RTGEN (AGC) & ICCP Deep Dive February 23, 2012 Shari Brown and Matt Beck CBA Project Staff
RTGEN (AGC) and ICCP Deep Dive for CBA This Deep Dive will provide details for the following • RTGEN: – System for SPP – Member Impacts by type – Delivery of Set point Instructions – Compliance Issues (SPP and members) • ICCP: – Types of Data Transfers – Member Impacts – Direction of Data flow – Requirements for data flow – Coordination of changes 4
CBA RTGEN (AGC) System - NEW CBA will install new AGC module for SPP EMS • – Impact to Members Will no longer use member AGC for controlling generation – Delivery of Market resource setpoint instructions will come from SPP CBA RTGEN (AGC) Delivered over ICCP – setpoints and supporting data (including but not limited to; regulation reserves, contingency reserves and Energy, etc.) – Compliance Issue for Member AGC (current BA) If setpoint instructions are delivered through the member AGC system – certain security measures must be implemented 6
CBA RTGEN (AGC) – Member Impacts by type Members are impacted differently depending upon Type of • CBA/Market entity – Current Balancing Authorities with EMS/AGC Affected by use of AGC, tie line meters and setpoint delivery Most connectivity is already available but may not be at necessary periodicity of data transfer – CBA Area/Market Resource Owners (non-BA) Affected by ability to receive setpoint delivery directly to generators May have connectivity issues depending upon old BA contracts – CBA Area/Market Non-Resource Owning Market Participants RTGEN and ICCP changes should have no impact on this category of Market participant 7
RTGEN (AGC) – Delivery of Setpoint Instructions SPP AGC will: Receive dispatch signals from the Integrated Marketplace • Real-Time Balancing Market (RTBM) on a 5 minute basis (Reg. Up, Reg. Down, Spin Deploy, Sup Deploy, etc by resource). Calculate ACE every 4 seconds (NERC requirements • calculation at least every 6 seconds) Use similar programming logic to the Marketplace, to • calculate real-time adjustments to the dispatch signals Deliver Set point instructions to Resources • 8
RTGEN (AGC) – Impact for Current BAs Members will modify their AGC package, in order • to no longer control generation – Disable ACE calculation – Ensure that SPP setpoint instructions to resources cannot be modified Members have already been notified of these • changes and have begun necessary work and coordination with vendors Member AGC changes and related testing must be • completed before Market Trials 9
RTGEN (AGC) – Compliance Issues for Current BAs SPP CBA must be able to prove that it can control • generation resources throughout the BA Area – Current BAs must be able to prove that they will not (and cannot) modify the setpoint instructions sent to resources by SPP – NERC will audit these functions during the SPP CBA certification process SPP legacy BA with EMS/AGC systems will undergo audit type • verification from the SPP RE on their level of control of generation 10
RTGEN (AGC) – Compliance Issues for non-BA Resource Owners SPP CBA must be able to prove that it can control • generation resources throughout the BA Area NERC certification Resource-owning members who do not currently own an • EMS will also need to receive their setpoint instructions – Many of these entities (i.e. IPPs and Cooperatives) receive their EIS instruction through their current BA – Current BAs are not required to and may not be willing to continue using their equipment to deliver setpoint instructions SPP CBA staff will be contacting each individual IPP and • Cooperative to determine if changes will be necessary 11
RTGEN (AGC) – Issues for Non-Resource Owner Market Participants SPP CBA RTGEN change should not have any impact on • non-resource Owner Market Participants SPP CBA ICCP changes should not have any impact on non- • resource owner Market Participants SPP CBA staff will not be contacting non-resource owners • related to RTGEN or ICCP changes. If you are not sure if you are affects by these systems • please contact Shari Brown – contact information provided at the end of the presentation. 12
RTGEN (AGC) – Resolution of Issues Each type of member will be impacted differently • No two BA will have the same impacts • No two non-BA Resource Owners will have the same • impacts Decisions on Resolution of issues need to be made within • the next 2 months. Each individual member (BA and Non-BA Resource Owners) • will be Contacted by SPP staff before May 1, 2012 Resolution of issues will be coordinated directly between • the SPP and the members 13
ICCP – Types of data transfers 1. Setpoint Instruction Data (from SPP AGC to Resources) 2. Actual Generation Data (from Resource Owners to SPP EMS) 3. Actual Interchange tie line Data (from Transmission Operators to SPP EMS 4. Actual tie line meter Data (between Market Participants) 15
ICCP – Setpoint Instructions from SPP SPP AGC will calculate setpoint instructions, and • send setpoint instructions to generation resources Most resource owners will not be required to • make ICCP changes related to receiving setpoint instructions Additional supporting information will create • additional data point transfers Potential for ICCP changes due to Marketplace • Protocol section 4.2.2 for regulation-qualified resources 16
ICCP – Actual Generation Data to SPP Will continue to be used by SPP EMS, Forecasting, • Integrated Marketplace and Settlements Currently some resources provide this data over ICCP, • others via XML SPP does not anticipate resource owners being required to • make many ICCP changes related to providing actual generation data However, there is potential for ICCP changes due to • Marketplace Protocol section 4.2.2 for regulation-qualified resources 17
ICCP – Regulation Qualified Resources Section 4.2.2 of Protocols, “Offer Submittal” states that a • regulation qualified resource must have “ . . . the necessary equipment installed to be able to respond to Automatic Generation Control on a 4-second basis, including telemetering that can be scanned and updated on a 2-second basis; . . . ” This market requirement is specific to Resources that will • be offering Regulation and Contingency Reserves into the market This is specific to the capability of that resource and the • telemetry related to the resource The requirement is to ensure that resource data is available • and scan able by SPP every 2 seconds. 18
Actual Interchange tie line data SPP CBA will have approximately 200 interchange tie lines • with First tier BAs. SPP already receives data over ICCP for all tie line data • from member entities (current BA). NERC requires specific periodicity of data flow to SPP CBA • EMS in order to calculate ACE (BAL-005 R16) Data flow periodicity for tie line data is inclusive of the • equipment from the RTU > ICCP > SPP ICCP/SCADA. The data flow from the RTU to the SPP RTGEN ACE • must be delivered at the same rate at which ACE is calculated 19
Actual Interchange tie line data – periodicity Research indicates that some member entities may have to • change the data delivery rate to meet NERC requirements SPP will be working with each current Balancing Authority • to test and determine adequate settings for the entire path for each interchange tie line ICCP changes for tie lines make up a finite data set that will • need to be changed; not ALL data sent between SPP and the members Members need to determine if they can make their system • changes to ICCP data sets or if they need to contact ICCP vendor to determine how to change only necessary datasets. 20
Actual tie line data (internal to member entities) SPP CBA will not be responsible for tie lines between old • legacy Balancing Authorities (they are no longer NERC Interchange tie lines for the SPP BAA). However, SPP EMS modeling, the Integrated Marketplace • and settlements will continue to use tie line data between market participants Tag Agents will still provide the tie line meter data between • the market participants TOP will continue tie line verification processes for • settlement, but not for CBA requirements 21
Confirming Bandwidth Availability Bandwidth relates to the amount of data that can be • transferred at any time Current BAs using SPPNET today should not be • concerned with bandwidth issues. – SPP research indicates all entities are using SPPNET, although it is not an SPP requirement to do so SPP Network department constantly monitors data • flow over SPPNET Entities should keep in mind that only actual • interchange tie line data and resource data is subject to a specific periodicity 22
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