P01 – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades Anders Ryd, Deputy Project Manager September 17, 2015 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 1
Outline Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades P5 report NSF Subcommittee LHC Plans Upgrade Plans Summary Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 2 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Anders Ryd Professor, Cornell 2003 - preset CMS 2005-present Phase-2 U.S. CMS deputy upgrade project manager (2014-present) Pixel online software/DAQ (2005-2010) CMS Run coordinator (2010&2011) Convener of track trigger integration group (2009 and 2012-present) SUSY searches and ttH CLEO-c 2003-2011 Hadronic D-decays and precision tracking Postdoc, Caltech 1996-2003 BABAR; L3 trigger, offline software coordinator, and rare B-decays Ph.D. UCSB 1996 CLEO; Semileptonic B-decays and tracking Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 3 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
P5 Science Drivers Charge 1 In May 2014 the P5 Report “Building for Discovery: Strategic Plan for U.S. Particle Physics in the Global Context” laid out a vision based on five intertwined science drivers and the techniques used to access that science. As taken from the report, Science Driver Technique (Frontier) – Large Projects Use the Higgs boson as a new tool for discovery Energy frontier Pursue the physics associated with neutrino mass Intensity and Cosmic frontier Identify the new physics of dark matter Energy frontier Understand cosmic acceleration; dark energy and * inflation Explore the unknown: new particles, Intensity, Cosmic and interactions, and physical principles Energy frontier * This appears under medium scale projects 4 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 4 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
P5 Recommendation 10 In any funding scenario considered (A,B,C), the P5 recommendation is “Complete the LHC phase-1 upgrades and continue the strong collaboration in the LHC with the phase-2 (HL-LHC) upgrades of the accelerator and both general-purpose experiments (ATLAS and CMS). The LHC upgrades constitute our highest-priority near-term large project.” US LHC Phase II Upgrade - Ryd & Tuts Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 5 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
NSF Response to P5 Report After the P5 report was public NSF formed a subcommittee to recommend how the NSF should respond to the P5 recommendations The main conclusion regarding the LHC phase-2 upgrades are summarized in the report: Strong support to pursue the MREFC as the funding vehicle for the NSP participation in the phase-2 upgrades MREFC has a minimum of ~ $140M Will be joint for CMS and ATLAS Provides support for university groups Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 6 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Physics Goals for HL-LHC Operation Detailed exploration of the Higgs discovered during Run 1 is one of the main motivations, e.g. precise coupling strengths: Evidence for di-Higges Tagging of forward jets (VBF) Searches for new physics, e.g. SUSY Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 7 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Needs for Phase-2 Upgrades Before the start of the Phase-2 operation the CMS will have recorded at least 300 fb -1 of data Detector components such as the central trackers were designed for this exposure, but beyond this point the performance signifjcantly degrades The higher luminosity and the increased pileup (proton-proton interactions per LHC bunch crossing) at the HL-LHC lead to additional challenges Higher occupancy – larger data volumes Higher radiation Harder to select (trigger) the interesting physics This address these challenges we need more powerful detectors to handle the HL-LHC environment Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 8 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
HL-LHC Luminosity Goals HL-LHC will operate with 'lumi leveling': 'Nominal' HL-LHC luminosity 5 × 10 34 Hz/cm 2 - <PU>=140 'Ultimate' HL-LHC luminosity 7.5 × 10 34 Hz/cm 2 - <PU>=200 CMS phase-2 performance targets At <PU>=140 same performance as <PU>=50 for phase-1 At <PU>=200 allow moderate degradation 9 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Radiation Dose and Particle Rates The large integrated luminosity and the instantaneous rates provides a challenging environment Aging studies show that the tracker and endcap calorimeters need replacement 10 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades
Main Phase-2 Upgrades Tracker Higher granularity to handle occupancy Using CMS B=3.8T field to provide input to L1 trigger for tracks with pT>2 GeV Extend forward coverage out to η =~4 Reduce material Endcap calorimeter Use a high granularity Si sensors with W/Cu absorbers Find segmentation allow 3D shower shape reconstruction Trigger/DAQ Increase L1 accept rate to 750 kHz Increase the High Level Trigger (HLT) output rate to 7.5 kHz Incorporate L1 tracking information, combined with L1Calo/L1Muon information, in the trigger decision Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 11 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Summary of CMS Phase-2 Upgrades ~4 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 12 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Summary The HL-LHC upgrade address 3 of the 5 science drives identified in the P5 report and is ranked the highest priority near term large scale project. The HL-LHC upgrades for CMS has to address many challenges: High occupancy (Pileup) Large data rates Harsh radiation environment CMS has proposed a series of upgrades to address these challenges Tracker: Higher granularity Selective readout of p T >2 GeV for L1 trigger Forward pixel extension High Granularity Calorimeter 3D reconstruction of electromagnetic and hadronic showers Radiation hardness Trigger/HLT/DAQ Increased bandwidth and both L1 and HLT stages Inclusions of tracking at the first (L1) trigger stage Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 13 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Backup Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 14 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Outer Tracker Configuration 6 Barrel layers and 5 disks (10 and 11 respectively in current tracker) Increase granularity through short strips 2 sensor modules in all layers for trigger readout (form local correlations and select hits consistent with pT>2 GeV) Long pixels (1.5 mm) in 3 inner layer modules (PS) for z-coordinate Light module design and mechanics – C0 2 cooling (-30C) – DC/DC powering Alternative design with tilted modules in PS layers under study Reduces material and number of modules (degrades L1 track z res.) Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 15 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Pixel Detector Configuration Extend tracking coverage in forward region to η =~3.8 Barrel pixels in 4 layers at radii 3, 7, 11, and 16 cm Forward pixel with 10 disks The optimal layout is still under study Readout at 750 kHz – major challenge at <PU>=200 Serial power likely choice Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 16 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
Tracking Performance Tracking performance with <PU>=140 and 200 similar to the phase-1 detector at <PU>=50. Tracker provides a powerful handle to mitigate the PU Momentum resolution improved over the phase-1 detector due to reduction of material (CO 2 cooling and other optimizations) Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 17 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
L1 Tracking Performance Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 18 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
High Granularity Calorimeter 3D shower measurements in HGC Electromagnetic EE (26 x 0 , 1.5 λ ): 28 layers of Si-W/Cu absorber Front Hadronic FH (3.5 λ ): 12 layers of Si-Brass absorber Back Hadronic BH (5 λ ): 12 layers of Scintilators/Brass Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 19 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
L1Trigger/HLT/DAQ L1Trigger High BW and powerful processing boards First layer to match detector information Second layer to produce Trigger objects DAQ Similar event builder, HLT, and storage as present. Increase band width – 800 links at 100 Gbps with 30% occ. will produce 30 Tbps event building throughput. HLT Processing power scales as PU times L1 rate – need increase of a factor of 50 with respect to Run 2 when operating at <PU>=200. 20 Director's Progres Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades A. Ryd, 2015 September 17
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