open heavy flavor measurements at

Open Heavy Flavor Measurements at RHIC with STAR Santa Fe Jets and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open Heavy Flavor Measurements at RHIC with STAR Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, January 11-13, 2016 Zhenyu Ye 1,2 (for the STAR collaboration) 1. University of Illinois at Chicago 2. Central China Normal University Heavy Flavor Quarks

  1. Open Heavy Flavor Measurements at RHIC with STAR Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, January 11-13, 2016 Zhenyu Ye 1,2 (for the STAR collaboration) 1. University of Illinois at Chicago 2. Central China Normal University

  2. Heavy Flavor Quarks Heavy quark tomography • produced mostly from initial hard parton scatterings at RHIC energies; exposed to the whole evolution of the QGP • total yield or mass not (significantly) altered within the QGP Sensitive to parton-medium interactions and medium properties • Comparing light, charm and bottom to disentangle radiative vs collisional energy losses • Extraction of temperature-dependent JET Coll. 2014 parton transport properties needs precise experimental data on heavy flavor production from RHIC Zhenyu Ye 2

  3. Open Charm Production at RHIC Heavy flavor quarks can serve as calibrated probes for the QGP at RHIC: • production in p+p collisions are described by pQCD calculations • produced mostly in the initial hard scatterings at RHIC energies 400 d+Au S = 200 GeV NN 0 (D +e) 350 Sys. error 300 NLO err. p+p b) 250 0 µ 0 (D +D*) Au+Au (D ) ( y=0 /dy| 200 NN c c σ run12 d 150 100 run9 FONLL in p+p STAR Preliminary 50 STAR Preliminary FONLL err. 0 2 3 10 10 1 10 number of binary collisions N bin Theory: M. Cacciari et al., PRL 95 (2005) 122001, R. Vogt, EPJ ST 155 (2008) 213 Talk on Bottom production by Zach Miller tomorrow Zhenyu Ye 3

  4. Open Charm Production at RHIC Heavy flavor quarks can serve as calibrated probes for the QGP at RHIC: • production in p+p collisions are described by pQCD calculations • produced mostly in the initial hard scatterings at RHIC energies • has only a small contribution from gluon splitting STAR Preliminary NLO charn: M. Cacciari et al, PRL 95 (2005) 122001 gluon splitting charm: STAR Jet*pQCD R(g->ccbar) STAR R(g->ccbar): PRD79 (2009) 112006 pQCD R(g->ccbar): Mueller & Nason PLB 157 (1985) 226; Mangano & Nason PLB 285 (1992) 160 Zhenyu Ye 4

  5. STAR Experiment at RHIC EEMC Magnet MTD BEMC TPC TOF VPD BBC HFT/TPC/TOF: -1< η <1 BEMC: -1< η <1 EEMC: 1< η <2 MTD: | η |<0.5 HFT Zhenyu Ye 5

  6. STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker PiXeL detector (PXL) • two layers of thin Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with 356M 20.7x20.7 µ m pixels • excellent DCA resolution for HF studies Intermediate Silicon Tracker (IST) • one layer of fast readout single-sided double-metal silicon strip detector Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) • existing one layer of double-sided silicon strip detector with electronic upgrade Radius Hit Resolution Radiation Detector (cm) R/ ϕ - Z ( µ m) length SSD 22 20 / 740 1% X 0 IST 14 170 / 1800 <1.5 %X 0 PXL 2.8/8 6 / 6 ~0.4 %X 0 PXL IST SSD Zhenyu Ye 6

  7. STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker Au+Au 200 GeV 30 µm A factor of ~4 improvement in D 0 significance by the HFT. First results on D ± and D s . D 0 D ± D s STAR Preliminary Zhenyu Ye 7

  8. New Results from the HFT – D 0 R AA • R AA (D)>1 for p T ~1.5 GeV/c 0 2 Au+Au D @ 200 GeV 0-10% → Charm coalescence with a radially 0 D 2014 flowing bulk medium 1.5 0 D 2010/11 • High p T : significant suppression in AA central Au+Au collisions. R 1 p+p uncert. Strong charm-medium interaction 0.5 • Improved Au+Au precision at high p T thanks to the HFT. R AA at low p T with Run14 Au+Au and Run15 p+p STAR Preliminary 0 HFT data are underway. 0 2 4 6 8 p (GeV/c) T dN AA dy R AA = STAR D 0 2010/11: PRL 113 (2014) 142301 N binary ⋅ dN pp dy Zhenyu Ye 8

  9. New Results from the HFT – D 0 R AA • R AA (D)>1 for p T ~1.5 GeV/c 0 2 Au+Au D @ 200 GeV 0-10% → Charm coalescence with a radially 0 D 2014 flowing bulk medium 0 D 2010/11 1.5 0-12% STAR π • High p T : significant suppression in AA central Au+Au collisions. R 1 p+p uncert. Strong charm-medium interaction 0.5 • R AA (D) ~ R AA ( π ) at p T >4 GeV/c Similar suppression for light partons STAR Preliminary 0 and charm quarks at high p T 0 2 4 6 8 p (GeV/c) T dN AA dy R AA = STAR D 0 2010/11: PRL 113 (2014) 142301 N binary ⋅ dN pp dy STAR π 0-12%: PLB 655 (2007) 104 Zhenyu Ye 9

  10. New Results from the HFT – D 0 v 2 0.3 • Finite D 0 v 2 for p T >1 GeV/c Au+Au 200GeV, 0-80% Non-flow est. 0 0.25 D EP 0 D v {2} 2 0.2 0.15 2 v 0.1 0.05 0 STAR Preliminary 0.05 � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transverse Momentum p (GeV/c) T " % dN ∑ d φ = N 0 1 + 2 v n cos n φ $ ' # & n Zhenyu Ye 10

