on the goodwillie derivatives of the identity in

On the Goodwillie Derivatives of the Identity in Structured Ring - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On the Goodwillie Derivatives of the Identity in Structured Ring Spectra Duncan Clark Ohio State University GOATS 2, June 6th, 2020 Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 1 / 14 Main idea Guiding

  1. � � � � � � Functor calculus Let F : S ∗ → S ∗ be a homotopy functor (i.e. X ≃ Y = ⇒ F ( X ) ≃ F ( Y )) and assume for simplicity that F is reduced (i.e. F ( ∗ ) ≃ ∗ ). Goodwillie constructs a Taylor tower of n-excisive approximations { P n F } and natural transformations of the following form . . Remarks . The functors P n F may be thought of as polynomials of degree n . P 1 F is a linear approximation to F . P 3 F For nice (i.e. analytic ) F and sufficiently connected spaces X , P 2 F F ( X ) ≃ holim n P n F ( X ) . X ≃ holim n P n Id S ∗ ( X ), if X is 1-connected F P 1 F Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 3 / 14

  2. � � � � � � Functor calculus Let F : S ∗ → S ∗ be a homotopy functor (i.e. X ≃ Y = ⇒ F ( X ) ≃ F ( Y )) and assume for simplicity that F is reduced (i.e. F ( ∗ ) ≃ ∗ ). Goodwillie constructs a Taylor tower of n-excisive approximations { P n F } and natural transformations of the following form . . Remarks . The functors P n F may be thought of as polynomials of degree n . P 1 F is a linear approximation to F . P 3 F For nice (i.e. analytic ) F and sufficiently connected spaces X , P 2 F F ( X ) ≃ holim n P n F ( X ) . X ≃ holim n P n Id S ∗ ( X ), if X is 1-connected (i.e. Id S ∗ is 1-analytic) F P 1 F Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 3 / 14

  3. Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  4. Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  5. � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) � D C Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  6. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  7. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  8. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  9. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  10. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  11. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  12. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear (S ∗ is not stable). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  13. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear (S ∗ is not stable). In particular, P 1 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  14. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear (S ∗ is not stable). In particular, P 1 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ If F ( ∗ ) ≃ ∗ , then P 1 F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( E ∧ Σ ∞ X ) for some E ∈ Spt Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  15. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear (S ∗ is not stable). In particular, P 1 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ If F ( ∗ ) ≃ ∗ , then P 1 F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( E ∧ Σ ∞ X ) for some E ∈ Spt (note that E ∧ − : Spt → Spt is linear). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  16. � � � � � � Functor calculus (cont.) – Ex. linear functors Def. (linear functor) A functor F is linear (i.e. 1-excisive) if F takes homotopy pushout squares to homotopy pullback squares, i.e. A B (ho. push) F ( A ) F ( B ) (ho. pull) F − − → � D C � F ( D ) F ( C ) Remarks : The stabilization functor X �→ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X is 1-excisive Any homology theory is 1-excisive (i.e. satisfies Mayer-Vietoris) Id S ∗ is not linear (S ∗ is not stable). In particular, P 1 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ If F ( ∗ ) ≃ ∗ , then P 1 F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( E ∧ Σ ∞ X ) for some E ∈ Spt (note that E ∧ − : Spt → Spt is linear). We call E the first derivative of F . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 4 / 14

  17. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  18. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  19. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  20. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  21. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  22. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Ex. Derivatives of Id S ∗ Note, D 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ P 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X and therefore ∂ 1 Id S ∗ ≃ S . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  23. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Ex. Derivatives of Id S ∗ Note, D 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ P 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X and therefore ∂ 1 Id S ∗ ≃ S . For n ≥ 2, ∂ n Id S ∗ is related to the partition poset complex Par( n ) [Johnson, Arone-Mahowald]. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  24. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Ex. Derivatives of Id S ∗ Note, D 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ P 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X and therefore ∂ 1 Id S ∗ ≃ S . For n ≥ 2, ∂ n Id S ∗ is related to the partition poset complex Par( n ) [Johnson, Arone-Mahowald]. In particular, ∂ 2 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω S with trivial Σ 2 action. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  25. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Ex. Derivatives of Id S ∗ Note, D 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ P 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X and therefore ∂ 1 Id S ∗ ≃ S . For n ≥ 2, ∂ n Id S ∗ is related to the partition poset complex Par( n ) [Johnson, Arone-Mahowald]. In particular, ∂ 2 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω S with trivial Σ 2 action. The collection ∂ ∗ F forms a symmetric sequence of spectra. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  26. Functor calculus (cont.) – Derivatives Set D n F to be the fiber D n F := hofib( P n F → P n − 1 F ). Thm. [Goodwillie] There is a unique (up to htpy.) spectrum ∂ n F with Σ n action such that D n F ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ ( ∂ n F ∧ Σ n (Σ ∞ X ) ∧ n ). We call ∂ n F the n-th derivative of F . Remark : D n F ( X ) bears striking resemblance to ( f ( n ) (0) x n ) / n !. We can compute ∂ n F from D n F via cross-effects . Ex. Derivatives of Id S ∗ Note, D 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ P 1 Id S ∗ ( X ) ≃ Ω ∞ Σ ∞ X and therefore ∂ 1 Id S ∗ ≃ S . For n ≥ 2, ∂ n Id S ∗ is related to the partition poset complex Par( n ) [Johnson, Arone-Mahowald]. In particular, ∂ 2 Id S ∗ ≃ Ω S with trivial Σ 2 action. The collection ∂ ∗ F forms a symmetric sequence of spectra. We are interested in understanding what extra structure this sequence posses. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 5 / 14

