performance review july 2018

Performance Review July 2018 Safety Overview As of July 31, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Performance Review July 2018 Safety Overview As of July 31, 2018 WRPS Tank Operations Contract has worked 7,630,194 hours One Recordable case in July: (539 days) without a Lost Time Workday Injury While loading equipment in the back of

  1. Performance Review July 2018

  2. Safety Overview As of July 31, 2018 WRPS Tank Operations Contract has worked 7,630,194 hours One Recordable case in July: (539 days) without a Lost Time Workday Injury • While loading equipment in the back of the van employee hit head on edge and 197,133 hours (14 days) since the last of hatchback causing laceration. 11 First Aid cases in July: Recordable case. • Employee snagged thumb on a uni- strut while working by farm causing a minor laceration • While performing laundry duties, employee felt pain in shoulder. • Employee fell down and hit hand on Days Away, Restricted Workdays Total Recordable FY 2018 the fence causing abrasion. or Transferred (DART) • While transporting equipment by Cumulative Summary handcart on uneven surfaces FY 2018 Cumulative Summary employee twisted knee causing strain. October 1, 2017 through September 30, • Employee lifted laundry bag causing October 1, 2017 through September 30, strain to lower back. 2018 2018 • Employee reported bite/sting on neck causing irritation. 0.09 0.00 • Employee lifted boxes off of handcart causing strain to abdomen. • While walking employee felt an insect bite on the neck causing irritation. • Employee was adjusting chair and fell 12-month rolling rate: 0.11 12-month rolling rate: 0.00 to the floor causing pain to elbow, hip, knee and shoulder. • Employee was wearing SCBA walking down a hill on uneven terrain causing DOE/EM Goal – 0.60 DOE/EM Goal – 1.10 strain to knee. • While walking employee felt an insect bite on the neck causing irritation. July 2018 2

  3. Management Topics Effective Corrective Action Tracking FY18 Status • Comprehensive schedule opportunity scope SV Improvement Focus list being monitored and tracked • Overtime for High Priority Work • Critical Procurement Focus Non-labor effectiveness evaluations • Implementation & Acceleration of FY19 Award • Reprioritization of Critical Resources Resource availability • Posting of Critical Field Craft • Vapor REA for $20M Contract Mod Rec’d – PMB Target Aug-18 • Evolution and Transition of Waste Feed Delivery • Capital disposition and alignment • FY19 Plan Implemented this period • PEMP renegotiation modification received this period Key Milestones Complete To Go Will Miss Total MS % Complete % To Go 93 68 1 162 57.40% 42.60% July 2018 3

  4. Current Month Change Control 4 July 2018

  5. Performance Overview Current Month / Fiscal Year *OBS focus areas – detailed in subsequent slides July 2018 5

  6. Performance Overview Cumulative / At Complete *OBS focus areas – detailed in subsequent slides July 2018 6

  7. Schedule and Cost Performance Forecast Management Forecast of Cost Performance $43,625k CV declines by -$1,609k by FY End (from CTD) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________,______________________________________ 2L Production Ops -$2,102k Carryover Funds 2T Chief Technology Office -$1,345k 2M Tank Farm Projects $1,562k CM Schedule Support Accuracy 20 Operational Days Forecast July BCWP vs. Actual July BCWP 72% $50-$60M Missed by -$5,982k _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2M Tank Farm Projects -$2,841k Discrete work only 2L Production Ops -$1,125k 2T CTO/Closure -$899k Management Forecast of Schedule Performance July 2018 7

  8. Opportunities for Schedule Recovery Top SV Recovery scopes in the remainder of FY18 Grand Total 1-5 Ranking WBS L5 Title in $k - DST Transfer Pump Replacements OP 2-3 2,249 1 - ETF/LERF/TEDF Operations & Maintenance - OP 2-3 946 1 - Replace ETF Basin Covers 804 1 - DST In-Pit Heating 787 1 Expected - AY-102 Rinse & Transfer - Phase III 654 1 Recovery - 242-A Evaporator Fire Alarm Panel Upgrades 594 1 $6-$16 M - AP-105 Tank Farm Upgrades to Support DFLAW 581 1 Total 6,615 - A-Farm Infrastructure - Ventilation 1,247 2 Opportunity Total 1,247 $18 M - Vapor Monitoring & Detection System Upgrades 2,839 3 - A/AX Infrastructure Installation 2,363 3 - Interim SX Barrier - South Construction 2,340 3 - Industrial Hygiene Trailer 799 3 Total 8,341 - Interim SX Barrier - North Construction 1,894 5 1 - most likely to recover Total 1,894 5 - least likely to recover Grand Total 18,097 July 2018 8

