2019‐05‐23 “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit”... “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”... “It was a dark and stormy night”... OUR STORY Will Postma Executive Director PWRDF 1
2019‐05‐23 MATTER The Diocese The Story Unfolding Diocesan Gift of $150,000.00 Staff for solar panels Changes (a gift which will provide a $250,000 Controller Payroll Administrator benefit over 10 Diocesan Insurance Advisor years) Diocesan Solicitor Stipendiary Ministry Vocations Coordinator, the CAPP Vocations Coordinator Atlantic School of Theology Executive Secretary of Synod 2
2019‐05‐23 CREATING Diocesan Website Inter ‐ Diocesan Session 1 n 1 – – Missi ssion P Possible ssible Sess essio ion 2 2 - FOC OCUS on on MORE Learning Community Session 3 n 3 - - Joi oining ning God d in t the Neigbou bourho hood Environmental Network // MOST VSST 3
2019‐05‐23 Parish Life Stories of Life Local Expression of Church Changing Leadership Corporate Model • Full Time & Part ‐ Time Clergy • A dispersed regional ministry Separate ‘Silos’ supporting locally trained lay of Ministry ministers. • A truly bi ‐ vocational ordained Question of TRUST ministry. • The shared ministry model People Stories of our people 4
2019‐05‐23 Growing as Disciples Invitation Invitation Changed Life Changed Life Growing as Leader Growing as Leader Establishing Community Establishing Community Responding/Serving Responding/Serving Deepening Deepening Recommiting Personal Recommiting “Story of Stories” where the ‘urgent’ frequently eclipses the ‘important’ Anglican Church of Canada Primatial Election 5
2019‐05‐23 THIS IS OUR STORY, THIS OUR SONG Closing Thoughts There’s more … Servant Ministry Servant Ministry Walking a NEW PATH Walking a NEW PATH makes us servants of the God... makes us servants of the God... CHAOS & CREATIVITY “The “There’s n noth thing in in the the world world more pow more powerf rful than than a a good good stor story. Noth Nothin ing g can can stop stop i it. . No e No enem emy y can de n defeat at it.” .” 6
2019‐05‐23 7
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