p1 p1 ori orien entatio tion 2020 n 2020

P1 P1 ORI ORIEN ENTATIO TION 2020 N 2020 1 OB OBJEC JECTIVES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P1 P1 ORI ORIEN ENTATIO TION 2020 N 2020 1 OB OBJEC JECTIVES TIVES Welcome parents to the school community and engage them so that they gain clarity on different issues that concern them. Provide information about school policies

  1. P1 P1 ORI ORIEN ENTATIO TION 2020 N 2020 1

  2. OB OBJEC JECTIVES TIVES • Welcome parents to the school community and engage them so that they gain clarity on different issues that concern them. • Provide information about school policies and expectations. • Inform parents about school procedures and activities during the first three days of school. • Provide tips on what parents can do to help your children transit smoothly from preschool to Primary One. 2

  3. IN INTR TRODUCTION ODUCTION Mr Lim Jit Hin Mdm Ginny Chua Mr Gau Poh Teck Ms Sabariah Bte Subari Vice Principal VP Admin Principal Vice Principal School Leaders 3

  4. IN INTR TRODUCTION ODUCTION Mrs Toh Wai Ling Year Head(P1-P2) 4

  5. TODAY’S PROGRAMME • Introduction • Principal’s Address • School Rules and Expectations • Preparing Your Child For Primary 1 • Communication and SOP • Sharing by PSG • Q & A 5

  6. IN INTR TRODUCTION ODUCTION Principal’s Address 6

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  16. SCHOOL SC HOOL RUL ULES ES AN AND EX EXPECT PECTATIONS TIONS Attendance and Punctuality • Students are to report punctually for school and be on time for all school activities. They are to remain in school until dismissal for safety and security reasons. (Students who are not at the reporting venue at 7.30am for the flag- raising ceremony are considered late.) • Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours, including recess, without permission. They are to seek permission from their teachers if they need to leave the school during curriculum time. They should be accompanied by an adult when they take their leave after permission has been granted. • In accordance to the Compulsory Education Act, all students are expected to attend school regularly to attain common core knowledge that will provide a firm foundation for further education and common school experiences that will help build national identity and encourage social cohesion. As such, the school takes a serious view of a student’s absences without valid reasons. 16

  17. SCHOOL HOOL RUL ULES ES AND ND EXPECT PECTATIONS TIONS Attendance and Punctuality • If a student is unwell, she must see a doctor and obtain a medical certificate to validate her absence from school on that day. All documents to validate a student’s absence from school must be submitted to the Form Teacher immediately, once the student returns to school. • Students are expected to complete each school term. Any request for students to return to their home countries before the end of the school term or for holiday tours during the school term does not constitute a valid reason. 17

  18. SCHOOL HOOL RUL ULES ES AND ND EXPECT PECTATIONS TIONS Mobile and Smart Device Policy • Students are not allowed to bring mobile and smart electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and smart watches, to school. • Using these items during the school day could potentially disrupt teaching and learning. • Students can use the pay phone outside the General Office if they need to contact their parents during school hours. • Parents who have exceptional reason(s) for their children to bring mobile phones and electronic devices to school must seek the principal’s permission in writing. 18

  19. SCHOOL HOOL RUL ULES ES AND ND EXPECT PECTATIONS TIONS Mobile and Smart Device Policy • If permission is granted, the approval is valid for the school year ending on 31 December. If you wish to continue the existing approved use, you are required to write in to the principal at the beginning of the school year. • Misuse of mobile and smart electronic devices in school may result in the confiscation of the devices. • Please take note that the school will not investigate the loss of mobile and smart electronic devices that are brought to school. • All students are not allowed to take pictures, videos or other recordings in the school without the school’s permission. • Students who bring such devices to school without approval from the principal may have their devices confiscated. Parents will have to come and collect the device from the school. 19

  20. SCHOOL HOOL RUL ULES ES AND ND EXPECT PECTATIONS TIONS Photographs and Videos • Photographs or video images of students and parents/caregivers may be taken during school activities and events such as classroom lessons, CCA, school camps, school concerts. These photographs and videos may be used for school publications, the school website, official social media channels, and other school communication channels. • The school deploys CCTV camera surveillance systems to manage school security, improve student safety, prevent anti-social behaviour and prevent unauthorised entry. Video images will be used to aid internal or external investigations regarding incidents that have occurred on the school’s premises. 20

