parade senior sport academy

Parade Senior Sport Academy EMAIL: RICKY.DYSON@PARADE.VIC.EDU.AU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Parade Senior Sport Academy EMAIL: RICKY.DYSON@PARADE.VIC.EDU.AU PHONE: 9468 3243 Building on 150 Years of Sporting Heritage The Parade College Sport Academy builds on 150 years of sporting heritage. Parade has long enjoyed a well-

  1. Parade Senior Sport Academy EMAIL: RICKY.DYSON@PARADE.VIC.EDU.AU PHONE: 9468 3243

  2. Building on 150 Years of Sporting Heritage The Parade College Sport Academy builds on 150 years of  sporting heritage. Parade has long enjoyed a well- acknowledged sporting reputation based on its incredible array of talented alumni. These have included athletes across a vast array of pursuits over many years. In developing this program for senior students, Parade College  seeks to build on this great heritage in sport. By leveraging the expertise of its staff, utilising the state-of-the-art sporting facilities and further exploring synergies in partnerships with sporting organisations and La Trobe University, the Academy’s main aim is to develop the full potential of its students.

  3. Senior Sport Academy Program Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Senior Sport Program The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a senior school certificate designed to sit alongside the VCE,  providing additional pathways for Years 11 and 12 students seeking vocationally oriented career options such as traineeships, further education and training or moving on to employment. Senior Sport Academy VCAL Year 1 (Year 11 Students) VET Certificate III Sport & Recreation Program  School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) OR Industry-focused Projects & Mentoring  Completion of Intermediate VCAL  Senior Sport Academy VCAL Year 2 (Year 12 Students) VET Certificate IV Sport Development  VET Certificate IV Business  School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) OR Industry-focused Projects & Mentoring  Completion of Senior VCAL 

  4. Program Monday to Friday 2 Days of Curriculum Content: VCAL Numeracy, Literacy, Personal  Development and Work Related Skills - All curriculum content has been designed and tailored by our staff with a heavy sport focus. 1 x Full Day of VET curriculum.  1 x 1/2 Day Delivering skills/Coaching sessions/Primary school Coaching.  1 x Full Day of School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) OR  Industry-focused Projects & Mentoring – Students get paid for this day or work. 1 x 1/2 Day of Sport: Skill and Squad training which is delivered by specialised  coaches / ACC competition.

  5. Pathways Beyond Year 12 On successful completion at the end of year 12 students receive direct articulation into La Trobe University Undergraduate Programs: Bachelor of Health Sciences  Bachelor of Business  Bachelor of Business (Accounting)  Bachelor of Business (Sports Management)  Bachelor of Business (Event Management)  Bachelor of Media and Communication (Sport Journalism)  Successful completion can also lead to a number of diverse, challenging and rewarding opportunities in the Sport and Recreation industry. Careers in the Sport and Recreation sector include: The fitness industry (including fitness appraisals and testing, weight control advice and  exercise and fitness classes). Outdoor recreation services (bushwalking, camping, horse riding etc).  Community recreation services (such as leisure centres, aquatic centres, parks and  community recreation venues). Sport and sports services (including sports professionals, sports clubs, trainers, umpires  and officials).

  6. Partnerships Parade college has strong relationships with  Melbourne City FC, Northern Knights FC, Diamond Valley Basketball association and a number of other sporting organization and businesses Northern Knights use Parade College’s sports  facilities during the Pre-Season months of November to March Melbourne City use Parade College’s sports  facilities Diamond Valley Basketball use Parade College’s  sports facilities Sharing of Specialised Coaches 

  7. Expectations  The Sport Academy Program is rigorous and students need to maintain a C+ average in Year 10. Students intending to further their studies at a tertiary institution need to meet the requirements of University Study at the end of the two years.  Availability for Parade College sporting teams and competing to the best of their ability  Academically completing all requirements and working towards the student athletes full potential  Understanding and behaving in accordance with the College’s rules and expectations  Full engagement in Athletic Development Classes  Understanding and agreeing to the Student Athlete Agreement (in development)


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