  9. WRPS Risk Management Risk Program Health (July) Objective To demonstrate the health of the risk program, the Avg. Age in Days of Risk Register • average age of project and program level risk Risk Management is averaging under 28 days for all 34+ 100 registers are monitored as a guage of overall risk register updates (time between register updates) (Figure 1) program activity and effectiveness. This metric 90 helps ensure that the Risk Registers for TOC Average Age in Days • managed projects and programs are up-to-date. The WRPS has maintained less than 21% total high risks 80 Enterprise Risk and Opportunity Management throughout FY18. Risk Management monitors the overall TOC procedure, TFC-PRJ-PC-C-13, requires that Program 70 risk profile to determine if risk mitigation strategies are and Project Risk and Opportunity Registers be Measure updated at least every 90 days. effectively being developed for the highest level risks as a key 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 60 The average age in days of risk register from last component of improving the probability of mission success update to the current date (end of calendar month) 50 (figure 2) 40 Current new registers being developed; 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 • TSCR (Tank Side Cesium Removal) Performance Thresholds 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Adverse >90 20 • Test Bed Initiative 25 Declining >60 and ≤ 90 15 • 10 APO2A Jumper Repair Meets >45 and ≤ 60 15 Exceeds ≤ 45 45 • 0 Tank Farm Upgrades Performance Data Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Goal • 2704 Fire Alarm Systems upgrades Avg. Age in Days of Risk Register 29 28 36 29 32 37 28 29 28 29 28 28 Figure 1 • Maintenance Program Register Current Risk Management program priorities; Objective To monitor the overall TOC risk profile to determine 80% • During the month of July, Risk Management assisted in if risk mitigation strategies are effectively being Percentage of High Risks (Month) developed for the highest level risks as a key questions of DOE independent auditor team (CohnReznick) 70% component of improving the probability of mission regarding the FY19 proposal. Percentage of High Risks success. • TBI register is being developed and going through a deep dive. Measure 60% 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 • Schedule Risk Analysis has started for Waste Feed Delivery The percentage of currently characterized High Risks • Risk Management continues to hold smaller group training 50% Vs. the Total number of Risks as a percentage. classes for the EROMS database to assist and train risk 40% owners, project managers, subject matter experts and project controls members on the use and application of the system. 30% 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 Performance Thresholds 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Risks of Near Term Concern: 20% Adverse >45% 0.45 Declining >35 and ≤ 45% • 0.1 P-B-1 might require replacement instead of repair (if repair 10% Meets >30 and ≤ 35% doesn’t work, possible 14 months to manufacture replacement) 0.05 Exceeds ≤ 30% • 0.3 DST Transfers - Four DST transfers which were previously 0% Performance Data scheduled in FY19 to support EC-11 and EC-12, will be Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Goal rescheduled pending resolution of schedule dates for TBI and Number of High Risks 130 124 126 133 138 130 139 146 148 152 150 148 P-B-1 pump repair (or replacement). Number of Open Risks 703 680 688 689 726 734 743 756 745 778 729 721 • 222-S – Contract Transition Delays Upgrades Percentage of High Risks (Month) 18% 18% 18% 19% 19% 18% 19% 19% 20% 20% 21% 21% • 222-S – Lab Rad analysis resource availability Figure 2 July 2018 9

  10. Plant Status – PMs & CMs FY18 Monthly Completed CMs & PMs 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Field Work Complete - CMs 40 43 32 46 39 60 48 39 31 31 Field Work Complete - PMs 589 628 473 554 653 645 566 511 426 516 July 2018 10


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