p01 overview of cms hl lhc upgrades

P01 Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades Anders Ryd, Deputy Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P01 Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades Anders Ryd, Deputy Project Manager September 17, 2015 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17 Director's Progress Review Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 1 Outline Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades P5 report

  1. P01 – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades Anders Ryd, Deputy Project Manager September 17, 2015 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 1

  2. Outline Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades  P5 report  NSF Subcommittee  LHC Plans  Upgrade Plans  Summary Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 2 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  3. Anders Ryd  Professor, Cornell 2003 - preset  CMS 2005-present  Phase-2 U.S. CMS deputy upgrade project manager (2014-present)  Pixel online software/DAQ (2005-2010)  CMS Run coordinator (2010&2011)  Convener of track trigger integration group (2009 and 2012-present)  SUSY searches and ttH  CLEO-c 2003-2011  Hadronic D-decays and precision tracking  Postdoc, Caltech 1996-2003  BABAR; L3 trigger, offline software coordinator, and rare B-decays  Ph.D. UCSB 1996  CLEO; Semileptonic B-decays and tracking Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 3 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  4. P5 Science Drivers Charge 1  In May 2014 the P5 Report “Building for Discovery: Strategic Plan for U.S. Particle Physics in the Global Context” laid out a vision based on five intertwined science drivers and the techniques used to access that science. As taken from the report, Science Driver Technique (Frontier) – Large Projects Use the Higgs boson as a new tool for discovery Energy frontier Pursue the physics associated with neutrino mass Intensity and Cosmic frontier Identify the new physics of dark matter Energy frontier Understand cosmic acceleration; dark energy and * inflation Explore the unknown: new particles, Intensity, Cosmic and interactions, and physical principles Energy frontier * This appears under medium scale projects 4 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 4 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  5. P5 Recommendation 10  In any funding scenario considered (A,B,C), the P5 recommendation is  “Complete the LHC phase-1 upgrades and continue the strong collaboration in the LHC with the phase-2 (HL-LHC) upgrades of the accelerator and both general-purpose experiments (ATLAS and CMS). The LHC upgrades constitute our highest-priority near-term large project.” US LHC Phase II Upgrade - Ryd & Tuts Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 5 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  6. NSF Response to P5 Report  After the P5 report was public NSF formed a subcommittee to recommend how the NSF should respond to the P5 recommendations  The main conclusion regarding the LHC phase-2 upgrades are summarized in the report:  Strong support to pursue the MREFC as the funding vehicle for the NSP participation in the phase-2 upgrades  MREFC has a minimum of ~ $140M  Will be joint for CMS and ATLAS  Provides support for university groups Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 6 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  7. Physics Goals for HL-LHC Operation  Detailed exploration of the Higgs discovered during Run 1 is one of the main motivations, e.g. precise coupling strengths:  Evidence for di-Higges  Tagging of forward jets (VBF)  Searches for new physics, e.g. SUSY Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 7 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  8. Needs for Phase-2 Upgrades  Before the start of the Phase-2 operation the CMS will have recorded at least 300 fb -1 of data  Detector components such as the central trackers were designed for this exposure, but beyond this point the performance signifjcantly degrades  The higher luminosity and the increased pileup (proton-proton interactions per LHC bunch crossing) at the HL-LHC lead to additional challenges  Higher occupancy – larger data volumes  Higher radiation  Harder to select (trigger) the interesting physics  This address these challenges we need more powerful detectors to handle the HL-LHC environment Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 8 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  9. HL-LHC Luminosity Goals HL-LHC will operate with 'lumi leveling':  'Nominal' HL-LHC luminosity 5 × 10 34 Hz/cm 2 - <PU>=140  'Ultimate' HL-LHC luminosity 7.5 × 10 34 Hz/cm 2 - <PU>=200  CMS phase-2 performance targets  At <PU>=140 same performance as <PU>=50 for phase-1  At <PU>=200 allow moderate degradation 9 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  10. Radiation Dose and Particle Rates  The large integrated luminosity and the instantaneous rates provides a challenging environment  Aging studies show that the tracker and endcap calorimeters need replacement 10 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades

  11. Main Phase-2 Upgrades  Tracker  Higher granularity to handle occupancy  Using CMS B=3.8T field to provide input to L1 trigger for tracks with pT>2 GeV  Extend forward coverage out to η =~4  Reduce material  Endcap calorimeter  Use a high granularity Si sensors with W/Cu absorbers  Find segmentation allow 3D shower shape reconstruction  Trigger/DAQ  Increase L1 accept rate to 750 kHz  Increase the High Level Trigger (HLT) output rate to 7.5 kHz  Incorporate L1 tracking information, combined with L1Calo/L1Muon information, in the trigger decision Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 11 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  12. Summary of CMS Phase-2 Upgrades ~4 Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 12 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  13. Summary  The HL-LHC upgrade address 3 of the 5 science drives identified in the P5 report and is ranked the highest priority near term large scale project.  The HL-LHC upgrades for CMS has to address many challenges:  High occupancy (Pileup)  Large data rates  Harsh radiation environment  CMS has proposed a series of upgrades to address these challenges  Tracker:  Higher granularity  Selective readout of p T >2 GeV for L1 trigger  Forward pixel extension  High Granularity Calorimeter  3D reconstruction of electromagnetic and hadronic showers  Radiation hardness  Trigger/HLT/DAQ  Increased bandwidth and both L1 and HLT stages  Inclusions of tracking at the first (L1) trigger stage Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 13 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  14. Backup Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 14 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  15. Outer Tracker Configuration  6 Barrel layers and 5 disks (10 and 11 respectively in current tracker)  Increase granularity through short strips  2 sensor modules in all layers for trigger readout (form local correlations and select hits consistent with pT>2 GeV)  Long pixels (1.5 mm) in 3 inner layer modules (PS) for z-coordinate  Light module design and mechanics – C0 2 cooling (-30C) – DC/DC powering  Alternative design with tilted modules in PS layers under study  Reduces material and number of modules (degrades L1 track z res.) Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 15 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  16. Pixel Detector Configuration  Extend tracking coverage in forward region to η =~3.8  Barrel pixels in 4 layers at radii 3, 7, 11, and 16 cm  Forward pixel with 10 disks  The optimal layout is still under study  Readout at 750 kHz – major challenge at <PU>=200  Serial power likely choice Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 16 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  17. Tracking Performance  Tracking performance with <PU>=140 and 200 similar to the phase-1 detector at <PU>=50.  Tracker provides a powerful handle to mitigate the PU  Momentum resolution improved over the phase-1 detector due to reduction of material (CO 2 cooling and other optimizations) Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 17 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  18. L1 Tracking Performance Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 18 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  19. High Granularity Calorimeter  3D shower measurements in HGC  Electromagnetic EE (26 x 0 , 1.5 λ ): 28 layers of Si-W/Cu absorber  Front Hadronic FH (3.5 λ ): 12 layers of Si-Brass absorber  Back Hadronic BH (5 λ ): 12 layers of Scintilators/Brass Director's Progress Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades 19 A. Ryd, 2015 September 17

  20. L1Trigger/HLT/DAQ  L1Trigger  High BW and powerful processing boards  First layer to match detector information  Second layer to produce Trigger objects  DAQ  Similar event builder, HLT, and storage as present. Increase band width – 800 links at 100 Gbps with 30% occ. will produce 30 Tbps event building throughput.  HLT  Processing power scales as PU times L1 rate – need increase of a factor of 50 with respect to Run 2 when operating at <PU>=200. 20 Director's Progres Review – Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades A. Ryd, 2015 September 17


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