Overview of Career Path, Key Turning Points and Pitfalls to Avoid Una Martin Professor of Clinical Pharmacology/Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Equalities)
Career path • Medical degree Dublin • Bsc Pharmacology • Medical training to Registrar level (Cardiology) • PhD Edinburgh (Clinical Pharmacology) • Senior Reg/Lecturer Clin Pharm-Southampton • Senior Lecturer Clin Pharm-Birmingham 1996 • Reader 2009 • Professor 2015 • Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Equalities) 2015
Key Turning Points • BSc • Decision to go to Edinburgh • Having children • Going part time • Hypertension Clinic • Taking on Programme Director of Clinical Research Facility
Key turning points-Athena SWAN “ Athena SWAN has been valuable in encouraging aspiration, identifying and exemplifying role models and illustrating potential academic career pathways and opportunities.”
Key (last?)Turning points-Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor
Pitfalls So much too do Too little time!
Gender equity programmes in academic medicine: a realist evaluation approach to Athena SWAN processes “Gender inequity was reproduced in the programme's enactment as female staff was undertaking a disproportionate amount of Athena SWAN work, with potential negative impacts on individual women's career progression” BMJ Open 2016;6:e012090 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012090
How to help
What is the difference? Mentoring Coaching Ongoing relationship that can last for a long Relationship generally has a set duration period of time Can be more informal and meetings can take Generally more structured in nature and place as and when the mentee needs some meetings are scheduled on a regular basis advice, guidance or support More long-term and takes a broader view of the Short-term (sometimes time-bounded) and person focused on specific development areas/issues Mentor is usually more experienced and Coaching is generally not performed on the qualified than the ‘mentee’. Often a senior basis that the coach needs to have direct person in the organisation who can pass on experience of their client’s formal occupational knowledge, experience and open doors to role, unless the coaching is specific and skills- otherwise out-of-reach opportunities focused Focus is generally on development/issues at Focus is on career and personal development work Agenda is set by the mentee, with the mentor The agenda is focused on achieving specific, providing support and guidance to prepare immediate goals them for future roles Mentoring resolves more around developing Coaching revolves more around specific the mentee professionally development areas/issues
Sponsor • To get ahead, women need to acquire a sponsor — a powerfully positioned champion — to help them escape the “marzipan layer,” that sticky middle slice of management where so many driven and talented women languish.
Clinical Pharmacology
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