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ORAL HYGIENE & DENTAL HEALTH F O R C H I L D R E N W I T H A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ORAL HYGIENE & DENTAL HEALTH F O R C H I L D R E N W I T H A U T I S M Why is maintaining good oral health important? Tooth-brushing Tips Toothbrush Teeth Toothpaste Tongue Water tap & Sink Towel


  2. Why is maintaining good oral health important?

  3. Tooth-brushing Tips ‘Toothbrush’ ‘Teeth’ ‘Toothpaste’ ‘Tongue’ ‘Water tap & Sink’ ‘Towel’ ‘Mouth’

  4. TELL-SHOW-DO Introducing the toothbrush via Systematic Desensitisation

  5. Finding the RIGHT Toothbrush for your child… Every child differs when it comes to which kind of Toothbrush they can tolerate and use effectively. Dental sources offer a range of toothbrushes. Some designed specifically to aid a child’s manual dexterity, providing different bristle textures and custom handles for comfortable grip. Electric Manual Fingertip Toothbrush Custom handles

  6. Positive approach Step by Step picture guide to an effective tooth-brushing routine Tooth-brushing Apps Same time everyday Evening Morning

  7. Tooth Brushing Techniques You may not be able to get a toothbrush into the mouth due to sensory overload. It is important to get fluoride onto the teeth daily. If a toothbrush is out of the question put a smear/pea size amount ( according to age) of toothpaste onto a wet flannel and rub around the teeth.

  8. Key tips for healthy mouths! Fluoride is the good stuff in toothpaste. Keep Smear size Pea size it on the teeth, don’t wash it down the sink! 0-3yrs 3+ yrs Recommendation! Most toothpastes tend to be mint flavoured. This can seem Change your toothbrush every quite strong tasting to children with over sensitive mouths and 3-4 months sometimes leaves them with a burning sensation. The foaming agent in toothpaste can also prove too much to cope with. This can be easier if it’s a head on an electric OraNurse have designed a flavour free, non foaming toothpaste which has proven very popular! brush as heads tend to be identical. If it’s a manual toothbrush it may be worth bulk buying the same toothbrush style/colour. This could decrease anxiety over change and a good way of disguising the change.

  9. Visual Aids

  10. Visiting the dentist Choosing the right dentist Check with other professionals or parents in your area for dentists they recommended for children with autism and why. Have they had a good experience? Ask questions Call the dental surgery with a list of questions to learn more about how they support/provide services to children with autism. Plan ahead for Family visits success If the dental surgery of choice can provide Some children might like to start with treatment for the whole family this can help an walking into the dental surgery, greeting autistic child feel more comfortable visiting the the front desk staff and leaving again. dentist and watching other members have their Also receiving a reinforcement, such as a teeth checked first. sticker, immediately. Visual and sensory supports Pictures outlining the steps of the dental visit. Letting your child know what to expect. Sunglasses may help Make the process as to reduce and light sensitivity, and headphones may predictable as possible reduce noise sensitivity.

  11. Try and stick to SUGAR FREE Drinking fizzy drinks and fruit juices through a straw sends the juices. liquid to the back of the mouth bypassing most of the teeth. You don’t need to cut out sugary foods and drinks...just KEEP THEM TO MEAL TIMES Eating a bag of sweets all at once is better for your teeth than eating them throughout the day….but it might make you feel a bit sick! Snacking on sugary foods between meals Keeping sugary treats for meal times

  12. Tooth friendly snacks A cube of cheese after a meal is a great way to neutralise the acids in the mouth Water and milk are great to drink in-between meal times as they aren’t damaging to teeth Fruits low acidity such as blueberries and apples are good sliced up with nuts and raw veg A slice of toast with butter makes a better snack for the after school cravings rather than a bag of crisps or chocolate.

  13. Any questions??


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