OUTERSTUFF UCONN: Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Rights Summit Licensee Perspectives of University CSR/HR Panel November 22 nd , 2019 Nathan Fleisig Director of Corporate Social Responsibility nfleisig@outerstuff.com
Licensors Manufacture in 15 countries Brands Adidas China CLC MLB MLS EMEA FLA NBA NFL South Asia Fanatics NHL South East Asia Nike Universities The Americas USOC Responsible Sourcing Product Category Vetting Internal/External Youth Apparel Sports Collaboration Training Licensing Auditing/CAP Review “Trust But Verify” Best Practices NGO/CSO American Apparel & Footwear Better Buying Americas Group Better Work Bangladesh Accord Country Risk Assessments FLA Fair Compensation Workers Right Consortium Worker Engagement HIGG Index
Factory Profile w/Photos Brand/Retailer Factory ID# Agent Contact Information CTPAT Brand/Retailer Annual Cap. % Factory Contact Information Product Categories Audit History Is there dedicated CSR? Monthly/Yearly Capacity CAP History Business License # of Sewing Operators Unions Screen Printing in/out Collaborate With Industry Colleagues Collective Bargaining Embroidery in/out Shared Brand Auditing/CAP Use the Web Country Specific CSR/Souring Relationship Talking Points Supply Chain Best Internal Training Bangladesh: Accord Practices Supply Chain Training China: Insurance, Housing, OT
RESPONSIBLE SOURING FINAL OUTCOMES Approved due to vetting, without additional audits ➢ Approved due to vetting, with a follow-up audit ➢ Approved due to vetting, with continued collaboration ➢ Not approved due to country risk assessment ➢ Not approved if zero audit history. Outerstuff will not audit ➢ Not approved due to vetting non-compliance findings ➢ Not approved due to collaboration poor non-compliance findings ➢ Not approved due to scheduled audit non-compliance findings ➢ Allows for industry expert collaboration ➢ Increase Brand CSR leverage in the supply chain ➢ Reduces audit fatigue ➢ Reduces audit cost ➢ Saves time for sourcing decisions ➢ Increases internal training opportunities ➢