organi nizing ng m mechani nism related d information on

Organi nizing ng m mechani nism-related d information on n on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Organi nizing ng m mechani nism-related d information on n on chemic ical l interactions usin ing a a fr framework b based on t the A e Aggreg egate E e Exposure e and Adver erse e Outcome P Pathwa ways ys Paul S. Price,

  1. 1 Organi nizing ng m mechani nism-related d information on n on chemic ical l interactions usin ing a a fr framework b based on t the A e Aggreg egate E e Exposure e and Adver erse e Outcome P Pathwa ways ys Paul S. Price, PhD U.S. EPA (retired) Society of Toxicology Webinar Risk Assessment and Mixtures Specialty Sections September 9, 2020 9/8/2020

  2. These slides are the sole product of the author, have not been reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and may not reflect the agency’s policy. 9/8/2020 2

  3. 9/8/2020 3

  4. Contributors • Justin Teeguarden, Yu-Maei Tan, Steven Edwards (and others) for developing the Aggregate Exposure Pathway that made this possible • Mark Nelms, Jane Ellen Simmons, Stephen Edwards for thoughtful analysis on Adverse Outcome Pathways and mixtures that anticipated much of this talk • SETAC Pellston workshop on advancing the AOP framework • Jeremy Leonard who coauthored an earlier paper on the taxonomy portion of the framework and Lyle Burgoon and Annie Jarabek for their work on the cited case studies and the sections on the application of the framework • Encouragement and thoughtful comments from David Herr and Rory Connolly • All errors and flaws are mine 9/8/2020 4

  5. Background 9/8/2020 5

  6. Challenge of chemical interactions, mixture toxicity, and the exposome • Mixture toxicity is a function of the combinations of chemicals involved in the interaction • The number of combinations are far larger than the number of chemicals • Humans and ecological receptors are exposed to millions of complex mixtures • Exposures need not be concurrent. Chemical X’s effects may persist and affect the impacts of future exposures to chemical Y • The combination of all exposure sources forms the exposome that has been shown to have significant impacts human health 9/8/2020 6

  7. Historical approaches to assessing chemical interactions in animal models Defined by response data for groups of chemicals measured separately and together Such data provides the basis for categories of interaction: • Dose additivity 0.7 0.6 • Response additivity 0.5 3r Response • Synergy 0.4 Envelope of additivity 2r 0.3 • Antagonism 0.2 r 0.1 0 0 Chemical X Chemical Y 1 2 3 4 Possible responses for combined exposures to Separate responses for chemicals X and Y chemicals X and Y 9/8/2020 7

  8. Chemical risk assessment in the 21 st century and the New Assessment Methodologies • Movement to in vitro and in chemico models of toxicity from in vivo models • Leveraging in vivo and in vitro data to make in silico predictions • Movement from empirical to mechanistic-based findings for toxicity, exposure, and risk analyses • Building pipelines for high-throughput analyses • These tools give insights on the mechanisms of toxicity but not necessarily a finding of toxicity 9/8/2020 8

  9. Adverse Outcome and Aggregate Exposure Pathways (AEP and AOP) Created to meet the need for flexible frameworks to organize, hold, and make use of data from existing toxicity studies, new findings, and survey results Based on concepts from graph theory and Resource Description Framework (RDF) approaches Together they cover the entire source-to-outcome continuum 9/8/2020 9

  10. Ag Aggr greg egate E e Expo posur sure e Pathway 1 st KES in Aggregate Exposure Pathway for transformation product Conversion KTR Movement Movement Movement Emission source (1st Target site exposure 2 nd KES 3 rd KES KTR KTR KTR KES) (last KES) Relationship of target site exposure and molecular initiating event determined empirically using in vivo and in vitro data Adv Adver erse e Out utcome P e Pathway Molecular Adverse outcome KER KER KER Adverse outcome KER 2 nd KE 3 rd KE initiating event population individual receptor (first KE) receptor 10 9/8/2020

  11. AEPs differ from AOPs • AOPs are chemically agnostic, deal in data from multiple levels of biological organization, are time and location independent, and focus on measurable effects • The AOPs relevant to a chemical are determined by the specific MIEs triggered by a chemical and the chemical-specific relationships between the relevant TSEs and MIEs • AEPs are chemical-specific, deal only with mass transport and chemical reactions, and are usually time and location dependent 9/8/2020 11

