
District H A L L M I D D L E S C H O O L C O M M O N M A T H A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Larkspur-Corte Madera School District H A L L M I D D L E S C H O O L C O M M O N M A T H A S S E S S M E N T S S P R I N G 2 0 1 4 Common Core Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason

  1. Larkspur-Corte Madera School District H A L L M I D D L E S C H O O L C O M M O N M A T H A S S E S S M E N T S S P R I N G 2 0 1 4

  2. Common Core Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make sense of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  3. 6 th Grade Equations Quiz 40 35 30 Number of Students (152) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 - 1.97% 1 - 2.63% 2 - 7.24% 3 - 16.45% 4 - 22.37% 5 - 24.35% 6 - 25.00% Student Scores

  4. 6 th Grade “Gym” Performance Task

  5. 6 th Grade “Gym” Performance Task

  6. 6 th Grade “Gym” Performance Task 6th Grade Performance Task "Gym" 45 40 35 Number of Students (152) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 - 5.92% 1 - 2.63% 2 - 1.97% 3 - 6.58% 4 - 1.32% 5 - 13.16% 6 - 13.82% 7 - 26.97% 8 - 27.63% Student Scores

  7. 7 th Grade Proportions / Geometry Quiz 7th Grade Proportions / Geometry Quiz 40 35 30 Number of Students (136) 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 - 2.21% 4 - 4.41% 5 - 1.47% 6 - 12.50% 7 - 13.97% 8 - 27.94% 9 - 22.06% 10 - 15.44% Student Scores

  8. 7 th Grade “Parallelogram” Performance Task

  9. 7 th Grade “Parallelogram” Performance Task

  10. 7 th Grade “Parallelogram” Performance Task 40 35 30 Number of Students (145) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 - 2.76% 2 - 1.38% 3 - 4.83% 4 - 8.97% 5 - 11.03% 6 - 16.55% 7 - 24.83% 8 - 11.72% 9 - 17.93% Student Scores

  11. Math 8 Equations Quiz 18 16 14 Number of Students (63) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 - 6.35% 1 - 9.52% 2 - 6/35% 3 - 7.94% 4 - 0.00% 5 - 7.94% 6 - 12.70% 7 - 25.40% 8 - 23.81% Student Scores

  12. Math 8 “Journey to the Bus Stop” PT 20 18 16 14 Number of Students (57) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 - 3.57% 3 - 14.29% 4 - 21.43% 5 - 28.57% 6 - 32.14% Student Scores

  13. Algebra 8 Parabolas Quiz 30 25 Number of Students (53) 20 15 10 5 0 5 - 1.89% 6 - 5.66% 7 - 3.77% 8 - 20.75% 9 - 47.17% 10 - 20.75% Student Scores

  14. Algebra 8 “Graphs” Performance Task

  15. Algebra 8 “Graphs” Performance Task

  16. Algebra 8 “Graphs” Performance Task

  17. Algebra 8 “Graphs” Performance Task 20 18 16 14 Number of Students (58) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 - 1.72% 3 - 3.45% 4 - 10.34% 5 - 18.97% 6 - 31.03% 7 - 22.41% 8 - 8.62% 9 - 3.45% Student Scores

  18. Geometry 8 Proofs Quiz 14 12 10 Number of Students (29) 8 6 4 2 0 1 - 6.90% 2 - 0.00% 3 - 6.90% 4 - 10.34% 5 - 31.03% 6 - 3.45% 7 - 41.38% Student Scores

  19. Geometry 8 Performance Task 30 25 Number of Students (27) 20 15 10 5 0 3 - 3.70% 4 - 7.41% 5 - 88.89% Student Scores

  20. Implementing Common Core The Bad News:  Our current curriculum is not 100% aligned with the Common Core. Some of our textbooks are obsolete and newer, aligned, curriculum is just now becoming available. Consequently, our math teachers spend a lot of time designing supplemental activities and lessons.  Students were perplexed with some of the questions on the SBAC pilot, both mathematically and technologically. The transition will be challenging for students who have become accustomed to bubbling in STAR tests.

  21. Implementing Common Core The Good News:  Teachers collaborate across grade levels. Consequently, most formal assessments are common to the grade or class and we meet regularly to design lessons, discuss results, and plan.  The math department uses best practices for teaching math. Inquiry-based lessons, writing about math, and technology continue to be part of the 6-8 th grade math curriculum. We don’t have to learn a new way to teach to support Common Core.


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