overview of azure iot and

Overview of Azure IoT and Real Use Cases Defining Internet of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview of Azure IoT and Real Use Cases Defining Internet of Things Connectivity Data Analytics Things Platform Services Security & Hybrid Operations Management Cloud Service Web Apps Services Fabric API Apps DocumentDB SQL

  1. Overview of Azure IoT and Real Use Cases

  2. Defining Internet of Things Connectivity Data Analytics Things

  3. Platform Services Security & Hybrid Operations Management Cloud Service Web Apps Services Fabric API Apps DocumentDB SQL Data Portal Azure AD Database Warehouse Health Monitoring Batch RemoteApp Azure Active AD Privileged Directory Mobile Logic Apps Identity Redis Storage Azure Apps Management Cache Tables Search Azure AD B2C Domain Services API Multi-Factor Notification Management Authentication Hubs BizTalk Backup Storage Services Queues Automation Operational HDInsight Machine Stream Data Analytics Learning Analytics Lake Hybrid Service Bus Scheduler Connections Azure Import/Export Data Visual Studio Data Event SDK Key Vault Catalog Factory Hubs Store/ Azure Site Marketplace Content Media VS Online App Recovery Mobile IoT Hub Delivery Services Insights Engagement Network (CDN) StorSimple VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Infrastructure Services

  4. Many Protocols AllJoyn, Thread, Wave, LWM2M, HTTP/S AMQP/S MQTT CoAP OMA- DM, OPC UA, etc… App TLS / DTLS ICMP TCP UDP SCTP Non-IP Routed Networks Net (e.g. GSM/UMTS, X.25, Frame Relay) IP, IPSEC, L2TP Weightless White WiFi 802.11af GSM/GPRS/HSPA/LTE Zigbee IEEE 802.15.4 Bluetooth IEEE 802.15.1 Link Ethernet IEEE 802.3 WiFi IEEE 802.11x ATM PowerLAN/Homeplug

  5. Azure IoT Three parts of an IoT solution Device connectivity & Easy to provision, use and manage 1 management Pay as you go, scale as you need Analytics & operationalized 2 insights Global reach, hyper scale Presentation & business 3 End to end security & privacy connectivity

  6. Devices and Data Device and Event Processing Presentation Transport Data Sources Provisioning API Solution Portal IP capable devices Agent Identity & Registry Stores Libs Device State Store Cloud Data Existing IoT Gate- Stream Event Processor Visualization & devices way Presentation Agent Storage Analytics/ Gateway Libs Machine Learning Agent Libs Low power devices Control System Worker Role

  7. Devices Device Connectivity Storage Analytics Presentation & Action Machine Event Hubs SQL Database App Service Learning Table/Blob Stream IoT Hubs Power BI Storage Analytics Notification Service Bus DocumentDB HDInsight Hubs { } External Data External Data Data Factory Mobile Services Sources Sources BizTalk Services

  8. Event Hubs • High scale telemetry ingestion service RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS • HTTP/AMQP protocol support • Each Event Hub supports Devices • 1 million publishers • 1GB/s ingress • Generally available worldwide • Tens of Billions of messages per day Cloud Gateway • Tens of TB ingested per day Event/IoT Hubs • And rising…

  9. Additional IoT Needs • Command & control RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS • Device identity Protocol Adaptation • Device registry Devices • Device and State management • Protocol translation and gateways Field Protocol Gateway Adaptation Cloud Gateway Event Hubs & Field Azure IoT Hub Gateway Device Connectivity & Management

  10. Azure IoT Hub • Bi-directional device <-> cloud • Up to 10 million devices RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS Protocol • Telemetry ingestion Adaptation • Command & control Devices • Device registry & identity • Bulk import/export of device identities Field Protocol Gateway Adaptation • Device Management • HTTP/AMQP/AMQP-WS/MQTT Cloud Gateway • Extensible protocol support Field Azure IoT Hub Gateway • Operations Monitoring Device Connectivity & Management

  11. Cross-Platform Device Support RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS • Open source “agent” framework Protocol Adaptation • Simple, secure device <-> cloud connectivity & management Devices • RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS Field Protocol • Easy to use, not required Gateway Adaptation C API .NET API Java API Javascript API Cloud Gateway Event Hubs & Field Azure IoT Hub Gateway Cross Platform C Code Device Connectivity & Management OS Abstraction Layer / OS Bindings

