our vision

Our Vision Apply intelligent models and algorithms, achieve the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Our Vision Apply intelligent models and algorithms, achieve the complex system design. Integrate various data and define standard parts, therefore direct wet lab experiment. Workflow CAST Designer Cross platform :windows, Linux,

  1. Our Vision Apply intelligent models and algorithms, achieve the complex system design. Integrate various data and define standard parts, therefore direct wet lab experiment.

  2. Workflow

  3. CAST Designer 流程图 Cross platform :windows, Linux, ios Easy deposited

  4. Workflow

  5. Regulation Network

  6. Regulation Network to Gene Circuit Regulation Network Gene 2 Repressor Gene 1 Gene Circuit

  7. Parameters & Control Panel promoter RBS Plasmid backbone Repressor/ activator inducer

  8. Parts & Dynamic Parameters Gene Circuit

  9. Gene Circuit Real-time One gene, simulation one panel Parts update with dynamic parameters’ alteration

  10. A Demo Video

  11. Workflow

  12. Simulation 1. Deterministic, stochastic and time delay simulations 2. Remove the uninterested curve 3. Based on powerful models and algorithms

  13. Challenges in Modeling Challenge Ⅰ : Complex of synthetic circuits Challenge Ⅱ : Evaluation of regulator strength Challenge Ⅲ : The fluctuations of the circuits Challenge Ⅳ : Inconsistent parameters for simulation

  14. Challenge Ⅰ: Complex of Synthetic Circuits Solutions: improved ordinary differential equations (ODEs) 1.Combine regulatory and metabolic ODEs as well as Hill Equations 2.Multi-level modeling

  15. Regulation and Metabolic Networks Transcription: Promoters Level 3: Level 2: Co-regulators Transcription factors Level 1: inducer No regulations Positive (activator) co-repressor One operon promoters inducer constitutive Negative (repressor) co-repressor inducible repressor + activator Two operons repressor + repressor activator + activator

  16. Regulation and Metabolic Networks Translation: CDSs, RBSs and terminators 𝒆[𝐐𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐣𝐨] = 𝐔𝐅 × 𝐔𝐟𝐬𝐅 × 𝒏𝑺𝑶𝑩 − 𝑬𝒇𝒉𝑸𝒔𝒑[𝑸𝒔𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒋𝒐] 𝒆𝒖 Metabolic networks: enzymatic reactions 𝑒[𝑄] [𝑇] 𝑒𝑢 = 𝑊 𝑛𝑏𝑦 𝐿 𝑛 +[𝑇] 𝒆[𝒒𝒔𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒋𝒐] 𝑾 𝒏𝒃𝒚 [𝑻] = (𝑳 𝒏 +[𝑻])(𝟐 + 𝑱 𝒆𝒖 𝑳 𝑱 ) 𝒆[𝒒𝒔𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒋𝒐] 𝑾 𝐧𝐛𝐲 [𝑻] = 𝑳 𝒏 𝟐 + 𝑱 𝒆𝒖 𝑳 𝑱 + [𝑻]

  17. Challenge Ⅱ : Evaluation of regulator strength New Iteration Algorithms Cascades Cyclic circuits Interface

  18. Challenge Ⅲ : The fluctuations of the circuits Solutions: stochastic and time delay simulations Concentration 𝒏 𝒆𝒏𝑺𝑶𝑩(𝒖) = 𝜷𝟏 ∙ 𝒏𝐒𝐎𝐁 𝐮 + 𝜷𝒍 ∙ 𝒏𝑺𝑶𝑩(𝒖 − 𝝊𝒍) 𝒆𝒖 𝒍=𝟐 Time

  19. Challenge Ⅳ : Inconsistent Parameters for Simulation Solutions: develop the data standardization process Output: PoPS and RIPS

  20. Workflow

  21. Satisfied Simulation Result

  22. Plasmid

  23. Protocol

  24. Protocol

  25. Protocol

  26. Wet-lab Validation design protocol experiment We successfully validated our model with wet-lab experiment

  27. Experiment VS. Simulation We successfully validated our model with wet-lab experiment

  28. Conclusion & Human Practice

  29. Distinctive Features • Automatic Design • Construct new software system to convert primary idea into complex gene circuit. • Innovative models and algorithms • New Iteration Algorithms • Improved simulation models for multi-level regulation and metabolic network. • Wet lab experiments • Successfully validate our model with a self practice wet lab experiment.

  30. Human Practice

  31. TEDx Salon

  32. TEDx Salon We spread the iGEM idea with Sun Yat-sen University students .

  33. Medal Request Bronze Medal Register the team, have a great summer, and have fun attending the Regional Jamboree and World Championship Jamboree. Create and share a description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki. Present a Poster and Talk at the Regional Jamboree and World Championship Jamboree. Develop and make available via the The Registry of Software Tools an open source software tool that supports synthetic biology based on BioBrick standard biological parts (remember, the iGEM judges will be looking for substantial team-based software projects). Silver Medal Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project. In addition the team must: Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate. Gold Medal To earn a Gold Medal, in addition to the Silver Medal requirements, a team must: 1. Have another team utilize the software developed by your team. You must clearly show how your software was used and the results that were obtained. 2b. In place of requirement two, a team may instead use SBOL in your software documentation. 3a. Develop and document a new technical standard that supports one of the following: The analysis, modeling, and simulation of BioBrick Parts or Devices The sharing of BioBrick Parts or Devices, either via physical DNA or as information via the internet.

  34. Special Award Best New Standard Best Human Practices Advance

  35. Acknowledgment Sponsors


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