panel discussion

Panel Discussion: Realizing large scale infrastructure projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brgerinitiative PRO ERDKABEL Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Panel Discussion: Realizing large scale infrastructure projects Content: 1. Who are we 2. What do we want ? - Our targets 3. What have we done ? 4. Examples for getting acceptance

  1. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Panel Discussion: Realizing large scale infrastructure projects Content: 1. Who are we 2. What do we want ? - Our targets 3. What have we done ? 4. Examples for getting acceptance for grids in earth - in cost comparisons - in combination adjacent to the Autobahn including noise-protection wall - in emission figures - in introduction of new technologies 5. Outlook 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 1 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  2. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Who are we? Foundation: 2007 Active members: ca. 100 persons Leadership: ca. 10 persons Speaker: Reinhard Brinckmann Press affairs: Peter Gosslar Media + Internet: Wolfgang Schulze Region: Centre of Germany Intention: basically democratic peaceful, no violence politically neutral and correct open to everyone and critical Cooperation: Committee High Voltage in Niedersachsen Member of Speakers’ Council 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 2 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  3. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen What do we want? We are not fighting against electrical power grids. We are presenting alternatives: instead of high masts, we only want grids in the earth. We call for an innovative transmission system in Direct Current (DC). We don’t want any kind of partial sectors of earthgrids but we would be satisfied when the total distance Wahle to Mecklar (about 200 km) would be placed in earth as a pilotproject We are claiming and appealing to all politicans in all parlaments to make human politic for all citizens again. The last change of the law in July this year was not enough and it was not helpful for achieving our targets. 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 3 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  4. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen What have we done in the past? 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin Peter Gosslar, Folie # 4

  5. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance through changing technical arguments: Example: DC- (HGÜ) overlay net in Europe Starting point energy production, transit and transportation since 1900: is only possible in AC-technology Argument: no other way and no better way for all market participants in stability and supply-safeness Yesterday: no experience and no practice in DC-technology but: ABB‘s project „South West Link“ in Sweden with 179 km cable and 62 km traditional grids and Siemens connection between France and Spain Today‘s discussion: Germany and Europe needs an overlay net in DC (?) 4 main lines north/south from Hamburg-Munich, and also in east/west direction Magdeburg-Frankfurt Bundesnetzagentur: actually new studies in demand and production, Is this the end of dena I and dena II ? 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 5 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  6. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in cost comparison Example: cost calculation Gesamtkosten (betriebswirtschaftlich) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Freileitung Erdkabel in % 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 6 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  7. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in cost comparison Example: cost calculation Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 1 Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 2 120 160 in % 140 in % 100 120 Grundstücksentwertungen 80 100 80 60 Ausgangslage 60 40 Ausgangslage 40 20 20 0 0 Freileitung Freileitung Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 3 Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 4 180 180 kürzere Laufzeiten 160 160 in % Gesundheitskosten in % 140 140 Gesundheitskosten 120 120 Grundstücksentwert ungen 100 100 80 80 Grundstücksentwert Ausgangslage ungen 60 60 40 40 Ausgangslage 20 20 0 0 Freileitung Freileitung 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 7 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  8. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in cost comparison Example: cost calculation Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 6 Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 5 Klage- und Gerichtskosten, Zeit Landschaftsschutz 200 200 180 Landschaftsschutz 180 in % in % 160 160 kürzere Laufzeiten 140 kürzere Laufzeiten 140 120 120 Gesundheitskosten 100 Gesundheitskosten 100 80 80 Grundstücksentwertun 60 Grundstücksentwertungen 60 gen 40 40 20 Ausgangslage Ausgangslage 20 0 0 Freileitung Freileitung Volkswirtschaftliche Kostenbetrachtung 7 Übertragungsverluste 250 (nicht bei HGÜ) in % Klage- und 200 Gerichtskosten, Zeit Landschaftsschutz 150 kürzere Laufzeiten 100 Gesundheitskosten 50 Grundstücksentwertung en Freileitung 0 Ausgangslage 1 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 8 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  9. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in cost comparison Example: cost calculation Ergebnis des Volkswirt.Kostenvergleichs in % Übertragungsverluste 300 (nicht bei HGÜ) Klage- und 250 Gerichtskosten, Zeit Landschaftsschutz 200 kürzere Laufzeiten 150 100 Gesundheitskosten 50 Grundstücksentwertung en 0 Ausgangslage Erdkabel Freileitung 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin Peter Gosslar, Folie # 9

  10. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in infrastructure Example: DC-Power-grids next to the Autobahn Concrete-Tube 2,00 m Noice Protection Wall DC-Grids inside installed safetyboard 3 tracks = 12,00 m 3,00 m emergency track 3,50 m greens Advantages: 1. technical: übliche Baupraxis bei Erdarbeiten und Rohrverlegung gute Begehbarkeit innerhalb der Rohre für Inspektionen leichte Installation der Kabelstränge innerhalb des Rohres sehr viele Kabelstränge auf engstem Raum, weil keine Magnetfelder und kein Wärmeanfall hohe Sicherheit gegen Beschädigungen von außen geringe Wartungskosten durch Entfall von Umwelteinflüssen 2. optical: von außen kaum wahrnehmbar,keine Natur- und Umweltzerstörung 3. economical: Kostensenkungen durch parallel verlaufende Arbeiten 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 10 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  11. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in Health-Agruments: Example: Maximum emission standards in Europa in 50 Hertz Netherlands 0,4 Micro Tesla Switzerland 1 Micro Tesla Italy 10 Micro Tesla Germany 100 Micro Tesla 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 11 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  12. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Acceptance in new fair laws: Example: Distances between villages and grids Nds. Leitungsausbaugesetz: Earth grids can be used, when less than 400 m in 2009 Federal Energieausbaugesetz: Earth grids must be used, when less than 400 m (EnLAG) in March 2011 Netzausbaubeschleunigungs- no specification, no explanation, no comment Gesetz (NABEG) in July 2011: Result: negativ progress, unintelligible, impossible Population becomes „WUTBUERGER“ 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 12 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  13. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Outlook Acceptance in the citizenship is only reachable, if … … dialogs starting between all participants (round tables) very eary, … communication between all participants is fairly based, … transparency in each step of planing -processes and in the necessity , … implementation of professional moderators and mediators, … fair compensation in case of incompatibility, … indemnities payable yearly according transportation volume, … installation of the latest technical know -how, … remaining neutral justice in all instances, … population become share -holder-status … no compromise possible, finally a people‘s referendum 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 14 Peter Gosslar, Folie #

  14. Bürgerinitiative „PRO ERDKABEL“ Bad Gandersheim/Kreiensen Please visit our homepage: Thanks for your attention ! People, who are fighting, they can be losers. But People, who don‘t start fighting, they are already losers . Bertold Brecht 10 th INFRADAY 2011, Berlin 15 Peter Gosslar, Folie #


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