opportunities for reducing energy costs meeting climate

Opportunities for Reducing Energy Costs, Meeting Climate Goals, and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Opportunities for Reducing Energy Costs, Meeting Climate Goals, and Increasing Resiliency Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for Illinois Universities, Colleges and Schools (K-12) IL APPA Conference March 23, 2018 1 Agenda CHP Concepts,

  1. Opportunities for Reducing Energy Costs, Meeting Climate Goals, and Increasing Resiliency Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for Illinois Universities, Colleges and Schools (K-12) IL APPA Conference March 23, 2018 1

  2. Agenda • CHP Concepts, Technologies, Benefits • CHP Market Opportunities – Universities, Colleges, Schools (K-12) • CHP Project Snapshots • CHP Project Development Resources • CHP Project Incentives 2

  3. DOE CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (CHP TAPs) • E nd Use r E ng a g e me nt Partner with strategic End Users to advance technical solutions using CHP as a cost effective and resilient way to ensure American competitiveness, utilize local fuels and enhance energy security. CHP TAPs offer fact-based, non- biased engineering support to manufacturing, commercial, institutional and federal facilities and campuses. • Sta ke ho lde r E ng a g e me nt Engage with strategic Stakeholders, including regulators, utilities, and policy makers, to identify and reduce the barriers to using CHP to advance regional efficiency, promote energy independence and enhance the nation’s resilient grid. CHP TAPs provide fact-based, non-biased education to advance sound CHP programs and policies. • www.e ne r gy.gov/ c hp T e c hnic a l Se rvic e s As leading experts in CHP (as well as microgrids, heat to power, and district energy) the CHP TAPs work with sites to screen for CHP opportunities as well as provide advanced services to maximize the economic impact and reduce the risk of CHP from initial CHP screening to installation. 3

  4. DOE C E CHP P Tech chnical Assistance Partnerships ( (CHP T P TAPs) Tarla T. Toomer, Ph.D. Patti Garland Ted Bronson DOE CHP Deployment CHP Deployment Manager DOE CHP TAP Coordinator [contractor] DOE CHP TAP Coordinator [contractor] Office of Energy Efficiency and Office of Energy Efficiency and Office of Energy Efficiency and Program Contacts Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy www.energy.gov/chp-contacts 4 Tarla.Toomer@ee.doe.gov Patricia.Garland@ee.doe.gov tbronson@peaonline.com

  5. CH CHP Co P Conce ncepts a and nd Technol ologi ogies es 5

  6. CHP: A A Key Part o of Our E Energy Future o Form of Distributed Generation (DG) o An integrated system o Located at or near a building / facility o Provides at least a portion of the electrical load and o Uses thermal energy for: – Space Heating / Cooling CHP provides efficient, – Process Heating / Cooling clean, reliable, affordable – Dehumidification energy – today and for the future. Source: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/distributedenergy/pdfs/ chp_clean_energy_solution.pdf 6

  7. CHP R Recaptures H es Heat of Ge Gener eration, I Inc ncrea easi sing Energy gy Efficiency, a and Reducing G g GHG HGs 30 units Powe r Plant 94 32% e ffic ie nc y F ue l units E le c tr ic ity (I nc luding T &D) CHP 100 F ue l units 75% e ffic ie nc y 56 Onsite Boiler Heat Fuel units 80% efficiency 45 units T ota l E ffic ie nc y T ota l E ffic ie nc y ~ 75% ~ 50% 30 to 55% less greenhouse gas emissions 7

  8. Defining C g Combined H Heat & Pow ower ( r (CHP) P) The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source Conventional CHP (also referred to as Topping Cycle CHP or Direct Fired CHP) Separate Energy Delivery: CHP Energy Efficiency (combined heat and power) • Electric generation – 33% 70% to 85% • Thermal generation - 80% • Combined efficiency – 45% to 55% 8

  9. Defining C g Combined H Heat & Pow ower ( r (CHP) P) The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source Waste Heat to Power CHP (also referred to as Bottoming Cycle CHP or Indirect Fired CHP) HRSG/Steam Turbine Organic Rankine Cycle  Fuel first applied to produce useful Backpressure Turbine thermal energy for the process Steam Electricity  Turbine Waste heat is utilized to produce Heat electricity and possibly additional thermal energy for the process  Simultaneous generation of heat and Heat recovery electricity steam boiler  No additional fossil fuel combustion (no Waste heat from the incremental emissions) industrial process  Normally produces larger amounts Energy electric generation (often exports Intensive Fuel Industrial electricity to the grid; base load electric Process power) Heat produced for the industrial process 9

