p0 p01 bar arrel el c cal alorimeter er ov overvie view

P0 P01:Bar arrel el C Cal alorimeter er Ov Overvie view - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P0 P01:Bar arrel el C Cal alorimeter er Ov Overvie view Colin Jessop, University of Notre Dame USCMS L2 Barrel Calorimeter Manager Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter

  1. P0 P01:Bar arrel el C Cal alorimeter er Ov Overvie view Colin Jessop, University of Notre Dame USCMS L2 Barrel Calorimeter Manager Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 1

  2. Outline § Biographical sketch § Upgrade Scope and Motivation § Requirements § Science § Engineering § Design § U.S. Deliverables § WBS Structure § L3 Managers § Institutions § Interfaces and Partners § Development Plan § Milestones § R&D Budget § Design Maturity § Risks § Scope Options § Overview of Construction Schedule and Cost § Quality Assurance and ES&H § Summary Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 2

  3. Project Manager Bio Education: B.A/M.A Cambridge University, UK Ph.D. Harvard University (CDF ECAL/HCAL Top &Higgs Analysis) Training: Post-Doc @ SLAC: R&D on BaBar ECAL readout also CP Violation analysis Positions: Panofsky Fellow @SLAC Managed BaBar ECAL calibration at startup of BaBar experiment Managed BaBar EM radiative decay analysis program (b à sg) Professor: University of Notre Dame LPC electron/photon group leader (2006-2007) US CMS ECAL Institute Board Chair (2008-2012) US CMS L2 project manager for ECAL operations (2012-present ) CMS ECAL upgrade manager (2012-present) US CMS L2 phase 2 ECAL/HCAL Barrel upgrade manager (2015-) Higgs analysis (H à gg , H à tt ), leading group to search for lepton flavor violating decay of Higgs in run 2 Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 3

  4. Upgrade Overview § Point out where your system is in the CMS detector drawing Barrel EM Calorimeter: Front and back end electronics. Project Cost: $11.6M Barrel Hadron Calorimeter: Back end electronics. Project Cost: $2.7M ~4 Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 4

  5. Scientific Goal of the Barrel Calorimeter Upgrade 𝐼 → 𝑎 𝑓𝑓 𝑎(𝑓𝑓) To use modern high speed digital electronics to enhance the performance and discovery capabilities of the barrel electromagnetic/hadronic calorimeter, particularly Higgs Boson physics. Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 5

  6. ECAL+HCAL Barrel Calorimeter EM Energy A high mass dijet event Hadronic Energy The Barrel ECAL/HCAL cover 80% of the geometric acceptance • They are used together for jets, electrons, photons , taus, neutrinos (missing energy), • muons (isolation). Almost every CMS analysis uses the Barrel Calorimeter in some way • Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 6

  7. The Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter Barrel Endcap A H à gg candidate event observed in the ECAL Parameter Barrel h coverage | h | < 1.5 # crystals 61200 Granularity 36 supermodules Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 7

  8. ECAL Barrel Upgrade Physics Drivers H à gg Precision study of the Higgs boson in • decay modes with photons and electrons Includes the discovery modes to • determine the presence of new physics indirectly Also search for new processes involving the • Higgs boson or new Higgs decays 𝐼 → 𝑎 𝑓𝑓 𝑎(𝑓𝑓) with e/ g in final state. e.g H(bb)H( gg ) helps determines vacuum potential for the Universe Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 8

  9. Requirements flow-down Example Physics Drivers Precision Measurement of HL-LHC technical Proposal CMS DocDB 12143 H-> gg NSF project execution plan CMS DocDB 13279 Trigger at low enough E T thresholds Science Goals and Requirements for g from H-> gg CMS DocDB 13317 ( sci-req-002) Trigger Level1 accept rate of 750 Science-Engineering Requirements KHz and 12.5 µ S CMS DocDB 13337 (BCAL-sci-engr-005) Engineering Requirements Rates in on to off detector CMS DocDB 13337 optical links (BCAL-engr-018) Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 9

  10. Requirements flow-down Example Physics Drivers Precision Measurement of HL-LHC technical Proposal CMS DocDB H-> gg NSF project execution plan CMS DocDB Trigger at low enough E T thresholds Science Goals and Requirements for g from H-> gg CMS DocDB 13317 ( sci-req-002) Trigger Level1 accept rate of 750 Science-Engineering Requirements KHz and 12.5 µ S CMS DocDB 13337 (BCAL-sci-engr-005) Engineering Requirements Rates in on to off detector CMS DocDB 13337 optical links (BCAL-engr-018) Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 10

  11. Requirements flow-down Example Physics Drivers Precision Measurement of HL-LHC technical Proposal CMS DocDB H-> gg NSF project execution plan CMS DocDB Trigger at low enough E T thresholds Science Goals and Requirements for g from H-> gg CMS DocDB 13317 ( sci-req-002) Trigger Level1 accept rate of 750 Science-Engineering Requirements KHz and 12.5 µ S CMS DocDB 13337 (BCAL-sci-engr-005) Engineering Requirements Rates in on to off detector CMS DocDB 13337 optical links (BCAL-engr-018) Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 11

  12. Science Requirements The physics drivers lead to a set of 15 science requirements documented in CMS DOC-DB-13337 Those directly relevant to ECAL and HCAL in table below Science Requirements ID descrption. Redundancy Robustness sci-req-1 Detector remains efficient to 3000 fb-1 Electroweak Scale Trigger Thresholds sci-req-2 Efficient triggering of Higgs decays Dijet Resolution sci-req-5 Excellent dijet resolution (H to bb). Diphoton Resolution sci-req-6 H to γγ resolution. Pileup Mitigation sci-req-10 Mitigation pileup so that LHC performance is recovered at HL-LHC. Missing Transverse Energy Resolution sci-req-11 BSM particles Lepton Identification Efficiency and sci-req-12 H to ZZ purity Photon Identification Efficiency and sci-req-13 H to γγ , H(γγ) purity Example: Precision H to γγ requires large statistics (sci-req-1,sci-req-2), excellent photon resolution (sci-req-6) and identification efficiency (sci-req-13) Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 12

  13. ECAL barrel Upgrade Physics Flow-down Precision study of the Higgs boson requires the same performance of the CMS detector • at the HL-LHC as for the legacy LHC (10 x integrated and instantaneous luminosity) (sci-req-2,5,6,10,11,12,13 ) Requires a significant enhancement in the L1 trigger to include charged tracks and finer • granularity in the calorimeter trigger to be able to trigger efficiently on Higgs bosons (sci-req-2) (The calorimeter trigger must be able to accommodate the latency required to trigger on tracks and provide single crystal/tower information to form the trigger primitive) The higher rates produce higher pileup which will be mitigated by precision timing • in the ECAL. Recovers resolution performance for Higgs bosons. (sci-req-10) The effects of radiation damage at high integrated luminosity will be mitigated by • cooling the ECAL detector and optimizing the electronics noise filtering in the readout Recovers resolution performance for Higgs bosons. ( sci-req-2,5,6,10,11,12,13) The effects of spurious high energy deposits (“spikes”) on the trigger will be mitigated • by improved timing and finer granularity. Maintains Trigger performance for Higgs Bosons (sci-req-2) Leads to a set of high level engineering requirements documented in CMSDocDB 13317 Colin Jessop Barrel Calorimeter Technical Design Review Aug. 28-29, 2017 p. 13


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