our mandate

Our Mandate OUR GOAL: OUR MISSION: To catalyse a robust To - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Our Mandate OUR GOAL: OUR MISSION: To catalyse a robust To accelerate innovative business solutions that business sector to deliver sanitation at scale , to those who need it most deliver universal - by innovating at the at the social,

  1. Our Mandate OUR GOAL: OUR MISSION: To catalyse a robust To accelerate innovative business solutions that business sector to deliver sanitation at scale , to those who need it most deliver universal - by innovating at the at the social, environmental, access to sanitation. economic & organisational levels. @TheToiletBoard

  2. The Coalition @TheToiletBoard

  3. We support… @TheToiletBoard

  4. @TheToiletBoard

  5. The Toilet Accelerator works with sanitation innovators in 3 ways: Accelerating promising sanitation business models with prospect for scale Co-innovating new solutions where critical components of the system do not exist Bundling opportunities to bundle sanitation to other solutions also targeting the same users in the BoP @TheToiletBoard

  6. Future Outlook Building the Business Ecosystem Affordable Circular Mobile 4 Housing Economy Sanitation @TheToiletBoard

  7. We believe… Delivering universal access to sanitation is the Business Opportunity of the Decade 2.4 billion 
 1 billion 
 people are being suffer the daily held back because of indignity of open poor sanitation. defecation. We can’t wait Delivering Business models that can deliver sanitation at scale requires innovative sanitation at scale need to be sustainable & supported and accelerated. resilient solutions @TheToiletBoard

  8. @TheToiletBoard

  9. www.toiletboard.org @TheToiletBoard


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