  11. New Results from the HFT – D 0 v 2 0.3 • Finite D 0 v 2 for p T >1 GeV/c Au+Au 200GeV, 0-80% Non-flow est. 0 0.25 D Favors charm quark diffusion TAMU w c diff. TAMU w/o c diff. 0.2 0.15 2 v 0.1 0.05 0 STAR Preliminary 0.05 � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transverse Momentum p (GeV/c) Theory curves: latest calculations from T private communications " % dN TAMU: PRC 86 (2012) 014903, PRL ∑ d φ = N 0 1 + 2 v n cos n φ 110 (2013) 112301 $ ' # & n Zhenyu Ye 11

  12. New Results from the HFT – D 0 v 2 • Finite D 0 v 2 for p T >1 GeV/c Favors charm quark diffusion • Lower than light hadron v 2 Indicates that charm quarks are not fully thermalized with the medium STAR Preliminary 2 + m 0 2 m T = p T Zhenyu Ye 12

  13. New Results from the HFT - D s M. He et al ., PRL 110, 112301 (2013) • Strangeness enhancement in heavy-ion • Elliptic flow of D S < D 0 is expected collisions is expected to affect the yield of due to earlier freeze out of D S . D S: relative increase of D S yield than D 0 predicted. Zhenyu Ye 13

  14. New Results from the HFT - D s STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary • Strangeness enhancement in heavy-ion • Elliptic flow of D S < D 0 is expected collisions is expected to affect the yield of due to earlier freeze out of D S : D S: relative increase of D S yield than D 0 predicted: The ratio of D S /D 0 yield measured in Au+Au First measurement of D S v 2 in collisions is found to be higher than that in heavy-ion experiment. More data p+p collisions from PYTHIA are needed to draw conclusion. Zhenyu Ye 14

  15. Comparison with LHC Results • D meson R AA @ RHIC ~ R AA @LHC 0 2 Au+Au D @ 200 GeV 0-10% → at p T >4 GeV/c 0 D 2014 Strong charm-medium interaction at 0 D 2010/11 1.5 RHIC and LHC D 0-10% ALICE AA R 1 p+p uncert. 0.5 STAR Preliminary 0 0 2 4 6 8 p (GeV/c) T Zhenyu Ye 15

  16. Comparison with LHC Results • D meson R AA @ RHIC ~ R AA @LHC at p T >4 GeV/c Strong charm-medium interaction at RHIC and LHC • D 0 v 2 LHC results are compatible with light flavor v 2 0.3 • D 0 v 2 STAR results are lower than Au+Au 200GeV, 0-80% Non-flow est. 0 0.25 D EP light flavor v 2 K s 0.2 Charm thermalized at LHC energy but 0.15 not fully thermalized at RHIC? 2 v 0.1 0.05 • More precise data and systematic theoretical studies of heavy flavor 0 STAR Preliminary production at RHIC and LHC will be 0.05 � very helpful. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transverse Momentum p (GeV/c) Zhenyu Ye 16 T

  17. Comparison with Theory TAMU: non-perturb. T-matrix (2 π T)D = 2-11 SUBATECH: perturb.+resummation (2 π T)D = 2-4 STAR Preliminary DUKE: Langevin simulation with input parameter tuned to the LHC data ( 2 π T ) D = 7 STAR D 0 2010/11: PRL 113 (2014) 142301 Theory curves: latest calculations from private communications STAR Preliminary DUKE: PRC 92 (2015) 024907 A.Andronic arXiv:1506.03981(2015) Zhenyu Ye 17

  18. Comparison with Theory STAR Preliminary Models with charm diffusion coefficient of 2- ~10 describe STAR D 0 R AA and v 2 results. Lattice calculations are consistent with values inferred from data. STAR D 0 2010/11: PRL 113 (2014) 142301 Theory curves: latest calculations from private communications STAR Preliminary DUKE: PRC 92 (2015) 024907 A.Andronic arXiv:1506.03981(2015) Zhenyu Ye 18

  19. Comparison with Theory STAR Preliminary Models with charm diffusion coefficient of 2- ~10 describe STAR D 0 R AA and v 2 results. Lattice calculations are consistent with values inferred from data. More precise results expected from STAR Run15 (pp, pAu) and Run16 (AuAu) data: improved p+p baseline, CNM, a factor of ~3 STAR Preliminary increase in Au+Au data size, improved DCA resolution at low p T with Al cables for PXL Zhenyu Ye 19

  20. STAR Heavy Flavor II (2021-2022) W. Horowitz and M. Gyulassy, arXiv:0710.0703 Without Bottom from RHIC, can we claim that we fully understand the energy loss mechanisms, or mass- and temperature-dependent parton transport coefficients of the QGP? Does b quark diffuse in the QGP at RHIC energies and if so how much? 20

  21. STAR Heavy Flavor II (2021-2022) HFT+ with Faster MAPS sensors • integration time from ~185 µs to below 40 µs – less pile-up hits and thus better tracking efficiency • use chips developed for ALICE ITS upgrade and existing HFT Projected R AA (0-10%) stat. uncertainty infrastructure – cost effective for RHIC pp and AuAu running in 2021-22 • experienced team worked on HFT Precise bottom measurements with the HFT+ to complete the heavy flavor physics at RHIC. Complementary to ALICE HF and sPHENIX Jet and Upsilon programs. 21

  22. Summary and Outlook STAR HFT in Run14-16 Run14: Au+Au, results based on ~70% stat. 70% of Run14 data Run15: p+p baseline, p+Au for CNM effects Run16(+14): x4 Au+Au data size than QM15, inner PXL 0.5->0.4%X 0 with Al cables • Precise charm results • First bottom results STAR Preliminary Zhenyu Ye 22


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