ne w spe c ial e duc ation dir e c tor s

Ne w Spe c ial E duc ation Dir e c tor s Oc to be r 2016 Fiscal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ne w Spe c ial E duc ation Dir e c tor s Oc to be r 2016 Fiscal Activities Spec Ed Activities Legal Scenario Your Questions isc al Ac tivitie s Budge t/ F

  1. Ne w Spe c ial E duc ation Dir e c tor s Oc to be r 2016

  2. Fiscal Activities Spec Ed Activities Legal Scenario Your Questions

  3. isc al Ac tivitie s Budge t/ F


  5. dates/2016-2017-Special-Education-Funding-Due-Dates.pdf

  6. F unding Ac tivitie s thr ough De c  IDEA Part B and Preschool Reimbursement Claims via GRA- Monthly  Application and Budgets for 2016-2017 IDEA Part B and Preschool Special Education Funds- Oct 15



  9. A Manual GR

  10. F unding Ac tivitie s thr ough De c  IDEA Part B and Preschool Reimbursement Claims via GRA- Monthly  Application and Budgets for 2016-2017 IDEA Part B and Preschool Special Education Funds- Oct 15



  13. duc ation Ac tivitie s Spe c ial E


  15. Education-Important-Dates.pdf



  18. Education-Important-Dates.pdf


  20. Continue d…

  21. We binar – Ge ne r al Supe r vision F ile Re vie w – What’s Ne w?  Date: October 3, 2016 Time: 3:00-4:00 Mountain / 2:00-3:00 Pacific Presenters: Jeff Brandt & Deborah Haley- Hughes, State Department of Education Title: 2016-2017 General Supervision File Review. What's New? Description: Updates on the 2016-2017 General Supervision File Review and the enhancements made to the Compliance Tracking Tool. Register: Registration form 


  23. L e gal Sc e nar io Must distr ic t r e instate se r vic e s for tr ansfe r stude nt with be havior pr oble ms?  A Georgia teenager had an IEP, that addressed his ADHD and behavior.  Toward the very end of the next school year, his parents told the district that they no longer wanted special education and related services for the student.  The student transferred to a different Georgia district in the summer during the new school's open enrollment period. In February, following numerous suspensions, the parents asked the new district to reinstate the student's prior program.  School officials tried to meet with the parents, unsuccessfully, but never implemented the prior IEP. The student's disciplinary problems, such as hitting other students and exhibiting aggressive behavior toward a teacher, continued. He was ultimately expelled without a manifestation determination.

  24.  The parents claimed that the district violated the IDEA by failing to implement the previous IEP. Did the district err in failing to implement the student’s prior IEP? Discuss and support your response.

  25. Did the distr ic t e r r by failing to imple me nt the te e n's pr ior IE P?  A. No. A district is free to decline to provide special education to a transfer student if it has no reason to suspect the student is still eligible.  B. Yes. If an intrastate transfer student had an IEP that was in effect at a prior school, it must implement that document or develop and implement a new IEP.  C. No. The district was required to treat the parents' request as a request for an initial evaluation.

  26. is…. he Answe r T

  27. Que stions/ Comme nts

  28. …I ne e d mor e infor mation about... 1-hour Live Zoom Meetings 1:00 Pacific/2:00 Mountain  October 3 rd  November 7 th  January 9 th  February 6 th  March 6 th

  29. Sur ve y We need your help….  Please go to the link below and take the survey.

  30. Cathy Thornton Janice Carson  catherinethornton@boise 

  31. Thank You!


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