Sip Smart!™ Ontario
Licensing Statement • This PowerPoint was designed to promote the use of Sip Smart!™ Ontario in Ontario schools. • Sip Smart!™ is a trademarked program owned by the BC Pediatric Society and licensed to the Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health (OSNPPH). Please do not alter, delete or use logos/images for alternate purposes including resource development. For more information:
Ov Over erview view Learn… • The health effects of sugary drinks • How to help children gain the knowledge and skills to make healthy drink choices • About available Sip Smart!™ Ontario resources • About BrightBites and how to earn Sip Smart!™ and Water Promotion badges
Sugary drinks are everywhere! Drinking too many sugary drinks: • Leads to poor nutrition • Causes tooth decay • Displaces healthy beverages e.g., water • Increases risk for chronic diseases e.g., heart disease, diabetes, cancer Sip Smart!™
Think about it! The maximum amount of added sugar that 7-13 year old children should have in one day is ~10 sugar cubes (40g of sugar). One 355 mL can of pop or iced tea already has 10-12 sugar cubs added to it (> 40g of sugar)!
Wise ise drink drink choice hoices s suppor support good t good health! health! Healthy children: • Learn better • Perform better at school and socially • Have more energy to be physically active • Parents play an important role in the choices children make.
Read the ead the la label bel to kno to know f w for or sur sure e wha hat y t your our child is hild is drinking drinking
Help Help your c our child hild to to mak make e healthy healthy drink c drink choices hoices
Fruit uit Juice uice • 100% fruit juice is a ‘sometimes’ choice • A single serving of 125 mL (½ a cup) a day is enough • A glass of water and whole fruit is better for your child than fruit juice
Spor Sports ts Drinks rinks • Children only need sports drinks if doing continuous, vigorous activity for longer than 60 minutes, in hot humid weather wearing heavy protective gear • Healthier to have water & healthy snack after a workout
Flavoured Milks • Milk is a great source of protein, calcium, Vitamin D and B vitamins • Flavoured milk is a ‘sometimes’ choice (once or twice a week) Note: Milkshakes, hot chocolates and specialty lattes would be classified as ‘avoid’ because of their sugar and fat content
Caf Caffeine eine • Children do not need caffeine • Children are more affected (smaller bodies/ brains still developing) – trouble sleeping, headache, wandering mind
Tooth d ooth decay and ecay and erosion osion • Bacteria + Sugar = Acid (tooth decay) • Acidic Drinks + Tooth + Time = Enamel Erosion
Protect your child’s teeth • Avoid drinks with acid and sugar • Sipping any drinks with acid can cause tooth decay • Sip Smart! - Sip Water!
Sip Smart!™ Ontario • Teaches children in Grades 3 to 7 about: o Negative health effects of sugary drinks o How to make healthy drink choices • Has fun, interactive learning activities • Is available at no cost to Ontario educators
Program Resources • Teacher Resource Guide* • Poster: How Much Sugar is in Your Drink? • Poster: What Size is Your Drink? • Sip Smart!™ Ontario Factsheet • Sip Smart!™ Ontario Booklet for Parents/Families • Drink Cut-Outs • Drink Diary Calculator
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Teacher Resource Guide
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Poster
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Poster
Drink Cut-Outs
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Factsheet
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Booklet
Spr Spread the ead the wor ord! d! • Share this information with other parents • Support Grade 3 to 7 teachers at your school who are integrating the Sip Smart!™ Ontario program into their curriculum • Contact your local public health unit for information or additional resources and support
For mor or more inf e infor orma mation tion • Families: Download the Booklet for Families & the Fact Sheet from • Teachers: Download the program from the website for free from or contact your local Health Unit for more information
Accessing Sip Smart!™ Ontario Visit
Wha hat is t is BrightBit BrightBites? es?
Ho How w Does Does Bri BrightBit ghtBites es Wor ork? Create your team Choose and earn Claim your badge your first badge Continue to choose, earn and claim more badges
Healthy Healthy Kids Kids Community Community Challeng Challenge • Theme 2 for Ontario’s Healthy Kids Community Challenge is Water Does Wonders • The Sip Smart!™ Ontario and Water Works badges help promote water as the beverage of choice within schools Sip Smart! TM Water Works Ontario
Water W ter Wor orks ks Badge Badge Earn this badge by promoting water as the beverage of choice at school.
Sip Smart!™ Ontario Badge Earn this badge by educating children and taking action to reduce children’s intake of sugary drinks.
Take the pledge at Help make tap water more prominent and sugary drinks less available in the places where children live, learn and play 1 Complete the pledge for families or organizations (eg, schools) 2 Choose your pledge level — Gold, Silver or Bronze 3 Receive a certificate and tools to help you take action
Thanks for learning about Sip Smart!™ Ontario!
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