otrec research forum

OTREC Research Forum PSRC and the Central Puget Sound Region - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OTREC Research Forum PSRC and the Central Puget Sound Region September 8, 2010 PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 2 What We Do Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC): MPO, COG OVERVIEW GROWTH Regional Growth, Economic MANAGEMENT

  1. OTREC Research Forum PSRC and the Central Puget Sound Region September 8, 2010

  2. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 2 What We Do • Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC): MPO, COG OVERVIEW GROWTH • Regional Growth, Economic MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION and Transportation Planning ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Federal transportation PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP funds to priority projects • Regional data and forecasts • Forum for regional issues • Prosperity Partnership

  3. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 3 Who We Represent Our Region OVERVIEW GROWTH MANAGEMENT • 4 Counties TRANSPORTATION • 82 Cities ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and Towns PROSPERITY • Urban & Rural PARTNERSHIP Our Members • Cities, Counties, Ports and Transit • State Agencies and Tribal Governments

  4. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 4 Regional Profile Our Region OVERVIEW GROWTH MANAGEMENT • 6,300 mi² TRANSPORTATION • 16% urban ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Population (2010) PROSPERITY 3,707,400 PARTNERSHIP • Jobs (2009) 1,926,400

  5. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 5 Our Region is Growing Regional Growth Estimates Population: In millions 5 million 6 By 2040, region 5 forecast to increase 36% 4 in population, 3 51% in jobs 2 Jobs: 3.1 million 1 Forecast 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040

  6. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 6 PSRC Governance Structure General Assembly Votes on major regional decisions, approves budget, elects new officers OVERVIEW Executive Board GROWTH Carries out delegated powers and MANAGEMENT responsibilities between meetings of the Executive Board TRANSPORTATION Transportation Policy Board ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Makes recommendations on key transportation issues Growth Management Policy • Formed by Interlocal Agreement Board • MPO Designation by Governor Makes recommendations on key growth management issues • Board Representatives Appointed by Members Economic Development District Board Regional economic development planning and collaboration with private and public sector agencies

  7. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 7 VISION 2040 – MPPs & Growth Strategy • Regional growth, environmental, economic and transportation policies OVERVIEW • Guides regional plans, GROWTH local comprehensive plans MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION • Defined UGA, compact communities and centers ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Minimize incompatible rural development • More transportation choices, decreased reliance on SOV • Sustainable, healthy environment • Social equity

  8. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 8 Transportation 2040 Implement VISION 2040 • Regional Growth Strategy OVERVIEW • Centers GROWTH Environment MANAGEMENT • 4-Part Climate Change TRANSPORTATION Strategy • Puget Sound water ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT quality Mobility • Regional economic vitality • Mobility for people and goods movement Sustainable Funding • New sources of revenue • Reliable, predictable, sufficient

  9. PSRC AND REGIONAL PLANNING 9 Regional Economic Strategy Economic Foundations • Technology Commercialization OVERVIEW • New & Small Business GROWTH Support MANAGEMENT • Education TRANSPORTATION • Tax Structure ECONOMIC • Transportation DEVELOPMENT • Social Capital Industry Clusters • Aerospace • Clean Technology • Information Technology • Life Sciences • Logistics & International Trade • Military • Tourism/ Visitors

  10. For More Information Ben Bakkenta, Principal Planner bbakkenta@psrc.org (206) 971-3286 PSRC Information Center info@psrc.org (206) 464-7532


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