physically accurate photorealistic visualization made

Physically accurate, photorealistic visualization made easy using - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Physically accurate, photorealistic visualization made easy using Iray+ for Autodesk 3ds Max Dav Dave e Co Coldron Geo eorge M e Mat atos Product Owner Principal, Blue Marble 3D Iray+ for 3Ds Max Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk

  1. Physically accurate, photorealistic visualization made easy using Iray+ for Autodesk 3ds Max

  2. Dav Dave e Co Coldron Geo eorge M e Mat atos Product Owner Principal, Blue Marble 3D Iray+ for 3Ds Max

  3. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x - Feat eatures es Rende ndering ng • Acce Access ss to to Iray y Phot hotor oreal an and Inter erac active ren ender er modes es • Ins nstant nt scene ne upda update us using ng Int nteractive with h Active sha hade de • Very y late test st ve versi sions s of f iray ay = signi gnificant nt acceleration on on on ne new car ards Rem emote e ren ender ering • Suppor upports Iray Server for or ba batch h and nd streamed d rende ndering ng • Suppor upports nVid idia ia VCA for stream eamed ed an and IQ ren ender er • Suppor upports 3DS max ba batch h rende ndering ng (via Backbur burne ner)

  4. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x - Feat eatures es Mat Mater erial als •Creat eate e an and ed edit multi-lay ayer er mat ater erial als using an an intuitive e inter erfac ace e wit ith mu mult ltip iple le presets • Sav ave e an and res estore e mat ater erial als in max ax mat ater erial al librar ary format at (.mat at) • Impor port and nd expor port MDL materials for or sha haring ng be between n appl pplications ons • Suppor upport for or pr proc ocedur dural noi noise func unctions ons • File ile imp import for me measured ma materia ials ls (.ax axf ) • Free ee librar ary of over er 300 300 physical ally-bas ased ed mat ater erial als

  5. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x - Feat eatures es Li Light ghting ng • Fast area light ghts with h phot photom ometric di distribut butions ons • Edi dit and nd trans nsfor orm light ghts and nd see upda updates in n real-time ime • Emis missiv ive ma materia ials ls • Phy hysically ba based d da daylight ght mode odel • Conf onfigur gurabl ble IBL env nvironm onment nts • Li Light ght ana nalysis tool ool pr prov ovidi ding ng accur urate measur urement nt of of bot both Diffuse e an and Spec ecular ar lu lumin minance

  6. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x – Le Lega gacy cy Dat ata •Standa ndard d light ghts ( (spot pot, poi point nt, di distant nt etc) Direct S Suppor upport •Stan andar ard m mat ater erial als •Men ental al R Ray ay Arch an and Des esign •Men ental al R Ray ay Car arpai aint •MR S Subsurfac ace S e Scat atter ering F Fas ast •MR S Subsurfac ace S e Scat atter ering F Fas ast S Skin Conv onversion t on tool ool •Autodes esk m mat ater erial als •Mul ulti/sub ub-obj object variant nts of of t the he abov bove •Phot hotom ometric l light ghts •Dayl ylight (Sun/sky) sky)

  7. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max Dem emo

  8. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x – Case se S Study udy Geo eorge Mat e Matos - Blue e Mar Marble e 3D 3D

  9. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max Dem emo

  10. Iray+ y+ for or A Aut utode odesk sk 3ds ds max x – Summa mmary •Iray+ Int nteractive mode ode allow ows you ou to o see upda updates in n ge geom ometry, lig lightin ing and ma materia ials ls imme immedia iately ly •Iray+ Phot hotor oreal gi gives you ou conf onfide denc nce in n the he accur uracy of of your our visua ualisations ons by by be being ng phy physically ba based •Iray+ for or 3ds ds Max is a ful ully scalabl ble sol olut ution on ba based d on on iray ay and nd lev ever erag aging nVid idia ia GPU PU’s •Remot ote rende nder suppor upport ope opens ns up up a wealth h of of pos possibi bilities for or off-machi hine ne rende ndering ng •Cont ontinui nuing ng de developm opment nt gi gives you ou access to o the he latest versions ons of of iray ay pr prov ovidi ding ng accelerated d pe perfor ormanc nce and nd addi dditiona onal func unctiona onality

  11. Ira ray+ y+ for for Tha hankyou nkyou ! Visi sit us us at Boot ooth h #923 #923


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