pan european opinion poll on occupational safety and

Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health Representative results in the 27 Member States of the European Union Package including results for the EU27 Opinion Poll Design The pan-European perception poll was conducted through

  1. Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health Representative results in the 27 Member States of the European Union Package including results for the EU27

  2. Opinion Poll Design The pan-European perception poll was conducted through the use of an EU- wide omnibus survey. Interviews were conducted by TNS partner institutes in the 27 European Member States. Universe: population aged 18+ with usual place of residence in the territory of the EU - Member States and in full command of the resp. national language(s) Sample: Representative random sample in each of the EU Member States (except for the Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and Belgium where a representative quota sample was drawn) Method of data collection: CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews) in 19 Member States. In Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Romania, interviews were conducted Face to Face because of lower telephone penetration rates. Sample size: 27.106 Interviews (appr. 1.000 interviews per country) Fieldwork period: March 24 – May 12 2009 Margin of error: 0,3* to 0,6**percentage points (total EU27) 1,4* to 3,1**percentage points (national sample) Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 * if value in table is 5%, ** if value in table is 50%

  3. Questionnaire Overview (1) If you were deciding whether to take a new job, which two of the following would most influence your decision? (Salary | Safe and healthy working conditions | Job security | Working hours | Others | None of these | Don’t know/ no answer) (2) In general, to what extent do you think that ill health is caused by the job people have? (A great deal | To some extent | Not really | Not at all | Don’t know/ no answer) (3) Do you think that over the last 5 years health and safety at work in your country has got …? (Much better | Better | Worse | Much worse | Don’t know/ no answer) (4) Regarding safety and health risks at the workplace; do you consider yourself …? (Very well informed | Fairly well informed | Not very well informed | Not at all informed | Don’t know/ no answer) (5) Do you expect or not that safety and health conditions at work in your country might deteriorate due to the economic crisis? (A great deal | To some extent | Not really | Not at all | Don’t know/ no answer) Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009

  4. Decisive factors when looking for a new job

  5. Decisive factors when looking for a new job – EU27 If you were deciding whether to take a new job, which two of the following would most influence your decision (max. two answers)? Salary 57 53 Job security 36 Safe and healthy working conditions 23 Working hours Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Others: 2 / none of these: 2 / don‘t know/no answer: 2 ; Universe: population aged 18+

  6. Decisive factors when looking for a new job – EU27 If you were deciding whether to take a new job, which two of the following would most influence your decision (max. two answers)? Full-time education TOTAL Gender Occupation finished at age Self- Employ- Manual Non Male Female 15 16-19 20+ employ- ed worker active ed Salary 57 61 53 50 60 56 59 61 68 51 Job Security 53 55 51 54 55 51 47 56 53 52 Safe & healthy 36 35 38 41 34 37 37 34 32 40 working conditions Working hours 23 19 26 17 22 26 24 26 22 20 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: others / don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  7. Decisive factors when looking for a new job – EU27 If you were deciding whether to take a new job, which two of the following would most influence your decision (max. two answers)? - Safe and healthy working conditions - 53 52 50 49 47 47 45 45 45 44 36 35 33 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 27 27 27 22 21 19 19 16 SE MT IT NL EL ES DE DK SI LU EU PT BE CY FI FR LT AT CZ IE LV PL UK SK BG EE HU RO 27 Bottom line shows rank of safe and healthy working conditions among 4 factors including also salary, job security and working hours: 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Universe: population aged 18+

  8. Work as a cause of ill health

  9. Work as a cause of ill health – EU27 In general, to what extent do you think that ill health is caused by the job people have? A great deal 28 47 To some extent 15 Not really 6 Not at all Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  10. Work as a cause of ill health – EU27 In general, to what extent do you think that ill health is caused by the job people have? Full-time education TOTAL Gender Occupation finished at age Self- Employ- Manual Non Male Female 15 16-19 20+ employ- ed worker active ed A great deal 28 27 29 32 28 28 29 27 31 28 To some extent 47 46 48 39 48 50 45 50 46 46 Not really 15 16 14 13 16 15 17 15 13 15 Not at all 6 7 5 9 5 5 5 5 6 6 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  11. Work as a cause of ill health – EU27 In general, to what extent do you think that ill health is caused by the job people have? a great deal to some extent not really not at all don´t know / no answer 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 2 2 6 6 6 6 3 5 3 7 2 4 8 4 1 5 5 6 5 11 11 8 9 9 4 6 4 2 6 5 4 9 8 2 12 8 9 11 9 8 9 13 1 2 16 11 15 14 13 18 15 16 25 18 23 9 21 15 13 17 22 21 27 24 40 44 36 46 32 57 56 53 58 49 41 55 52 47 54 41 42 55 42 42 40 49 55 59 58 53 46 45 51 49 47 43 41 33 31 30 30 29 29 29 28 28 28 27 27 26 25 24 22 21 17 16 16 14 14 12 LT SI CY IT EL EE NL LU SE FR BE SK AT DE EU LV FI RO DK PT BG CZ UK ES IE PL HU MT 27 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Universe: population aged 18+

  12. Development of safety and health risks

  13. Development of safety and health at work – EU27 Do you think that over the last 5 years health and safety at work in (YOUR COUNTRY) has got …? Much better 9 48 Better 26 Worse 6 Much worse Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  14. Development of safety and health at work – EU27 Do you think that over the last 5 years health and safety at work in (YOUR COUNTRY) has got …? Full-time education TOTAL Gender Occupation finished at age Self- Employ- Manual Non Male Female 15 16-19 20+ employ- ed worker active ed Much better 9 11 7 11 9 8 12 10 9 7 Better 48 51 45 42 48 51 47 54 51 43 Worse 26 22 29 26 25 26 23 24 26 27 Much worse 6 6 6 7 6 6 8 5 7 7 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  15. Development of safety and health at work – EU27 Do you think that over the last 5 years health and safety at work in (YOUR COUNTRY) has got …? 83 better much better 77 75 72 72 71 71 12 66 65 9 9 10 61 13 38 22 59 59 59 58 8 57 57 55 11 4 5 7 9 7 49 9 11 47 8 43 42 8 5 38 3 36 3 35 33 4 31 31 4 3 65 1 63 62 61 2 59 3 58 57 54 54 53 52 51 50 48 47 46 45 42 41 40 39 15 34 32 32 32 29 1 28 14 IE DK UK MT NL CY ES BE LU FI FR DE EE CZ HU EU PT AT PL SE IT SK RO SI LT LV EL BG 27 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: worse / much worse / don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  16. Development of safety and health at work – EU27 Do you think that over the last 5 years health and safety at work in (YOUR COUNTRY) has got …? 66 worse much worse 56 55 54 19 51 51 9 45 13 14 10 10 42 39 38 7 37 36 8 31 32 7 32 30 7 13 9 26 5 6 4 25 24 6 22 23 22 21 47 47 5 3 5 17 42 4 2 41 41 3 17 40 3 16 38 16 34 1 32 2 13 30 2 27 27 27 5 26 25 24 22 4 21 20 19 19 19 18 16 15 14 11 9 EL BG SI RO LT LV IT SK SE PT FR HU PL EU CZ AT BE LU ES DE EE FI CY NL MT DK UK IE 27 Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: better / much better / don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+

  17. Impact of the Economic Crisis

  18. Impact of the Economic Crisis – EU27 Do you expect or not that safety and health conditions at work in (YOUR COUNTRY) might deteriorate due to the economic crisis: A great deal 21 40 To some extent 23 Not really 11 Not at all Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health – June 2009 Percent Difference to 100 percent: don´t know / no answer; Universe: population aged 18+


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