Pict cturing t the M Museum Melanie M Masserant LBSCI 7 757 Fall 2 2011 ¡
http://images.library. y.amnh.org/photos/index.html
Di Digitization P Purpose: • Highlight 1,000 images from the late 19 th through late 20 th Centuries • Initiate internal support for digitizing the Museum’s vast Photographic Collection • Pilot project was used as a test-run for future digitization efforts ¡
Di Digitization P Proce cess
1. 1. Fu Fundin ing—2007 Metro grant 2. 2. Staffin Staffing—Part-time cataloger & scanning technician 3. 3. Select cting & & p prepping m materials—Negatives were scanned and uploaded to match the logbook data already imported into the database 4. 4. Eq Equipment—Epson Perfection V750-M Pro flatbed scanner, MAC Pro work station, Color Edge Color Calibration LCD Monitor with hood, Eye One Calibration hardware, and anti-newton ring glass for problem images 5. 5. Tech chnica cal s speci cifica cations—Glass plate and black and white were captured in 16-bit grayscale, TIFF files at archival size corresponding NARA recommendations 6. 6. Workflow p proce cedures—Clean & prep image, scan emulsion-side down, make corrections in Photoshop, and file naming standards (numbers) 7. 7. Cataloging t the i image —Descriptive data fields included the following: Image number, size, title, original photographer, date, geographic location, and permanent hall, and expedition.
Payo yoff What worked: 1. Successful website with metadata for each image 2. Institutional support for future digitization projects such as the Jesup Expedition 3. Collection is now accessible for students and scholars studying education, local history, museology, and visual representation What didn’t work: 1. Difficult to make corrections on database 2. Digital preservation standards still not established
Thank yo you!
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