online feedback optimization with applications to power

Online Feedback Optimization with Applications to Power Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Online Feedback Optimization with Applications to Power Systems Florian Drfler ETH Zrich European Control Conference 2020 Acknowledgements Lukas Adrian Hauswirth Saverio Bolognani Ortmann Irina Suboti Gabriela Hug Miguel

  1. Online Feedback Optimization with Applications to Power Systems Florian Dörfler ETH Zürich European Control Conference 2020

  2. Acknowledgements Lukas Adrian Hauswirth Saverio Bolognani Ortmann ć Irina Subotić Gabriela Hug Miguel Picallo Verena Häberle 1 / 31 • • • • • • • • • • “Vuk Karadžić diploma“ “Life Activities Advancement Center” • • for patients’ electronic cards • • • • • The “Dositeja” reward for studying abroad in the year of • • The “Dositeja” reward for the extraordinary success in the year of 2009 and 2010 • •

  3. feedforward feedback vs. optimization control w w d estimate y y r + System Controller Optimization System u u − complex specifications & decision simple feedback policies optimal, constrained, & multivariable suboptimal, unconstrained, & SISO strong requirements forgiving nature of feedback measurement driven, robust to precise model, full state, disturbance estimate, & computationally intensive uncertainty, fast & agile response → typically complementary methods are combined via time-scale separation y + r Optimization System Controller u − � � offline & feedforward real-time & feedback � 2 / 31

  4. Example: power system balancing offline optimization : dispatch based 50 Hz 51 49 on forecasts of loads & renewables generation 200 marginal costs in €/MWh load Renewables 150 Nuclear energy Lignite 100 Hard coal Natural gas 50 Fuel oil control 0 [Milano, 2018] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Capacity in GW Re-scheduling costs online control based on frequency %!*! Germany [mio. €] %!() y 50 Hz + Frequency Power Control System u − %%(# %%"& frequency measurement re-schedule set-point to mitigate severe !&' !&( !!" #$% forecasting errors (redispatch, reserve, etc.) more uncertainty & fluctuations → infeasible !"## !"#! !"#$ !"#% !"#& !"#' !"#( !"#) & inefficient to separate optimization & control [Bundesnetzagentur, Monitoringbericht 2011-2019] 3 / 31

  5. Synopsis & proposal for control architecture power grid : separate decision layers hit limits under increasing uncertainty similar observations in other large-scale & uncertain control systems : process control systems & queuing/routing/infrastructure networks proposal: open and online optimization algorithm as feedback control � �� � � �� � � �� � with inputs & outputs iterative & non-batch real-time interconnected operational disturbance w constraints u optimization dynamical actuation algorithm system u ∈ U e.g., x = f ( x , u , w ) ˙ y y = h ( x , u , w ) u = −∇ φ ( y , u ) ˙ measurement 4 / 31

  6. Historical roots & conceptually related work process control : reducing the effect of uncertainty in sucessive optimization Optimizing Control [Garcia & Morari, 1981/84], Self-Optimizing Control [Skogestad, 2000], Modifier Adaptation [Marchetti et. al, 2009], Real-Time Optimization [Bonvin, ed., 2017] , ... extremum-seeking : derivative-free but hard for high dimensions & constraints [Leblanc, 1922], ...[Wittenmark & Urquhart, 1995], ...[Krstić & Wang, 2000], ..., [Feiling et al., 2018] MPC with anytime guarantees (though for dynamic optimization): real-time MPC [Zeilinger et al. 2009] , real-time iteration [Diel et al. 2005] , [Feller & Ebenbauer 2017] , etc. optimal routing, queuing, & congestion control in communication networks : e.g., TCP/IP [Kelly et al., 1998/2001], [Low, Paganini, & Doyle 2002], [Srikant 2012], [Low 2017], ... optimization algorithms as dynamic systems : much early work [Arrow et al., 1958], [Brockett, 1991], [Bloch et al., 1992], [Helmke & Moore, 1994], ... & recent revival [Holding & Lestas, 2014], [Cherukuri et al., 2017], [Lessard et al., 2016], [Wilson et al., 2016], [Wibisono et al, 2016], ... recent system theory approaches inspired by output regulation [Lawrence et al. 2018] & robust control methods [Nelson et al. 2017], [Colombino et al. 2018] 5 / 31

  7. Theory literature inspired by power systems lots of recent theory development stimulated by power systems problems [Simpson-Porco et al., 2013], [Bolognani A Survey of Distributed Optimization and Control et al, 2015], [Dall’Anese & Simmonetto, Algorithms for Electric Power Systems 2016], [Hauswirth et al., 2016], [Gan & Daniel K. Molzahn, ∗ Member, IEEE , Florian D¨ orfler, † Member, IEEE , Henrik Sandberg, ‡ Member, IEEE , Steven H. Low, § Fellow, IEEE , Sambuddha Chakrabarti, ¶ Student Member, IEEE , Ross Baldick, ¶ Fellow, IEEE , and Javad Lavaei, ∗∗ Member, IEEE Low, 2016], [Tang & Low, 2017], ... early adoption : KKT control [Jokic et al, 2009] Steven Low Enrique Mallada Na Li Krishnamurthy Dvijotham literature kick-started ∼ 2013 by groups from Changhong Zhao Florian Dörfler Caltech, UCSB, UMN, Padova, KTH, & Groningen John Simpson-Porco Sandro Zampieri Yue Chen Jorge Cortez Claudio De Persis Andrey Bernstein changing focus : distributed & simple Saverio Bolognani Henrik Sandberg Emiliano Dall’Anese Andre Jokic Nima Monshizadeh → centralized & complex models/methods Andrea Simonetto Sergio Grammatico Arjan Van der Schaft Marcello Colombino Karl Johansson Sairaj Dhople implemented in microgrids (NREL, DTU, EPFL, ...) Ioannis Lestas & conceptually also in transactive control pilots (PNNL) 6 / 31