  27. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  28. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  29. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  30. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  31. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  32. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  33. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  34. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  35. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] action maps O [ n ] ⊗ O [ k 1 ] ⊗ · · · ⊗ O [ k n ] → O [ k 1 + · · · + k n ] subject to equivariance, associativity and unitality conditions. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  36. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] action maps O [ n ] ⊗ O [ k 1 ] ⊗ · · · ⊗ O [ k n ] → O [ k 1 + · · · + k n ] subject to equivariance, associativity and unitality conditions. Operads are precisely monoids with respect to the composition product ◦ for symmetric sequences Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  37. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] action maps O [ n ] ⊗ O [ k 1 ] ⊗ · · · ⊗ O [ k n ] → O [ k 1 + · · · + k n ] subject to equivariance, associativity and unitality conditions. Operads are precisely monoids with respect to the composition product ◦ for symmetric sequences, i.e. there are associative and unital maps O ◦ O → O Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  38. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] action maps O [ n ] ⊗ O [ k 1 ] ⊗ · · · ⊗ O [ k n ] → O [ k 1 + · · · + k n ] subject to equivariance, associativity and unitality conditions. Operads are precisely monoids with respect to the composition product ◦ for symmetric sequences, i.e. there are associative and unital maps O ◦ O → O and I → O Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  39. Operads An operad may be thought of as a useful tool for describing spectra with extra algebraic structure, i.e. (commutative) ring spectra, A ∞ -ring spectra, or E n -ring spectra (1 ≤ n ≤ ∞ ). Def. [May, Boardman-Vogt] An operad O in a symmetric monoidal category (C , ⊗ , 1 ) consists of objects O [ n ] for n ≥ 0 with actions by Σ n (i.e. a symmetric sequence) unit map 1 → O [1] action maps O [ n ] ⊗ O [ k 1 ] ⊗ · · · ⊗ O [ k n ] → O [ k 1 + · · · + k n ] subject to equivariance, associativity and unitality conditions. Operads are precisely monoids with respect to the composition product ◦ for symmetric sequences, i.e. there are associative and unital maps O ◦ O → O and I → O (here I [1] = 1 and I [ k ] = ∗ for k � = 1). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 6 / 14

  40. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  41. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  42. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0 Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  43. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0, subject to associativity and unitality conditions. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  44. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0, subject to associativity and unitality conditions. We think of the term O [ n ] as parametrizing the possible n -ary operations on X Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  45. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0, subject to associativity and unitality conditions. We think of the term O [ n ] as parametrizing the possible n -ary operations on X , e.g. if O [ n ] ≃ S (with free Σ n action), then O describes homotopy commutative (i.e. E ∞ -) monoids in Spt as its algebras. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  46. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0, subject to associativity and unitality conditions. We think of the term O [ n ] as parametrizing the possible n -ary operations on X , e.g. if O [ n ] ≃ S (with free Σ n action), then O describes homotopy commutative (i.e. E ∞ -) monoids in Spt as its algebras. We set Alg O to be the category of algebras over a given operad O together with structure preserving maps. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  47. Operads (cont.) – Algebras We will focus on the category of symmetric spectra Spt = (Sp Σ , ∧ , S ). Def. (algebra over an operad) An algebra over an operad O in Spt is an object X ∈ Spt together with action maps O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n → X for all n ≥ 0, subject to associativity and unitality conditions. We think of the term O [ n ] as parametrizing the possible n -ary operations on X , e.g. if O [ n ] ≃ S (with free Σ n action), then O describes homotopy commutative (i.e. E ∞ -) monoids in Spt as its algebras. We set Alg O to be the category of algebras over a given operad O together with structure preserving maps. Note, an algebra over X is equivalently an algebra over the assocaited monad on Spt � O [ n ] ∧ Σ n X ∧ n . X �→ O ◦ ( X ) = n ≥ 0 Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 7 / 14

