
Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Industry insights Q & A 235 Outline Morning program Preliminaries

  1. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Industry insights Q & A 235

  2. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 236

  3. Recommender systems Recommender systems – The task I Build a model that estimates how a user will like an item. I A typical recommendation setup has I matrix with users and items I plus ratings of users for items reflecting past/known preferences and tries to predict future preferences I This is not about rating prediction [Karatzoglou and Hidasi, Deep Learning for Recommender Systems, RecSys ’17, 2017] 237

  4. Recommender systems Approaches to recommender systems I Collaborative filtering I Based on analyzing users’ behavior and preferences such as ratings given to movies or books I Content-based filtering I Based on matching the descriptions of items and users’ profiles I Users’ profiles are typically constructed using their previous purchases/ratings, their submitted queries to search engines and so on I A hybrid approach 238

  5. Recommender systems Warm, cold I Cold start problem I User cold-start problem – generate recommendations for a new user / a user for whom very few preferences are known I Item cold-start problem – recommendation items that are new / for which very users have shared ratings or preferences I Cold items/users I Warm items/users 239

  6. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 240

  7. Recommender systems Matrix factorization I The recommender system’s work horse V R 241

  8. Recommender systems Matrix factorization I Discover the latent features underlying the interactions between users and items I Don’t rely on imputation to fill in missing ratings and make matrix dense I Instead, model observed ratings directly, avoid overfitting through a regularized model I Minimize the regularized squared error on the set of known ratings: i v j ) + λ ( k u i k 2 + k v j k 2 ) X ( r i,j � u T min u,v i,j ∈ R Popular methods for minimizing include stochastic gradient descent and alternating least squares 242

  9. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 243

  10. Recommender systems A feed-forward neural network view [Raimon and Basilico, Deep Learning for Recommender Systems, 2017] 244

  11. Recommender systems A deeper view 245

  12. Recommender systems Matrix factorization vs. feed-forward network I Two models are very similar I Embeddings, MSE loss, gradient-based optimization I Feed-forward net can learn di ff erent embedding combinations than a dot product I Capturing pairwise interactions through feed-forward net requires a huge amount of data I This approach is not superior to properly tuned traditional matrix factorization approach 246

  13. Recommender systems Great escape . . . I Side information I Richer models I Other tasks 247

  14. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 248

  15. Recommender systems Side information for recommendation (1) (2) (3) (4) 249

  16. Recommender systems Side information for recommendation I Textual side information I Product description, reviews, etc. I Extraction: RNNs, one dimensional CNNs, word embeddings, paragraph vectors I Applications: news, products, books, publication I Images I Product pictures, video thumbnails I Extraction: CNNs I Applications: fashion, video I Music/audio I Extraction: CNNs and RNNs I Applications: music 250

  17. Recommender systems Textual side information I Content2vec [Nedelec et al., 2016] I Using associated textual information for recommendations [Bansal et al., 2016] 251

  18. Recommender systems Textual information for improving recommendations I Task: paper recommendation I Item representation I Text representation: RNN based I Item-specific embeddings created using MF I Final representation: item + text embeddings 252

  19. Recommender systems Images in recommendation Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) [He and McAuley, 2016] I Bias terms I MF model I Visual part: I Pretrained CNN features I Dimension reduction through embeddings I BPR loss 253

  20. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 254

  21. Recommender systems Alternative models I Restricted Boltzman Machines [Salakhutdinov et al., 2007] I Auto-encoders [Wu et al., 2016] I Prod2vec [Grbovic et al., 2015] I Wide + Deep models [Cheng et al., 2016] 255

  22. Recommender systems Restricted Boltzman Machines – RBM I Generative stochastic neural network I Visible and hidden units connected by weights I Activation probabilities: j + P m p ( h j = 1 | v ) = σ ( b h i =1 w i,j v i ) i + P n p ( v i = 1 | h ) = σ ( b v j =1 w i,j h j ) I Training I Set visible units based on data, sample hidden units, then sample visible units I Modify weights to approach the configuration of visible units to the data I In recommendation: I Visible units: ratings on the movie I Vector of length 5 (for each rating value) in each unit I Units corresponding to users who not rated the movie are ignored 256

  23. Recommender systems Auto-encoders Auto-encoders I One hidden layer I Same number of input and output units I Try to reconstruct the input on the output I Hidden layer: compressed representation of the data Constraining the model: improve generalization I Sparse auto-encoders: activation of units are limited I Denoising auto-encoders: corrupt the input 257

  24. Recommender systems Auto-encoders for recommendation Reconstruct corrupted user interaction vectors [Wu et al., 2016] I Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoder (CDAE) I The link between nodes are associated with di ff erent weights I The links with red color are user specific I Other weights are shared across all the users 258

  25. Recommender systems Prod2vec and Item2vec I Prod2vec and item2vec: Item-item co-occurrence factorization I User2vec: User-user co-occurrence factorization I The two approaches can be combined [Liang et al., 2016] 259

  26. Recommender systems Wide + Deep models I Combination of two models I Deep neural network I On embedded item features I In charge of generalization I Linear model I On embedded item feature I And cross product of item features I In charge of memorization on binarized features I [Cheng et al., 2016] 260

  27. Outline Morning program Preliminaries Modeling user behavior Semantic matching Learning to rank Afternoon program Entities Generating responses Recommender systems Items and Users Matrix factorization Matrix factorization as a network Side information Richer models Other tasks Wrap-up Industry insights Q & A 261

  28. Recommender systems Other tasks I Session-based recommendation I Contextual sequence prediction I Time-sensitive sequence prediction I Causality in recommendations I Recommendation as question answering I Deep reinforcement learning for recommendations 262

  29. Recommender systems Session-based recommendation I Treat recommendations as a sequence classification problem I Input: a sequence of user actions (purchases/ratings of items) I Output: next action I Disjoint sessions (instead of consistent user history) 263

  30. Recommender systems GRU4Rec Network structure [Hidasi et al., 2016] I Input: one hot encoded item ID I Output: scores over all items I Goal: predicting the next item in the session Adapting GRU to session-based recommendations I Session-parallel mini-batching: to handle sessions of (very) di ff erent length and lots of short sessions I Sampling on the output: to handle lots of items (inputs,outputs) 264

  31. Recommender systems GRU4Rec Session-parallel mini-batches I Mini-batch is defined over sessions Output sampling I Computing scores for all items (100K 1M) in every step is slow I One positive item (target) + several samples I Fast solution: scores on mini-batch targets I Items of the other mini-batches are negative samples for the current mini-batch 265


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