partnering for success

Partnering for Success Creatjng a Seamless Transitjon to College - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Partnering for Success Creatjng a Seamless Transitjon to College Partnering for Success Programs Programs Ratjonale Ratjonale Practjces Practjces Discussion Discussion New Student Transitjon SOAR Viking Venture First-Year Seminar New

  1. Partnering for Success Creatjng a Seamless Transitjon to College

  2. Partnering for Success Programs Programs Ratjonale Ratjonale Practjces Practjces Discussion Discussion

  3. New Student Transitjon SOAR Viking Venture First-Year Seminar

  4. New Student Transitjon SOAR Viking Venture First-Year Seminar

  5. New Student Transitjon SOAR Viking Venture First-Year Seminar

  6. What Do They Need? When Do They Need It?

  7. New Student Transitjon SOAR Viking Venture First-Year Seminar

  8. Student Afgairs Whole Student Academic Afgairs Whole Time

  9. How’s it working?

  10. Student Evaluatj tjon Categories SOAR 2007 Mean SOAR 2012 Mean Communicatj tjons before SOAR 3.94 4.24 Opening Session 4.19 4.50 Meetj tjng with SOAR Leaders 4.73 4.81 Welcome and Dinner 4.19 4.37 Student Panel n/a 4.63 Evening/Social Events 4.41 4.54 Academic Afg fgair Breakfast 4.47 4.55 Academic Advising 4.74 4.78 Wo Work Supervisor Meetj tjng 4.47 4.71

  11. Parent Evaluatj tjon Categories SOAR 2007 Mean SOAR 2012 Mean Communicatj tjons before SOAR 4.08 4.36 Opening Session 4.54 4.67 "So Now You're the Parent of a Berry Student" 4.61 4.76 Transitj tjons and Opportunitj tjes 4.30 4.57 Welcome and Dinner 4.48 4.57 Meetj tjng w/Advisors n/a 4.63

  12. What was the best part of Viking Venture? • Gettjng to know my First-Year Seminar class • Gettjng to know my First-Year Seminar class betuer; they’ve become my family away from home and I think that gettjng to know them betuer through SOAR and Viking Venture helped us bond. • First-Year Seminar and dinner at my advisor’s house

  13. What was the best part of Viking Venture? • My First-Year Seminar group!  • My First-Year Seminar class became more than just people we saw around campus but actually became good friends. • I really enjoyed the First-Year Seminar meetjng. It gave you a base of people that you knew and could do things with for the rest of Viking Venture. • My First-Year Seminar class gave me a

  14. Item Mean I feel comfortable talking with my advisor/instructor about my academic concerns and goals. 4.7 I feel comfortable talking with my advisor/instructor about personal concerns. 4.2 I feel comfortable discussing my career and life plans with my advisor/instructor. 4.5 My advisor/instructor is well informed about college policies and procedures. 4.7 My advisor/instructor helped me develop suitable educatj tjonal plans. 4.4 My advisor/instructor encourages me to take an actj tjve role in my own academic planning. 4.7


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