  21. WHY WH Y AR ARE E SC SCHO HOOL OL RUL ULES ES IMPOR PORTANT? ANT? • School rules and regulations are necessary to ensure that our students are able to learn in a happy, safe and caring environment. • The school aims to develop good learning habits, self- efficacy and social and emotional competencies in our students. 21

  22. Vanessa Goh Sengkang Green Pri rimary ry – 2014 to 2019 Recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew Award for All-Round Excellence (ARE) 2020 The LKY-ARE is a national-level award for achievement in education. It recognises well-rounded students who have excelled in both academic and non-academic spheres, and who exemplify the qualities articulated in our desired outcomes of education.

  23. Lee Kuan Yew Award for All ll-Round Excellence (L (LKY-ARE) “In school, the principals and teachers always acted as a pillar of support for us. When we stumbled, you supported us and gave us the motivation to persevere. When we erred, you would forgive us and tell us to learn from it. It is because of the unconditional support I received from the teachers that I managed to grow to become a better person. I believe that without the school’s care and guidance, I would not have received this award. ” Vanessa Goh



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  29. Gate A – main gate along Fernvale Road Open : Monday to Friday between 6.30 a.m . and 7.00 p.m. 29

  30. Gate B – back gate opposite Blk 441C In the morning: open between 7.00 a.m. and 7.25 a.m. During dismissal: open between 1.10 p.m. and 1.45 p.m. P1 students will be dismissed at Gate B. 30

  31. PREP EPARI ARING NG FOR R SCHOOL HOOL P1 P1 R Repor orting ting an and Di Dismissal al Time MONDAY TO FRIDAY By 7.25 a.m. Reporting Time P1 classrooms Reporting Venue Between 8.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. Snack break 10.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. Recess 1.10 p.m. Dismissal Time 31

  32. • Parents will not be allowed to enter the school due to the current pandemic situation • Your child’s form teachers will guide and assist him/her to settle in the primary school environment 32

  33. Parents’ Engagement Session Date: 4 January 2021, Monday Time: 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Mode: Zoom (details to be provided later via Parents Gateway) Programme amme • School Theme 2021 – “Be the Best that We can Be” by Mr Gau Poh Teck, Principal • P1 Curriculum and Expectations by HODs • Briefings on Lifeskills Character and Citizenship Education • Cyber Wellness • PE, Art, Music • 33

  34. P1 Happy Feat (Virtual session) Da Date te: 6 Jan anuary uary 20 2021 21 (u (upda date ted) d)-Wednesda ednesday Time: e: 11.15 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Mode: e: Zoom session Pr Programme: amme: • Warm up • Games • Briefing by SH PE • Dance 34

  35. PR PREP EPARI ARING NG FOR R SC SCHOOL HOOL In In-class ass morning rning as assem embly ly 35

  36. PREP PR EPARI ARING NG FOR R SC SCHOOL HOOL Da Daily Morning ning Temperature-Taking Ex Exer erci cise • School will issue a new thermometer to each child on the first day of school • Parents to prepare a packet of tissue paper and a Ziploc bag for your child to bring to school. 36

  37. PREP EPARI ARING NG FOR R SCHOOL HOOL Daily Morning Da ning Tem emper eratur ture-Tak aking ing Exer erci cise 37

  38. PREP EPARI ARING NG FOR R SCHOOL HOOL Da Daily Morning ning Tem emper eratur ture-Tak aking ing Ex Exer erci cise • Wash the thermometer after use • Clean it with a tissue • Keep it in a Ziploc bag • Bring it for daily use 38

  39. PREP EPARI ARING NG FOR R SCHOOL HOOL Sn Snac ack Brea eak k (b (betw etween een 8. 8.00 00 a. a.m. an and 9. 9.00 00 a. a.m.) • 10-minute snack break • Prepare a simple dry snack eg. bread, fruits, biscuits • Try out “snack time” at home • Teach your child how to clean up after eating 39


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