2 COMBINED BASE $ ACLRD $ ACLRD $ DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles DIFFERENCE ALLOCATED ALLOCATED USED BOS01 77 6,234 61.3 $2,580,242 $2,705,248 $2,695,203 $10,045 BOS02 23 1,186 11.3 $403,612 $713,940 $681,256 $32,683 BOS03 48 4,065 42.5 $1,823,468 $2,325,055 $2,315,175 $9,881 BOS04 51 3,597 38.8 $1,773,016 $1,785,826 $1,758,649 $27,177 BOS05 20 2,229 23.0 $627,044 $1,139,812 $1,125,118 $14,694 TOTAL 219 17,311 176.9 $7,207,382 $8,669,881 $8,575,401 $94,480 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 9 of 38

  10. YEAR 1 BASE ‐ ADT/Length DISTRICT # SUBD # PARCELS # Miles BASE $ % of Total ACLRD $ Total $ % of Total BOS01 33 2,850 16.64 $1,290,121 35.8% $26,359 $1,316,480 34.4% BOS02 5 438 3.07 $201,806 5.6% $41,252 $243,058 6.3% BOS03 20 1,458 11.43 $911,734 25.3% $2,524 $914,258 23.9% BOS04 15 1,101 11.31 $886,508 24.6% $26,691 $913,199 23.9% BOS05 4 745 5.57 $313,522 8.7% $127,818 $441,340 11.5% TOTAL 77 6,592 48.02 $3,603,691 100.0% $224,645 $3,828,336 100.0% 10/24/2017 PCDOT PRESENTATION 5 20171024 v1 Page 10 of 38


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