Paper presentation – Ultra-Portable Devices Paper: Jaechun Lee and Sangwook Nam, Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna in a Lossy Medium. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,Vol. 57, No.6, June 2009 Presented by: Rohit Chandra 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 1
Outline • Introduction • Radiation Property of Hertzian dipole in Lossy medium • Effective Area • Simulation • Results • Summary 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 2
Introduction • Antennas in Lossy Medium: z 1 t 0 2 t 1 o Geophysical Survey e ˆ ( ) H z dt 1 j t o Submarine Communication o Implants in human body Hankel Function of 2nd kind 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 3
Introduction • A derived using gain and e 2 P impedance of small dipoles in RX G G free space in Friis Formula TX RX 4 P R TX • In lossy medium gain and impedance cannot be obtained simply as in free space Friis Formula in free space • Small dipole Hertzian dipole, infinite power is consumed in vicinity in lossy medium 2 • Insulated Hertzian Dipole A G e RX 4 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 4
Radiation Property of an Insulated Hertzian Dipole in a lossy medium 4 ˆ ˆ ' * 2 Re ( ) ( ) | | P j H ka H ka TX in 1 1 3 Input Power derived by integration of complex Poynting Vector over the surface at r = a T is derived by continuity of Electric and Lossless Sphere Magnetic field at r = a Lossy Medium 2 2 r r 1 e e ' 2 2 sin Re[ ] | | P TX G P r in 2 2 2 4 r r 3 Re 2 sin G D ˆ ˆ eff ' * 2 Re ( ) ( ) j H ka H ka Radiated Power density in far field 1 1 r ∞ and α is attenuation constant 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 5
Radiation Property[contd..] Two factors of loss in lossy medium 1. Attenuation loss in propagation 2 r e ' P D P 4 r eff in 2 r 2. Disspiation Loss in the reactive energy stored in the near field 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 6
Effective Area 2 E l in P RX 8 R in 2 2 3 1 E 2 0 sin Re i eff 2 2 2 2 Re k 2 2 2 Re P k l 2 0 in R T in 2 2 3 4 ' I P eff eff A G e plane 4 k 2 0 sin E TE 0 in i eff * k Re 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 7
Friis Formula for Lossy Medium 2 P R eff RX G G e TX RX 4 P R TX 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 8
Simulation 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 9
Summary • Effective area has been derived for estimation of power transmission in Lossy medium • When medium is both electric as well as magnetic lossy the extended Friis formula for the lossy medium can be used. 2010-05-09 Paper Presentation - Ultra Portable Devices 10
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