permian basin petroleum association

PERMIAN BASIN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION Omar Garcia | Chief External - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PERMIAN BASIN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION Omar Garcia | Chief External Affairs Officer September 19, 2019 The Energy Port Independent political district of the State of Texas, governed by of the Americas seven commissioners Large

  1. PERMIAN BASIN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION Omar Garcia | Chief External Affairs Officer September 19, 2019

  2. The Energy Port  Independent political district of the State of Texas, governed by of the Americas seven commissioners  Large industrial energy hub & gateway to global markets  A landowner, a land developer, and a landlord Economic development agency  specializing in P3’s

  3. Port of Corpus Christi Commission Charles W. Zahn, Jr., Chair Richard R. Valls, Jr., Secretary Wayne Squires, Vice-Chair Nueces County Appointee City of Corpus Christi Appointee City of Corpus Christi Appointee Wes Hoskins Catherine Tobin Hilliard Richard Bowers David P . Engel Nueces County Appointee San Patricio County Appointee Nueces County Appointee City of Corpus Christi Appointee

  4. P o r t o f C o r p u s C h r i s t i World-Class Facilities  Straight 47’ deep channel, being deepened to 54’  Quick access to the Gulf of Mexico and the entire United States inland waterway system  Outstanding access to overland transportation, with on-site and direct connections to three Class I railroads: BNSF, KCS, and UP, and direct, vessel-to-rail discharge capabilities  28,296 acres of submerged and emerged land  Facilities for Both Liquid and Dry Bulk  15 Port owned liquid docks  33 Customer owned liquid docks

  5. Economic Impact in 2018

  6. Multimodal Connectivity


  8. $50 Billion Capital Investments ($10 Billion Foreign Direct Investments)

  9. Texas: Largest Crude Oil Producer in U.S.

  10. Port of Corpus Christi Crude Oil Cargo Outbound/Exports (2016-2019 YTD) 800,000 2019 Exports 76% Avg Out 669,292 BPD 700,000 2018 Exports 74% Avg Out 627,219 BPD Hurricane Harvey 600,000 2017 Exports 59% Avg Out 517,505 BPD 500,000 Barrels Per Day (BPD) 71% 69% 2016 Exports 22% 76% 73% 71% 78% 74% 54% 77% 11% Avg Outbound 373,629 BPD 48% 80% 400,000 51% 73% 71% 73% 80% 44% 79% 64% 78% 2% 36% 20% 49% 55% 62% 86% 13% 64% 68% 23% 10% 37% 48% 8% 49% 300,000 76% 25% 28% 200,000 100,000 0 Jan'16 Feb'16 Mar'16 Apr'16 May'16 Jun'16 Jul'16 Aug'16 Sep'16 Oct'16 Dec'16 Jan'17 Feb'17 Mar'17 Apr'17 May'17 Jun'17 Jul'17 Aug'17 Sep'17 Oct'17 Nov'17 Dec'17 Jan'18 Feb'18 Mar'18 Apr'18 May'18 Jun'18 Jul'18 Aug'18 Sep'18 Oct'18 Nov'18 Dec'18 Jan'19 Feb'19 Mar'19 Apr'19 Nov'16 Domestic Exports

  11. Corpus Christi Export Infrastructure

  12. New Pipeline Capacity Gray Oak Pipeline – 950,000 BPD Cactus I – 390,000 BPD Cactus II – 600,000 BPD Total 2.8 million BPD Incremental Pipeline Capacity from Permian Basin EPIC Pipeline – 925,000 BPD

  13. Permian Pipeline Utilization Forecast 2020 Source: Wood Mackenzie

  14. Red Oak project will offer significant optionality for Cushing and Permian barrels Source: Wood Mackenzie

  15. Phillips 66 Texas Blue Water project brings direct load VLCC terminal project count to eight – with only three likely needed

  16. Ship Channel Improvement Project

  17. C o r p u s C h r i s t i S h i p C h a n n e l P o r t C o r p u s C h r i s t i I m p r o v e m e n t P r o j e c t Project Funding Main Channel & Barge Lane Elements  Current Projected Costs Total = $409,673,000  Federal = $277,168,000  PCCA = $132,505,000  Federal Funding Secured to Date = $95 million  $23 million FY 2018 USACE Work Plan  $59 million FY 2019 USACE Work Plan  $13 million FY 2019 President’s Budget  Federal Funding Proposed, Not Yet Ratified  $53 million FY 2020 President’s Budget Gulf of Mexico to Harbor Island  PCCA Funding Provided to USACE to Date = $82 million Contract 1  78.8 million cash  $3.2 million work in kind

  18. Harbor Island Redevelopment & Channel Deepening

  19. PORT CORPUS CHRISTI STAY CONNECTED 7.5K 4K 2.7K Linkedin Facebook Twitter PortCorpusChristi @POCCAport


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