P . Srikrishnarka
Introduction: Understanding of fjne particles-behaviour, nature has been a key interest for few scientists Brownian motion of particles was experimentally observed by Jean Perrin Zsom et at suggested, formation of planets starts from the clustering of the fjne particles Observation of the transformation has been a technical challenge High Speed camera Digitization of the images causes distortions Long-range electrostatic force of attraction Repulsive contact force Short-range cohesive force
Experimental section: *
Results and discussions: Fig.2: Charges q 1 (red diamonds) and q 2 (blue circles) on the two pa 1: Particle-charge distribution P(q) for mono-dispersed grains Nakajima-Sato model: ** ϕ 0 -axisymmetric electrostatic potential P n - Legendre polynomial of n th order
Fig.3: Sequence of zoomed-in still frames tracking the Fig.4: Horizontal ( rx ) and vertical ( ry ) interaction of two oppositely charged grains components, in the x – y imaging plane Crocker-Grier algorithm: Fig.5: Clustering of colloidal images in the ( m 0 , m 2 ) Ideal equation plane. * * *
6:Relative position of the two grains from trajectory segment b a Fig.7:Example of a hyperbolic trajectory due to attractive electrostatic interaction. a , Hyperbolic trajectory due to repulsive interaction. Insets to a and b Still images from the videos from which the data were extracted.
The sum E 0 of the translational kinetic energy (in the centre-of-mass reference frame) and electrostatic potential energy determines: Solution for r(t) determines the shape of the curve elliptical (E 0 < 0), parabolic (E 0 = 0), or hyperbolic (E 0 > 0) Leapfrog approximation: trajectory. * 1
Fig.8: Time sequence of two particles (coloured green and yellow) aggregating onto an already formed fjve-particle cluster Fig.9: Collision outcomes for a single particle colliding with relative velocity v (in the x – y plane) with a cluster comprised of N particles: capture escape and fragmentation
Conclusions: • Multiple bounces enabled by the electrostatic potential well very efgectively dissipate kinetic energy, all of which increases the likelihood of capture and aggregation. • Small size dispersion, such as in our nearly mono-disperse sample, suffjces to generate highly charged particles, an efgect likely to become amplifjed for larger dispersions. • The charge-stabilized granular molecules observed highlight how intra-cluster particle confjgurations are controlled by dielectric polarization. Future work: • Investigate of how particle stick on surface? • Transport of simulated dust on charged surfaces (observation and model) • Charged particulates’ behaviour near the vicinity of glass surface
Thank you
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