performance management successful objectives objectives

Performance Management Successful Objectives Objectives At the - PDF document

1 Performance Management Successful Objectives Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to: Have a better understanding of performance management Become more familiar with the performance appraisal/review process

  1. 1 Performance Management Successful

  2. Objectives Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to: � Have a better understanding of performance management � Become more familiar with the performance appraisal/review process � Understand the benefits of proper performance management � Be able to successfully submit the performance appraisals utilizing “The Zone” 2

  3. Perf. Management vs. Perf. Appraisals Perf. Management vs. Perf. Appraisals • Dynamic, continuous • Periodic (usually process annual) event • Prospective • Retrospective • Improves • Formal review organizational • Last step in effectiveness performance • Strategic goals management process 3

  4. Performance Management Performance Management Performance Appraisals Performance Management Goal Setting Performance & Planning Measuring 4

  5. Benefits of Performance Management Benefits of Performance Management Employee � Clear sense of what you are doing and why � Know what you need to work on � Understanding of how you can contribute � Focus on continuous goals and improvement � More engaged 5

  6. Benefits of Performance Management Benefits of Performance Management Supervisor � Better employee relations � Awareness of employee goals and career interests � Knowledge of what your employees need from you � Historical records to measure progression 6

  7. Benefits of Performance Management Benefits of Performance Management Organization � Better knowledge of talent pool � Better understanding of coaching and training needs � Succession planning � Adapt more quickly to change � Retention of top performers 7

  8. Performance Management Goals Performance Management Goals � Communication between supervisor and employee � Continuous feedback on performance � Documentation � Development Goals � Alignment with strategic planning goals 8

  9. Performance Management Expectations Performance Management Expectations � Think about your last appraisal: – What thoughts come to mind? – What went right, what went wrong? – How could this be made a win/win situation? 9

  10. Performance Management Expectations Performance Management Expectations What do Employees Want? � Clear expectations � Positive/constructive feedback on a regular basis � Involvement in goal setting � Be treated fairly and consistently � Sharing of information and resources � Job/career enrichment opportunities 10

  11. What Happens If… What Happens If… • You rate inaccurately • You are inconsistent with your reviews • You don’t provide adequate development advice 11

  12. 12 Performance Management Successful

  13. 1: Define Expectations 1: Define Expectations • Make sure that your employees know what is expected of them and keep it consistent • Communicate it often 13

  14. 2: Establish Communication 2: Establish Communication � This is a constant process � Champion two/way, HONEST communication � Give and receive feedback � Recognize a “job well done” No Surprises 14

  15. 3: Develop Employees 3: Develop Employees • Develop a plan for their success • Determine formal and informal training and personal development goals • What are some informal ways to develop others? 15

  16. SMART Objectives SMART Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Results oriented Time based 16

  17. SMART Objectives SMART Objectives � Let’s practice… � What’s in this for me? 17

  18. 4: Measure and Record 4: Measure and Record How good is your memory? • Write it down (good and bad) / Keep an incident diary • What does this look like? 18

  19. 4: Measure and Record 4: Measure and Record Consistently communicate expectations, measure performance and provide feedback 19

  20. Performance Appraisal 2013 How do I complete the form? 20

  21. Performance Review Form Performance Review Form 3 Forms Categories • Quality � Manager • Interpersonal skills � Professional • Communication � Hourly • Customer focus • Collaboration • Knowledge of the business • Priority setting 21

  22. Where Do I Go? Where Do I Go? � � Then click on Employee Changes 22

  23. 23 Choose the depth you want displayed

  24. Where Do I Go Now? Where Do I Go Now? 24

  25. 25

  26. 26

  27. Work Flow Work Flow � Assess your depth of 1 (Direct reports) � Up to three levels of approval plus HR � Review in your inbox (normal work flow) � If you want to change someone’s appraisal during the work flow process, you must reject and explain why 27

  28. Rating Pitfalls Rating Pitfalls � Central Tendency – lack of rating differentiation between employees � Leniency – avoids honest ratings to avoid conflict � Currency – narrow focus on recent events � Similarity/Like me – favorable rating to employees who have similar values or interests to the rater 28

  29. If Done Incorrectly… If Done Incorrectly… � False and misleading � Decreased motivation information � Job dissatisfaction � Increased turnover � Risk of litigation � Wasted time and money � Unfair standards � Damaged relationships 29

  30. Overall Below a 3 Overall Below a 3 Contact your HR Business Partner to review and discuss the evaluation and developmental plans before the results are communicated to an employee. 30

  31. Need to Know Need to Know � Use Internet Explorer The submit button on the form will not work in other – browsers � All groups will be using the online process � Take the Employment Engagement Survey Instructions were sent to all that have an email address – via a third party 31

  32. Talent Wheel Talent Wheel January • Performance Review • Employee Objective Setting December February • Self/Assessment • Goal Setting for Next Year • Individual Development Plans October August / November • Present Talent Plan (Including Succession • Engagement Survey Planning & 9 Box) September • Talent Plan Refresh 32

  33. Performance Management Timeline Performance Management Timeline � 1/07/13 Employee begins their self assessment � 1/16/13 Self Assessments due � 1/16/13 Begin reviewing your employees � 1/15/13 – 1/18/13 Training for supervisors � 2/15/13 Performance Appraisals closed 33

  34. Summary Summary � Performance Management is a continuous process � We strive to ensure that our employees succeed � Be honest, open, candid and constructive � Think win/win � Communication is key 34

  35. 35 Take Time to Do It Right Take Time to Do It Right

  36. 36 Questions? Questions?

  37. 37 Thanks for Attending!


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