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PAGE 1 WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM Amazingly Difg fgerent PAGE 2 2009 V - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PAGE 1 WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM Amazingly Difg fgerent PAGE 2 2009 V ibrant, innovatjve and noteworthy 2016 - content with the highest journalistjc standards. Clich is more than a digital magazineits the hotuest source for the latest


  2. Amazingly Difg fgerent PAGE 2 2009 V ibrant, innovatjve and noteworthy 2016 - content with the highest journalistjc standards. Cliché is more than a digital magazine—it’s the hotuest source for the latest trends in popular culture. Cliché creates an engaging, cross-media experience that celebrates game- changing creators of fashion, beauty, music, and entertainment. Entertainment With a fresh take on the world’s leading visionaries, Cliché is meant to inspire an amazingly difgerent way of living. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  3. Editor In Chief PAGE 3 Megan Portorreal Megan Portorreal has been the guiding editorial voice of Cliché since its inceptjon. Her ceaseless dedicatjon to discovering new talent, products, and companies and presentjng them in a ground-breaking digital magazine format makes her the vanguard of a new era in publishing. Issue by issue, Megan has built the most compelling content in the industry. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  4. Putting Cliché To Work For You PAGE 4 “It has always been a pleasure “Cliché Magazine is the best new working with Cliché Magazine. Not fashion/celebrity magazine on the only does their work exceed our market, always on the cuttjng edge expectatjons, but Megan is so of the latest styles, trends and ones delightgul to work with!” to watch. Megan Portorreal is the newest rising star in the publishing “With Cliché Magazine, we know we’ll industry. It's a pleasure to work “ “ “ get great coverage for our project.” with her and the stafg at Cliché.” Melissa Elkin Scotu Appel Big Honcho Media CEO, Scotu Appel Media WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  5. Cliché Helps Elevate PAGE 5 Brand Engagement Digital Publishing & Apps Social Social Media Media In a world where informatjon moves at the Editorial Editorial Reviews speed of light, Cliché promotes your brand Reviews I Love across multjple channels and maximizes your Your Promotjonal Promotjonal Brand engagement and brand penetratjon. We Contests Contests help connect you with new customers who Visibility Visibility create a viral market for your product message. New New Fans Fans Product Reviews Micro Micro Blogs Blogs Quality Quality Content Content WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  6. A Growing and Engaged Audience PAGE 6 9,000,000 8,000,000 Social Reach: 100k + 7,000,000 6,000,000 Unique Visitors: 10k + 5,000,000 Monthly Brand Interactions: 700k + 4,000,000 Agency Partners: 200+ 3,000,000 2,000,000 Content Partners: 90+ 1,000,000 112k Bi-Monthly 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  7. The Digital Marketing Mix That PERFORMS PAGE 7 Advertjsement Cliché ofgers inbound marketjng Product Review Advertorial services to help brands extend their reach and fjnd new fans. YOUR BRAND Brands need more than just an advertjsement and Cliché understands this betuer than anyone. Social Media Promotjonal Contests Digital Exposure WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  8. A Seamless Digital Mobile Experience PAGE 8 WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  9. Cliché Digital Magazine: Dominant Marketing Units PAGE 9 YOUR MESSAGE Strategically placed among relevant content Travel Luxury Services A B C WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  10. Brand Extension Services PAGE 10 Elevate your audience engagement and enhance your marketing reach! NEW NEW Editorial Interviews Social Media Posting Promotional Contests Product Reviews WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  11. Cliché Digital Magazine: Think Difg fgerently PAGE 11 Extend Your Brands Message Through Compelling New Engagements New Customers B C Contests/Sweepstakes New Facebook Fans A WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  12. Cliché Digital Magazine: Native Marketing PAGE 12 Content Created For Your Specifj fjc Message A B CEO/Company Interview Company Showcase WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  13. Cliché Digital Magazine: Native Reviews PAGE 13 Product Advocacy B Single Product Review C F e a t u r e Product Family d P r o d u c t A WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  14. Consumers Demand Digital Content PAGE 14 An Exciting Way To Engage Your Audience Modern Design Outbound Links Elegant layout, easy Hot spots and link to use zoom embedding to the URL features and 1 click of your choice page fmip. Video Integratjon SEO Friendly Let us integrate your company commercial or Search engines can product video into your easily index your digital editorial or product advertjsements and review. editorials WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  15. PAGE 15 Company Interviews Native Marketing Let Cliché Magazine interview your CEO C-Level Leaders of your company. Does your company support worthy causes or help in the community? This is a great way to personalize your marketjng message. We can integrate company commercials, videos, audio messages or other engaging media to help deliver your message. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  16. PAGE 16 Contests & Promotions Native Marketing Let Cliché Magazine launch your next excitjng Sweepstakes Giveaway or Contest. We can launch across multjple platgorms including your Facebook Fan Page, Twituer, Pinterest or you can utjlize Cliché’s expansive network of engaged fans who love partjcipatjng in contests. We can create a custom registratjon form to collect valuable intel and contestant contact info for future marketjng campaigns. Our Team of promotjonal sweepstakes coordinators will help provide the perfect actjvatjon idea for your next excitjng contest. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  17. PAGE 17 Product Reviews Native Marketing Let Cliché Magazine provide a product review about your company’s products and/or services. We will highlight the most excitjng and compelling features that will interest our readers. We can embed a product video directly into your review. We can embed coupons or special promotjons into your review with a direct link to your product page. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  18. How We Measure Your Digital Marketing Efg fgectiveness PAGE 18 ENGAGEMENT User Generated Content Unique Visitors: How many users view Page Views: Page views of Unique Visitors. Social Media: Two-way conversatjons are a prime your ad, editorial, contest or product metric for engagement. review over a period of tjme. Bounce Rate: Time spent on each page. Social Shares: More and more search engines Geography: Pinpoint where your Mapping Responses: What content is and best practjces rely on social relevancy and content is being consumed both most engaging, how viewers get there social sharing metrics to determine reach and domestjcally and internatjonally. and what patuerns develop allow for engagement. These are essentjal factors to strategic placement of advertjsements generatjng betuer leads and more sales. Mobile Readership: Understanding and paid content. what “devices” our content is being consumed through is imperatjve to for maximizing visibility and optjmizing the user experience. WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

  19. PAGE 19 *New York *Miami *Las Vegas *Los Angeles WWW.CLICHEMAG.COM

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