  8. Overview algorithms & closed-loop stability analysis projected gradient flows on manifolds robust implementation aspects power system case studies throughout 7 / 31


  10. Stylized optimization problem & algorithm simple optimization problem minimize φ ( y, u ) y,u subject to y = h ( u ) u ∈ U cont.-time projected gradient flow projected dynamical system � �� � u = Π g x ∈ Π g ˙ −∇ φ h ( u ) , u X [ f ]( x ) � arg min ˙ � v − f ( x ) � g ( x ) U v ∈ T x X � �� � ∂h � = Π g � − ∂u I ∇ φ ( y, u ) U � y = h ( u ) ◮ domain X ◮ vector field f Fact: a regular † solution u :[0 , ∞ ] →X ◮ metric g converges to critical points if φ has Lip- ◮ tangent cone T X schitz gradient & compact sublevel sets. all sufficiently regular † † regularity conditions made precise later 8 / 31

  11. Algorithm in closed-loop with LTI dynamics optimization problem LTI dynamics x = Ax + Bu + Ew ˙ minimize φ ( y, u ) y,u y = Cx + Du + Fw subject to y = H io u + R io w const. disturbance w & steady-state maps u ∈ U x = − A − 1 B u − A − 1 E w → open & scaled projected gradient flow � �� � � �� � � � H is R ds � � H T u = Π U ˙ − ǫ io I ∇ φ ( y , u ) � � � � D − CA − 1 B F − CA − 1 E y = u + w � �� � � �� � H io R do + u x ǫ � � B U + + + w E A ∇ u φ D F − y + + − + + H T io ∇ y φ C 9 / 31

  12. Stability, feasibility, & asymptotic optimality Theorem: Assume that regularity of cost function φ : compact sublevel sets & ℓ -Lipschitz gradient LTI system asymptotically stable : ∃ τ > 0 , ∃ P ≻ 0 : PA + A T P � − 2 τP sufficient time-scale separation (small gain): 0 < ǫ < ǫ ⋆ � 2 τ 1 cond ( P ) · ℓ � H io � Then the closed-loop system is stable and globally converges to the critical points of the optimization problem while remaining feasible at all times. Proof: LaSalle/Lyapunov analysis via singular perturbation [Saberi & Khalil ’84] e T P e � � Ψ δ ( u, e ) = δ · + (1 − δ ) · φ h ( u ) , u � �� � � �� � LTI Lyapunov function objective function with parameter δ ∈ (0 , 1) & steady-state error coordinate e = x − H is u − R ds w Ψ δ ( u, e ) is non-increasing if ǫ ≤ ǫ ⋆ and for optimal choice of δ → derivative ˙ 10 / 31

  13. Example: optimal frequency control ◮ linearized swing dynamics dynamic LTI power system model power balancing objective ◮ 1st-order turbine-governor control generation set-points ◮ primary frequency droop unmeasured load disturbances ◮ DC power flow approximation measurements : frequency + constraint variables (injections & flows) optimization problem + 1 2 � max { 0 , y − y }� 2 Ξ + 1 2 � max { 0 , y − y }� 2 → objective : φ ( y, u ) = cost ( u ) Ξ � �� � � �� � economic generation operational limits (line flows, frequency, ...) → constraints : actuation u ∈ U & steady-state map y = H io u + R do w → control ˙ u = Π U ( . . . ∇ φ ) ≡ super-charged Automatic Generation Control 11 / 31

  14. Test case: contingencies in IEEE 118 system events: generator outage at 100 s & double line tripping at 200 s Power Generation (Gen 37) [p.u.] 6 Setpoint Output 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [s] 12 / 31

  15. How conservative is ǫ < ǫ ⋆ ? still stable for ǫ = 2 ǫ ⋆ unstable for ǫ = 10 ǫ ⋆ · 10 − 2 Frequency Deviation from f 0 [Hz] Frequency Deviation from f 0 [Hz] 4 System Frequency System Frequency 5 2 0 0 − 2 − 5 Line Power Flow Magnitudes [p.u.] Line Power Flow Magnitudes [p.u.] 3 23 → 26 90 → 26 flow limit other lines 4 23 → 26 90 → 26 flow limit other lines 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Time [s] Time [s] Note: conservativeness problem dependent & depends, e.g., on penalty scalings 13 / 31


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