  12. Dividing up the source-to-response continuum Hi Histor orical division on o of even ents b by discipline Exposure Fate and transport Animal based toxicology Emission Fate and Exposure Dosimetry Toxicodynamics source transport Even ents i in a com ombined A AEP-AO AOP f framewor ork AEP AOP Population and Emission Fate and Dosimetry Exposure Toxicodynamics ecosystem source transport dynamics 12 9/8/2020

  13. The framework 9/8/2020 13

  14. Scope of the framework • Started with chemical interactions in in vivo toxicology and the AOP • The advent of the AEP allowed the separation of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics • The definitions of the AEP and AOP provided the opportunity to consider interactions that occur upstream and downstream of in vivo toxicology • Release • Fate and transport • Exposure events • Population level and • Ecosystem level 9/8/2020 14

  15. Principles used in designing framework • Start with binary interactions • Recognize that a response in a study of combined toxicity of two chemicals can reflect multiple interactions • Not important what the chemicals do separately • Framework is aspirational • Most mixture toxicity studies do not generate the necessary mechanism data to use the framework • Data are not available for most chemicals • Begin with a clear definition of what is a chemical interaction 9/8/2020 15

  16. The terms interaction and noninteraction are already defined in mixture toxicology • Existing definitions derived from empirical data on dose and response • Interaction: The combined dose response cannot be explained by response addition or dose addition • Non interaction: The combined dose response can be explained by response addition or dose addition • New definitions derived from mechanism • Interaction: The ability of one chemical (X) to cause a change in the source-to- outcome continuum of a second chemical (Y) for a defined AO • Non-interaction: The lack of the ability of X to cause a change the source to- outcome of Y at any dose of X below the maximum tolerated dose of X (similar to the definition of “no apparent influence”) 9/8/2020 16

  17. Interactions have direction In vivo and in vitro models of do not indicate what chemical X is doing to the toxicity of chemical Y or what Y is doing to the toxicity X. X → Response X Y → Response Y X +Y → Response X+Y But mechanistic findings are directed - X changes the toxicity of Y by a specific mechanism X ↓ Y → Response Y 9/8/2020 17

  18. Source of Y Toxicological effects of a chemical Fate and Transport (National Academy of Sciences, 2011) Exposure Tissue dose Biological Interaction Perturbation Normal Biologic Biological Inputs Function Source of X Earlier Cellular Fate and Transport Changes Adaptive stress Exposure responses Cell Injury Tissue dose Biological Interaction Morbidity and Mortality Perturbation Adverse Source of Y Outcome of Y Source to outcome continuum for chemical Y Composed of AEP and AOP Interactions based on additive dose Mechanism of a directed response chemical interaction Interaction based on effects of X Morbidity and 9/8/2020 18 Mortality due to X

  19. Modeling chemicals interactions in both directions When two chemicals cause a common AO X → Response X Y → Response Y It may be useful to model how chemical X changes the toxicity of chemical Y X ↓ Y → Response Y and how chemical Y changes the toxicity of chemical X Y ↓ X → Response Y 9/8/2020 19

  20. A taxonomy of chemical interactions 9/8/2020 20

  21. Taxonomy is offered as a useful framework for organizing findings on chemical interactions • Covers all interactions that occur over the source-to- outcome continuum • The system of categories are: • Exhaustive – all interactions fall into one of the categories • Mutually exclusive (an interaction will fall into only one category) • Binary interactions 9/8/2020 21

  22. Ag Aggregate E e Exposu sure P e Pathway 1 st KES in Aggregate Exposure Pathway for Conversion transformation product KTR Movement Movement Movement Emission source (1st Target site exposure 2 nd KES 3 rd KES KTR KTR KTR KES) (last KES) Adver Adv erse O se Out utcome P e Pathway Molecular Adverse outcome KER KER KER Adverse outcome KER 2 nd KE 3 rd KE initiating event population individual receptor (first KE) receptor 9/8/2020 22

  23. Top tier of taxonomy of interactions is based on location of the interaction in the continuum Outer Exposure Surface Category 2: Toxicokinetics Category 1: Fate and Transport Interim External Emission Interim Target site Movement KTRs environmental dose (or Inspiration, ingestion, source internal KES exposures dermal absorption KES exposure) Category 4: Population and Ecosystem Category 3: Toxicodynamics Organism Molecular level Population level adverse Interim KEs adverse outcomes initiating event outcomes 9/8/2020 23


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