American Fork Canyon Vision
What is the Vision? The American Fork Canyon Vision (Vision) will ho- Few places in the world have a natural asset as listically evaluate and address issues and goals valuable as the Wasatch Mountains are to the centered on three topic areas: 1. the natural en- communities surrounding them. The mountains vironment, 2. the social environment, and 3. the provide us with water, easy access to superb built environment. Currently, no comprehensive recreational opportunities, landscape-scale vision has been developed for American Fork habitat protection, and they serve as the Canyon. This process will bring together all inter- place-maker for our region. However, these ested Canyon stakeholders and interests to form mountains face challenges from increasing one single, cohesive Vision. population, increased use, development pres- ���������������������������������������������� The Vision is your aspiration for the future of and changing climatic conditions. Unless steps American Fork Canyon. The Vision process will are taken now to balance competing demands, focus on developing consensus about what the these challenges may threaten recreation op- ideal future conditions for the canyon are; this in- �������������������������������������������������� cludes how things should look, feel, and function. more than a million residents of and visitors to The Vision will capture what canyon users value the region. These are among the issues to be most about the canyon and what you imagine it considered in the Vision’s planning process. becoming. The Vision is a collaboration between public and private interests, including state and local gov- ernments, federal agencies, business, and grass- roots organizations. Public involvement is an ����������������������������������������������� - ceived from the public will be used to guide the process. Partners:
How Do I Make A Difference? ������������� ����������� ������ ����� ���������� ��� ��������� ��� ����������� �� Your participation in this process is important. ��� ���������������������������������������������������� addition to open houses, workshops and events, Take a moment to think about the issues and there are also opportunities to review information opportunities that face American Fork Canyon online and provide comments directly to the project now and in the future. What is your vision? team. Stay up-to-date with the latest information on meetings, online activities and events by visiting ����� the Vision website at . ���������� ���������� 2. Review open house displays Your input from this event and other activities will ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������� the values and priorities of our community. This input will form the basis of the policies and action ���������������������������������� �������������� The process is organized into four stages (shown below) and will take approximately one year to complete. There will be public events, online activities, and other opportunities to participate at all stages. Assessment Visioning Scenario Vision and Choices and Process Development April - June 2015 July - Sept. 2015 January - March 2015 October - Jan. 2016 Final Vision & Stakeholder Community Scenario Visioning Workshop Adoption Interviews Choices Workshop Workshop Ongoing We Are Here through project
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT INTERESTING HIGHLIGHTS AFC is one AFC has two congres- Historic records show 6% of the Canyon of the most sionally designated Wil- rare wolverines have is “bare rock”, and geologically derness Areas with a to- been found in the 94% of the Canyon diverse tal of 25,240 acres. This unique, rugged, alpine is covered in canyons in is the largest single land landscape of the vegetation. Utah use in the Canyon. Canyon. Threatened, Endangered, or Senstive Species Sub-alpine Northern Goshawk Western Yellow- Three-Toed Coniferous Billed Cuckoos WoodPecker Mountain E Brush Peregrine Big-Eared Bat Falcon Flammulated Owl Riparian American Fork Canyon PLANT COMMUNITIES Adapted from Bald Eagle Rocky Mountain Avalanche Paths Greater Sage Big Horn Sheep Grouse AFC has two congressional- AFC has two congressional- In this map the shaded ly designated Wilderness ly designated Wilderness Areas with a total of 25,240 Areas with a total of 25,240 areas represent avalanche acres. This is the largest sin- acres. This is the largest sin- gle land use in the Canyon gle land use in the Canyon zones with maximum estimated run-out distance of the avalanche debris. The red circle is Newton Chutes. The Newton Chutes Area is the location where 58,080 acres of project area are Wasatch Mountain State Park avalanches most frequently managed by USFS. Of that, reach the road in American Lone Peak Wilderness Area Fork Canyon. To Heber City 45% Lone Peak Wilderness Area Alpine n y o n c n a F o r k C a A m e r i National Monument Timpanogos Cave Highland is congressionally designated Cedar Uinta-Wasatch-Cache Hills National Forest Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Mount Timpanogos M . t Wilderness Area m i T WILDERNESS. a p n o g o s W e d l i r n American e s s Fork A r Pleasant a e Grove ������������������������������������������� n o y n v o C a P r o Lindon Vineyard Orem Provo Private Property Wilderness Area USFS Project Area [ ] American Fork Watershed provides municipal water to NEARBY COMMUNITIES and the BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Fun fact: Some genetically pure populations of Bonneville Cutthroat trout reside in isolated o v e t G r s a n l e a P reaches of the Canyon. n e C e i d a p r H i A l d l l s n a l h n F o r k A m e r i c a g i H L e h i
What is your vision? NATURAL ENVIRONMENT
SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT INTERESTING HIGHLIGHTS Since settlement, Utah County’s population There are over 40 More than AFC relies on the efforts American Fork is expected to double in known uses in the 120,000 of volunteers-- in fact, in Canyon’s main use the next 25 years. This Canyon. These include 2014, the Uinta-Wasatch- people visit has transitioned from increased population will anything from hiking, Cache received the Chief’s Timpanogos resource extraction to put additional pressure on to scenic driving, to Award for the largest Cave NM each recreation. the Canyon’s resources and OHV use. volunteer program in the year. amenities. National Forest System. WHO ARE THE VISITORS? Utah County Salt Lake County Summit County Other Utah Areas Out of State As Utah County’s population is expected to nearly double by 2040, users of the Canyon are expected to Most users of American Fork Canyon are coming from Utah County . increase proportionally. Picnicking Pet exercise ��������� ����������� Downhill skiing Nature study ATV Road cycling Photography Ice climbing Hunting Rock climbing Cross-country skiing Sledding OHV use your Canyon ? Escape Raft Races Resorts Hiking Backcountry skiing YOU Nearby communities have a Kayak How do Mountain biking desire to become a strong Birdwatching GATEWAY COMMUNITY �������� Tobogganing to American Fork Canyon. Views Horseback riding Fishing Wildlife viewing Camping ���������������������������� ����������������� Snowboarding of the canyon are highly prized. ��������������������� ����������������� Scenery viewing Trail running Backcountry snowboarding Fat biking Snowmobiling Canoe 80 % of visitors travel less When asked: than 50 miles to access “How important is outdoor recreational activities* recreation to you and your *These results represent 535 visitors to the Canyon family?” more than half of survey # 1 respondents* replied “EXTREMELY IMPORTANT” In 2014, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache received the Chief’s Award for the LARGEST VOLUNTEER PROGRAM *Survey results included participants from Utah, Wasatch and Summit counties in the National Forest System. VOLUNTEER PROJECTS INCLUDE: �� trail maintenance and reconstruction �� heritage resource protection �� backcountry trail patrols �� visitor service contacts �� wilderness monitoring �� ������������������������� �� wildlife habitat restoration. 80% of visitors were �� watershed restoration through the 4,751 21,085 VERY SATISFIED Dedicated Hunter program with their visit volunteers hours donated
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