optimization tactical deep dive

Optimization Tactical Deep Dive How to write copy that converts 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Optimization Tactical Deep Dive How to write copy that converts 5 lessons from 300 A/B tests Michael Lykke Aagaard Test Junkie / Copy Fanatic ContentVerve.com Experiment 1: Background Experiment ID: MatchOffice.com product page Location:

  1. Optimization Tactical Deep Dive How to write copy that converts – 5 lessons from 300 A/B tests Michael Lykke Aagaard Test Junkie / Copy Fanatic ContentVerve.com

  2. Experiment 1: Background Experiment ID: MatchOffice.com product page Location: Michael Aagaard Research Library Research Notes: Background: International commercial real estate portal. Objective: Increase leads. Test Design: A/B split test. 2

  3. Variant� A: Variant� B: 3

  4. Variant� A: Variant� B: 4

  5. Treatment: Control: 5

  6. Experiment 1: Results 14.79% increase in conversions The treatment CTA copy increased conversions by 14.79% Relative Statistical Variant CR Difference Confidence Control 3.54% - - Treatment 4.06% +14.79% 95% ! What You Need to Understand : By changing one word in the button, it was possible to increase conversions by 14.79%. 6

  7. Control: Treatment: “ Order� informa on ” “ Get� informa on ” 38.26%� more� signups Sa s cal� confidence� 98% 7

  8. It is not the magnitude of change on the “page” that impacts conversion; it is the magnitude of change in the “mind” of the prospect. - Dr. Flint McGlaughlin 8

  9. Lesson 1: Your Copy Has Direct & Measurable Effect on Conversions 9

  10. Experiment 1: Background Experiment ID: BettingExpert.com home page sign-up form Location: Michael Aagaard Research Library Research Notes: Background: Betting community where tipsters can share insights and tips. Objective: Increase number of sign-ups. Test Design: A/B test. 10

  11. 11

  12. Control: Treatment: 100%� privacy� -� we� will� never� spam� you 12

  13. Experiment 1: Results 18.70% decrease in sign-ups The treatment with the privacy policy reduced conversions by 18.70%. Relative Statistical Variant CR Difference Confidence Control 2.03% - - Treatment 1.65% -18.70% 96% ! What You Need to Understand : By adding a privacy policy, the conversion rate went down 18.70%. 13

  14. Control: Treatment: We guarantee100% privacy. Your information will not be shared. 14

  15. Control: Treatment: 19.47%� more� signups Sta s cal� Confidence� 96% 15

  16. Control: Treatment: 16

  17. Control: Treatment: 31.54%� more� signups Sta s cal� Confidence� 99% 17

  18. Control: Treatment: 18

  19. Control: Treatment: 12.45%� less� signups Sta s cal� Confidence� 95% 19

  20. Lesson 2: Your Copy is a Means to an End – Not an End in Itself 20

  21. Control: YO U W O R K O U T S M AR TE R A T F ITN E S S W O R LD 21

  22. Control: YO U W O R K O U T S M AR TE R A T F ITN E S S W O R LD Treatment: G R O U P TR AIN IN G & F ITN E S S A T YO U R LO C AL G YM 22

  23. Control: YO U W O R K O U T S M AR TE R A T F ITN E S S W O R LD Treatment: G R O U P TR AIN IN G & F ITN E S S A T YO U R LO C AL G YM 38.46%� more� conversions During� the� campaign,� the� treatment� sold� 38.46%� more� gym� memberships. 23

  24. 24

  25. Lesson 3: It’s all about Optimizing Decisions – Not Web Pages 25

  26. No Y es 26

  27. Control: Treatment: 83.75%� more� signups Sta s cal� Confidence� 97% 27

  28. Control Headline: Passionate about betting? We are too Treatments: Lift: Make More Money on Your Bets - Get Free Daily Betting Tips 41.14% Stop Losing Money on Your Bets - Get Free Daily Betting Tips 11.03% Don't Miss Out - Get the Best Daily Betting Tips for Free 9.06% 28

  29. 1. Clear Benefit Make More Money on Your Bets - Get Free Daily Betting Tips 2. Loss Aversion Stop Losing Money on Your Bets - Get Free Daily Betting Tips 3. Question Passionate about betting? We are too 29

  30. Control: Treatment: 63%� more� conversions Sta s cal� Confidence� 98% 30

  31. Control: Treatment: 11%� more� conversions Sta s cal� Confidence� 95% 31

  32. Lesson 4: Clarity & Relevance are King 32

  33. Control: IT’S S M AR T TO W O R K O U T S O M E W H E R E W ITH 1 00 G YM S W orkout throughout January for 1 00,- 33

  34. Control: IT’S S M AR T TO W O R K O U T S O M E W H E R E W ITH 1 00 G YM S W orkout throughout January for 1 00,- Treatment: W YE AR ’S R E KE E P YO U R N E S O LU TIO N E AS IL Y & A T LO W C O S T W orkout throughout January for 1 00,- 26% more conversions tical con fid ence 100% S atis 34

  35. Why Trade Forex with Forextrading.com? 35

  36. Why Trade Forex with Forextrading.com? Get Your Free, No Risk, No Obligation $100,000 Forex Trading Demo Account 36

  37. Why Trade Forex with Forextrading.com? Get Your Free, No Risk, No Obligation $100,000 Forex Trading Demo Account 99.4% more conversions tical con fid ence 99% S atis 37

  38. Control: Treatment: 213.16%� higher� CTR Sta s cal� Confidence� 99% 38

  39. Lesson 5: There is no “One -Size-Fits- All” Solution – You Need to Test 39

  40. Control: Treatment: Treatment: 18.70%� less� signups 19.47%� more� signups Sta s cal� Confidence� 96% Sta s cal� Confidence� 96%

  41. Control: YO U W O R K O U T S M AR TE R A T F ITN E S S W O R LD Treatment: G R O U P TR AIN IN G & F ITN E S S A T YO U R LO C AL G YM 38.46%� more� signups During� the� campaign,� the� treatment� sold� 38.46%� more� gym� memberships.

  42. Treatment: Control: 14.79%� more� conversions Sta s cal� Confidence� 95% 42

  43. Thanks for listening! Get your worksheet at: http://contentverve.com/?attachment_id=1868 Got questions?: michael@contentverve.com Twitter.com/ContentVerve Facebook.com/ContentVerve 43


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