
OneTeamMateAway Making it easy to find teammates for extracurricular - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OneTeamMateAway Making it easy to find teammates for extracurricular projects Do more. Kaleo Brandt, Kitson Lee Features Example UI Project Categories (Social, scheduling, ) Search by technology (Android, JavaScript, )

  1. OneTeamMateAway Making it easy to find teammates for extracurricular projects Do more. Kaleo Brandt, Kitson Lee

  2. Features Example UI ● Project Categories (Social, scheduling, …) ● Search by technology (Android, JavaScript, …) ● Schedule integration ● Project recommendations by skills ● Integration with GitHub

  3. Risks/Challenges ● UI Design ○ Prototype can be refined before any implementation is done ● Target user base too small ○ Modularization for target expansion - other disciplines, universities. ● Learning curve of Android dev. / APIs ○ Focused meetings to bring all engineers up to speed
