panel discussion panel discussion

Panel Discussion Panel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Panel Discussion Panel Discussion "How Linux meets business" "How Linux meets business" Panelist Panelist

  1. パネルディスカッション パネルディスカッション Panel Discussion Panel Discussion "How Linux meets business" "How Linux meets business" パネリスト Panelist パネリスト Panelist ラリー・ オーガスティン(SugarCRM) (SugarCRM) Larry Augustin(SugarCRM) ラリー・ オーガスティン Larry Augustin(SugarCRM) ジェームス・ ボトムリー( ノベル) James Bottomley (Novell) ジェームス・ ボトムリー( ノベル) James Bottomley (Novell) 山田 伸一 ( (株式会社 株式会社NTT NTTデータ データ) ) Shinichi Yamada (NTT Data) 山田 伸一 Shinichi Yamada (NTT Data) 亀澤 寛之 ( (富士通株式会社 富士通株式会社) ) Hiroyuki Kamezawa (Fujistu) 亀澤 寛之 Hiroyuki Kamezawa (Fujistu) モデレーター Moderator モデレーター Moderator 高橋 信頼( 日経BP BP社 社 ITpro) ITpro) Nobuyori Takahashi(Nikkei BP) Nobuyori Takahashi(Nikkei BP) 高橋 信頼( 日経

  2. 190 190 社の従業員がカーネル 2.6.30 に貢献 社の従業員がカーネル 2.6.30 に貢献 Contributions to 2.6.30 could be traced back to some 190 190 employers. employers. Contributions to 2.6.30 could be traced back to some Source : Developer statistics for 2.6.30 [] By Jon Corbet Source : Developer statistics for 2.6.30 [] By Jon Corbet

  3. 企業がコミュニティと密接に協業する理由は何か? 企業がコミュニティと密接に協業する理由は何か? Why industries work closely with development Why industries work closely with development communities ? communities ? コミュニティへの貢献によって企業は何を得たか? コミュニティへの貢献によって企業は何を得たか? How much benefits such contributions How much benefits such contributions resulted in your company and in your resulted in your company and in your customers ? customers ?

  4. IT ベンダーが OSS を利用 約7割の国内 IT ベンダーが OSS を利用 約7割の国内 Almost 70% Japanese IT vendors are using OSS Almost 70% Japanese IT vendors are using OSS no interest in OSS (7.3%) many experience and knowledge taking for customer's interest for IT systems OSS, but (15.6%) no action (19.8%) a few considering experience usage for customer's of OSS(8.4%) IT systems (40.2%) using OSS only for internal (12.2%) Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA

  5. OSS 市場は 10 倍に 阻害要因が除去された場合, OSS 市場は 10 倍に 阻害要因が除去された場合, OSS market would become X10 larger if disincentive dissolved OSS market would become X10 larger if disincentive dissolved 2007 OSS market 172billion Yen(3.2%) potential OSS market 792billion Yen(14.6%) IT service market 5421billion Yen(100%) OSS market growth rate : 4.9% / Year 2010 OSS market 199billion Yen(3.4%) OSS market(if disincentive dissolved) 537billion Yen(9.2%) potential OSS market 2041billion Yen(34.6%) IT service market 5897billion Yen(100%) Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA

  6. IT ベンダーが考える OSS のメリット 国内 IT ベンダーが考える OSS のメリット 国内 benefit of OSS IT vendor think benefit of OSS IT vendor think cost escape from vendor lock-in plenty information on internet diversity availability of source code development speed displaying new technology differentiation security order rate improvement number of engineers easy to be prime contractor other Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA

  7. IT ベンダーが考える OSS のデメリット 国内 IT ベンダーが考える OSS のデメリット 国内 What Japanese IT vendor worry about OSS What Japanese IT vendor worry about OSS emergency support many no interest in OSS(7.3%) continuation of OSS experience and bug fix knowledge taking for customer's product plan interest for IT systems OSS, but security fix (15.6%) no action frequent version up (19.8%) TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) mismatch between community and customer requirement few considering customer may modify source code experience adaptation decrease in income for customer's of OSS(8.4%) IT systems competition with my package (40.2%) other Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA Source : 2008 Open source software business survey by IPA

  8. Linux に対するユーザーの不安を取り除く Linux に対するユーザーの不安を取り除く ためには何が必要か? ためには何が必要か? What are needed to remove hesitations What are needed to remove hesitations and to expand Linux use? and to expand Linux use? 非技術的な,社会的,法的,マーケティング,教 非技術的な,社会的,法的,マーケティング,教 育などの視点から 育などの視点から non-technical, but social, legal, marketing, non-technical, but social, legal, marketing, educational... viewpoint educational... viewpoint

  9. 1980's Mainframes Log Price in 1990's RISC/UNIX 2000's PC Servers 2010's ??? Volume in Log IT市場の覇者は,ハードウエアの低価格化により出現した 新しいプレイヤーの挑戦を常に受けてきた。 Dominant players always challenged by new comers Hardware/OS/(MW) prices constantly going down.

  10. Cloud Computing Cloud Computing and and Ubiquitous Devices? Ubiquitous Devices?

  11. 次の 10 10 年”に 年”に Linux Linux が主要な役割を “次の が主要な役割を “ 担うとすれば,我々は将来のオープ 担うとすれば,我々は将来のオープ ンイノベーションにどのように備える ンイノベーションにどのように備える べきか? べきか? Assuming Linux to play a major role Assuming Linux to play a major role in the “next decade”, how should in the “next decade”, how should we be prepared for the future open we be prepared for the future open innovation ? innovation ?

  12. Linux meets business. Linux meets business. Two of them make future, Two of them make future, together. together.

  13. ありがとうございました ありがとうございました Thank you Thank you 谢谢 谢谢 감사합니다 감사합니다


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