Participating centers USA: 6 Europe: 8 Australia: 1
Classification system based on degree of atrial structural remodeling/fibrosis
DECAAF Results Total Enrolled n=329 poor quality useable pre-ablation MRIs pre-ablation MRIs n=57 (17.3%) n=272 (82.7%) Lost to follow-up Completed follow-up n=12 (4.4%) n=260 (95.6%)
Association of Recurrence with Fibrosis/SRM % Multivariate analysis Model 1: Unadjusted � Model 2: Adjusted for participating center � Model 3: Adjusted for age, gender and participating center � Model 4: Adjusted for age, gender, hypertension (HTN), congestive heart failure (CHF), mitral valve disease (MVD), diabetes (DM) and participating center � Model 5: Adjusted for age, gender, HTN, CHF, MVD, DM, paroxysmal/persistent AF, LA volume, left ventricular ejection fraction and participating center. �
Recurrence based on the Fibrosis/ SRM staging system
Detection of residual fibrosis (fibrotic tissue not covered with ablation lesions) after ablation at follow-up Pre-ablation Fibrosis Post-ablation Scar Scar + Fibrosis + = PA view Overlap of Scar + Fibrosis Post-ablation Scar Residual Fibrosis − = Residual fibrosis was quantified from the baseline MRI by subtracting ablated scar area from post ablation DE-MRI.
Recurrence based on residual fibrosis by quartiles 85.1% 74.4% 62.8% 36.4%
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