  12. Batch h An Analyti ytics & & Visualiza zations Azure HDInsight, AzureML, Power BI, RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Protocol Adaptation Operationalize Devices your insights in real time Hot Path Analytics Azure Stream Analytics, Azure HDInsight Storm Field Protocol Gateway Adaptation IoT Scale Object Models Cloud Gateway Event Hubs & Business Logic Hot Path Business Logic & Field Azure IoT Hub Service Fabric & Actor Framework Gateway Device Analytics & Connectivity & Management Operationalized Insights

  13. Batch h An Analyti ytics & & Visualiza zations Azure HDInsight, AzureML, Power BI, RTOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS Presentation & Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Protocol Business Connectivity Adaptation Devices Hot Path Analytics App Service, Websites Azure Stream Analytics, Azure HDInsight Storm Field Protocol Gateway Adaptation Cloud Gateway Event Hubs Hot Path Business Logic & Dynamics, BizTalk Services, Field Azure IoT Hub Notification Hubs, Logic Apps Service Fabric & Actor Framework Gateway Device Analytics & Presentation & Connectivity & Management Operationalized Insights Business Connectivity

  14. Azure IoT Suite Azure IoT Suite Remote Monitoring Web/Mobile App Power BI Devices DocumentDB Back end Storage blobs systems and C# simulator processes Logic Apps Web Jobs Stream Analytics Event Hub IoT Hub Azure Active Directory

  15. OPC UA Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture • OPC Foundation standard; IEC standard • Foundational architecture model for (industrial) device management and information flow • Cloud integration via Pub/Sub (forthcoming) Discover Observe Client Server Query Control Address Space

  16. . . Presentation/UI Logic App Database Azure Active Directory SQL database Service Fabric Phone Mobile App SQL Data Service Warehouse Fabric Tablet IoT Hub Service Fabric API App Web App Service Fabric ML Learning Storage blob Stream Analytics Machine Learning Microsoft Management Azure console . .

  17. Netherlands Creates and produces innovative solutions for sustainable climate control and process management in the horticulture industry and smart buildings

  18. Looking to reduce the number of drilling engineers on rig Needed an On Rig and Azure Solution

  19. Microsoft Azure Web App Excel Storage blob Data Factory (Target for AZCopy or 3 rd party file upload) API App SQL Data Warehouse Storage blob Stream Analytics Data Factory IoT Hub (Data directly from Devices) Data Lake (optional - for Future) Machine Learning Azure Active Directory

  20. 24

  21. Providing a holistic view of a building by unifying data Increase Building Efficiency Easier system coordination  Lower energy consumption  Fire/life Reduced cost  Security safety Access Elevators Lighting Energy 24/7 Monitoring HVAC Comms

  22. Rooftop op AHU Economizer optimization Insul ulate ated Chill lled ed Water r Supply Valv lve e Damper er In Full lly Close sed Position ion Actuat uator or AHU Outside Air Damper (Open/Shut) AHU Economizer optimization “Chilled Water Valve leaking”

  23. Microsoft Confidential | Page 28

  24. Architecture 30

  25. Catalog & Discover Data Ingest Transform Store Analyze Store Visualize Orchestrate & Manage

  26. Azure Machine Learning is a powerful cloud-based predictive analytics service that makes it possible to quickly create and deploy predictive models as analytics solutions.

  27. Elastic cloud data warehouse with proven SQL Server capabilities Elastic scale and performance Scales to petabytes of data • Massively Parallel Processing • Instant-on compute scales in seconds • Query Relational / Non-Relational • Powered by the cloud Get started in minutes • Integrated with Azure ML, PowerBI & ADF • Market Leading Price & Performance Simple billing compute & storage • Pay for what you need, when you need it with • dynamic pause

  28. A hyper scale repository for big data analytics workloads Store any data in its native format without prior transformation Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) For The Cloud Enterprise grade security, availability and durability HDInsight Optimized for massive throughput - No limits on file and account sizes

  29. A “single pane of glass” to view of the operation of your business P rovides a real-time view of your business operations Direct connections to on-premise data supporting Hybrid scenarios Native iOS, Android and Windows mobile apps . “Out of the box” reports for a growing list of SaaS services empowering the end users Natively integrated with Microsoft applications, services and data platform .


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