pi mu epsilon induction ceremony

Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony WA Epsilon Chapter at Gonzaga - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony WA Epsilon Chapter at Gonzaga University April 22nd, 2015 The Shield, Pin, and Seal the shield is divided into four regions violet: beauty present in the study, development, and application of mathematics

  1. Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony WA Epsilon Chapter at Gonzaga University April 22nd, 2015

  2. The Shield, Pin, and Seal the shield is divided into four regions ◮ violet: beauty present in the study, development, and application of mathematics ◮ summation: discrete ◮ integral: continuous ◮ three stars: community, integrity, and truth surrounded by the Fleur de Lis is the pin TEN PAIDEUSIN KAI TA MATHEMATA EPISPEUDEIN ◮ To Promote Scholarship and Mathematics Triangular rim with a raised oblong. Raised still higher are the Greek letters Π ME . WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 2 / 10

  3. The National Pi Mu Epsilon Organization Brief History: founded on December 8th, 1913 incorporated on May 25th, 1914 at Syracuse University in Albany, NY national society comprised of local chapters at colleges and universities Π ME loosely translates as ◮ Pi ( Π ): scholarship ◮ Mu ( M ): mathematics ◮ Epsilon ( E ): promotion The Society’s Goals: elect members on an honorary basis according to their proficiency in mathematics promote activities that enhance the mathematical and scholarly development of its members Some Statistics: currently there are 381 chapters in 47 states and the District of Columbia there are 6 chapters in WA ◮ Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 3 / 10

  4. WA Epsilon History and Statistics: started in 1968, inactivated in the mid-1980’s, reactivated in Spring 2014 and is now the second-longest running active chapter in the state! some statistics (Spring 2014 – yesterday): ◮ #0016 students have been inducted ◮ #0001 students have attended the PME National Meeting recent activities: ◮ career and graduate school panel (Oct. 2014) ◮ WSU Meet-up (Feb. 2015) ◮ field trip to see Dr. Golubitsky’s talk at WSU (Mar. 2015) ◮ more to come – offer some suggestions! Special Thanks: Dr. Bonni Dichone, Bonnie Harper, and the entire Mathematics Department College of Arts and Sciences ◮ funding and support to reactivate Π ME (2014) Pi Mu Epsilon ◮ $100 prize matching grant (2015) ◮ $500 Richard A. Good Lectureship Grant (2014) WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 4 / 10

  5. Activities of the National Organization Provides Funding and Support For: American Mathematics Competitions American Regional Mathematics League MAA National Meeting Poster Session departmental prize matching awards student travel support for local, regional, and national conferences Pi Mu Epsilon journal ◮ published each fall and spring ◮ features student-authored articles ◮ recognizes outstanding student exposition through the Andree Awards ◮ contains a problem section WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 5 / 10

  6. The National Pi Mu Epsilon Conference The National Meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon is held in conjunction with MathFest , the annual summer meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Conference Highlights: opening reception J. Sutherland Frame Lecture Opening Reception Jean Bee Chan and Peter Stanek Lecture session dedicated for PME student talks banquet with awards from various organizations Student Talks August 5th-7th, 2015 Washington DC WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 6 / 10

  7. The National Pi Mu Epsilon Conference Travel Funding: transportation expenses up to $600 each for one or two speakers from a chapter ($1200 maximum for each chapter) conference registration ($119) for speakers and delegates (includes PME Banquet) a stipend to help defray lodging and food expenses Application deadline is in June each year – contact your PME Advisors for more information. Past Student Presentations by GU Students: Martin (Tucker) Dean (2014) A Differential Equation Approach to Solving the Lion and Man Game WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 7 / 10

  8. Other Conferences and Activities Regional MAA PNW Conference: held at UW-Tacoma in April 2015 the National PME Organization provided funding to help support student registration and also contributed to the awards given to student presenters ∼ 10 students represented GU at this conference (a handful of soon-to-be PME members) ◮ two students (Steven Beres and Sammy Fall) were recognized for their talks Local Events at GU: PME-sponsored events Math Club Spokane Regional Math Colloquium Saturday morning tutoring Putnam Club Actuary Club WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 8 / 10

  9. Requirements and Expectations Requirements for Induction into WA Epsilon: prior to the Spring semester in which invitations are sent out, a student must ◮ successfully complete the calculus sequence, MATH 301, and one other 300/400-level course ◮ achieve a 3.5 GPA in all mathematics courses and an overall GPA of 3.3 Expectations as Members of WA Epsilon: promote scholarship and mathematics embody a vision of community, integrity, and truth serve as role models for other students help WA Epsilon promote scholarship and mathematics at GU ◮ offer suggestions to make PME a worthwhile club for you ◮ volunteer (or be elected) to be a PME Officer next year ◮ help organize events ◮ get involved in both PME and departmental events keep up the hard work! WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 9 / 10

  10. WA Epsilon Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon Initiation Candidates: Rachel Ayersman Francis Mana-ay Steven R. Beres Nicholas Rigert Daniel Bladow Eric Anthony Bibo Rogers Alex Carlson Lucas Schneidmiller Sammy Fall Maxwell Wark Sharon Henzler Stephanie Weiss McKenzie McManus Horner instructions: call name, grab certificate, sign roll book, then line up at the front for pledge, applause, and pictures WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 10 / 10

  11. WA Epsilon Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon Initiation Candidates: Rachel Ayersman Francis Mana-ay Steven R. Beres Nicholas Rigert Daniel Bladow Eric Anthony Bibo Rogers Alex Carlson Lucas Schneidmiller Sammy Fall Maxwell Wark Sharon Henzler Stephanie Weiss McKenzie McManus Horner instructions: call name, grab certificate, sign roll book, then line up at the front for pledge, applause, and pictures Pi Mu Epsilon Pledge (repeat after me): I solemnly promise that I will exert my best efforts to promote true scholarship, particularly in mathematics, and that I will support the objectives of Pi Mu Epsilon. WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 10 / 10

  12. WA Epsilon Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon Initiation Candidates: Rachel Ayersman Francis Mana-ay Steven R. Beres Nicholas Rigert Daniel Bladow Eric Anthony Bibo Rogers Alex Carlson Lucas Schneidmiller Sammy Fall Maxwell Wark Sharon Henzler Stephanie Weiss McKenzie McManus Horner instructions: call name, grab certificate, sign roll book, then line up at the front for pledge, applause, and pictures Pi Mu Epsilon Pledge (repeat after me): I solemnly promise that I will exert my best efforts to promote true scholarship, particularly in mathematics, and that I will support the objectives of Pi Mu Epsilon. ✞ ☎ Congratulations! ✝ ✆ WA Epsilon at Gonzaga University Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony Spring 2015 10 / 10


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