  10. Com ommon C CHP P Tec echnolo logie ies an and Generating C g Capacity R Ranges Mic r otur bine s Gas T ur bine s Re c ipr oc ating E ngine s F ue l Ce lls 10 MW 20 MW 1 MW 50 kW 100 kW 10

  11. Heat R Reco cove very • Heat Exchangers • Recover exhaust gas from prime mover • Transfers exhaust gas into useful heat (steam, hot water) for downstream applications Image Source: University of Calgary • Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) the most common • Heat-Driven Chillers • Absorption Chiller • Use heat to chill water • Chemical process (not mechanical) • Steam Turbine Centrifugal Chiller Image Source: DOE - EERE • Dessiccant Dehumidifiers • Separates Latent from Sensible Load • Reduces Humidity and Reduces AC Load 11

  12. What t Are th e the B Ben enefit fits of of CHP? • CHP is more efficient than separate generation of electricity and heat • Higher efficiency translates to lower operating cost, (but requires capital investment) • Higher efficiency reduces emissions of all pollutants • CHP can also increase energy reliability and enhance power quality • On-site electric generation reduces grid congestion and avoids distribution costs 12

  13. Emerging Dr Drivers f for C CHP HP o Benefits of CHP recognized by DOE / EPA CHP Report (8/2012) policymakers o State Portfolio Standards (RPS, EEPS, Tax Incentives, Grants, standby rates, etc.) o CHP recognized as an energy efficiency technology in some states (e.g. Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio) o Favorable outlook for natural gas supply and price in North America o Opportunities created by environmental drivers o Utilities finding economic value Source: www.energy.gov/chp o Energy resiliency and critical infrastructure 13

  14. CHP Today i in the Un e United ed S States es • 82.6 GW of installed CHP at nearly 4,400 industrial and commercial facilities • 8% of U.S. Electric Generating Capacity; 14% of Manufacturing • Avoids more than 1.8 quadrillion Btus of fuel consumption annually • Avoids 241 million metric tons of CO 2 compared to separate production 14

  15. CHP HP a at Un Univer ersities es, Colleges es, School ools ( (K-12) 12) 15

  16. Market S Sect ector: C : Colle leges/U /Univ iversit itie ies 272 U.S. CHP Sites = 2,763.9 MW Generating Capacity • Due to large thermal loads and desire for reliable power, CHP is a good fit for colleges and universities Table: CHP System Size • Number of college and universities use CHP Fuel Type Sites MW to provide steam and some power to key < 1 MW 109 35.4 campus facilities 1 – 4.9 MW 72 170.4 5 – 19.9 MW 54 495.4 • 72% of existing CHP for colleges and 20 – 49.9 MW 5 157.7 universities is natural gas-fired, and most 50 – 99.9 MW 1 55.0 institutions use a boiler/steam turbine or gas 100 – 499.9 MW 1 102.2 turbines. Total 272 2,653.9 • Many college and university CHP systems have been designed to be able to run Sources: independently of the grid  The Opportunity for CHP in the United States, American Gas Association, May 2013  DOE CHP Installation Database (U.S. CHP Installations as of December 2016) 16

  17. Energy & y & Sustai ainab nability T y Trends at Un Universiti ties es Energy efficiency and sustainability is moving well beyond the LEED building to systems and institution-wide strategies, driven by both environmental and financial stewardship. • Campuses approach energy efficiency and sustainability planning holistically • New tone to energy efficiency and sustainability conversations: it’s no longer to do the right thing or to be a leader, it’s institutional survival; resource consumption on campus, reduction of energy costs, etc. • Greater focus on energy efficiency and sustainability as part of financial sustainability • On the campus level, there’s a gathering storm to move off the grid and aim toward zero impact • Building efficiency and energy management are emerging as the key sustainability initiatives Source: “Report on Trends in Higher Education Planning 2014”, SCUP Academy Council http://www.scup.org/asset/75087/ReportOnTrendsInHigherEducationPlanning2014 17

  18. Midwest U Unive versities w with C CHP Syste tems 49 Uni 49 Universi sity a and C Comm. Colleg eges es = = 1,086 086 MW c capac acity ty Source: www.energy.gov/eere/amo/chp-deployment (facilities with >2 MW capacity displayed) 18


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