  48. Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  49. Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  50. Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  51. Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  52. Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  53. � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] Alg O U Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  54. � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] Alg O U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  55. � � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) Q := J ◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] � Alg J ∼ Mod O [1] Alg O Alg O U U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  56. � � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) Q := J ◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] � Alg J ∼ Mod O [1] Alg O Alg O U U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Set TQ := L Q (i.e. the left-derived functor of Q ). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  57. � � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) Q := J ◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] � Alg J ∼ Mod O [1] Alg O Alg O U U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Set TQ := L Q (i.e. the left-derived functor of Q ). TQ( X ) is often called topological Quillen homology spectrum of X . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  58. � � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) Q := J ◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] � Alg J ∼ Mod O [1] Alg O Alg O U U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Set TQ := L Q (i.e. the left-derived functor of Q ). TQ( X ) is often called topological Quillen homology spectrum of X . Basterra-Mandell show ( Q , U ) is equivalent to the stabilization adjunction for O -algebras Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  59. � � Functor calculus in Alg O – Stabilization Fix an operad O in Spt with O [0] = ∗ and assume for simplicity that O [1] ∼ = S . We define the n-th truncation of O , τ n O , by � O [ k ] k ≤ n τ n O [ k ] := ∗ k > n There is a tower O → · · · → τ 3 O → τ 2 O → τ 1 O of operads and the bottom map O → τ 1 O induces a change of operads adjunction τ 1 O◦ O ( − ) Q := J ◦ O ( − ) � Mod O [1] � Alg J ∼ Mod O [1] Alg O Alg O U U ∼ Let J be a factorization O ֒ → J − → τ 1 O . Set TQ := L Q (i.e. the left-derived functor of Q ). TQ( X ) is often called topological Quillen homology spectrum of X . Basterra-Mandell show ( Q , U ) is equivalent to the stabilization adjunction for O -algebras, i.e. TQ( X ) ≃ Σ ∞ X . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 8 / 14

  60. Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  61. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form . . . τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  62. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form In particular, there are equivalences . . . D n Id( X ) ≃ U ( O [ n ] ∧ Σ n TQ( X ) ∧ n ) τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  63. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form In particular, there are equivalences . . . D n Id( X ) ≃ U ( O [ n ] ∧ Σ n TQ( X ) ∧ n ) ∂ n Id ≃ O [ n ] (as Σ n -objects in Spt) τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  64. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form In particular, there are equivalences . . . D n Id( X ) ≃ U ( O [ n ] ∧ Σ n TQ( X ) ∧ n ) ∂ n Id ≃ O [ n ] (as Σ n -objects in Spt) τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) Thus, ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as symmetric sequences . τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  65. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form In particular, there are equivalences . . . D n Id( X ) ≃ U ( O [ n ] ∧ Σ n TQ( X ) ∧ n ) ∂ n Id ≃ O [ n ] (as Σ n -objects in Spt) τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) Thus, ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as symmetric sequences . It has been a long standing conjecture τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) that ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  66. � � � � � � Functor calculus in Alg O (cont.) – Taylor tower of Id Harper-Hess and Pereira show that the Taylor tower of the identity in Alg O takes the following form In particular, there are equivalences . . . D n Id( X ) ≃ U ( O [ n ] ∧ Σ n TQ( X ) ∧ n ) ∂ n Id ≃ O [ n ] (as Σ n -objects in Spt) τ 3 O ◦ O ( − ) Thus, ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as symmetric sequences . It has been a long standing conjecture τ 2 O ◦ O ( − ) that ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads , the missing piece being the lack of an intrinsic operad structure on ∂ ∗ Id with which to Id τ 1 O ◦ O ( − ) compare to O . Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 9 / 14

  67. Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  68. Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  69. Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  70. ���� Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X , i.e. ��� X × 2 �� X X × 3 · · · ℓ ( X ) = ∗ Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  71. ���� Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X , i.e. ��� X × 2 �� X X × 3 · · · ℓ ( X ) = ∗ Then, there is a monoidal pairing ℓ ( X ) � ℓ ( X ) → ℓ ( X ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  72. ���� Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X , i.e. ��� X × 2 �� X X × 3 · · · ℓ ( X ) = ∗ Then, there is a monoidal pairing ℓ ( X ) � ℓ ( X ) → ℓ ( X ) induced by X × p × X × q ∼ = X × p + q Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  73. ���� Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X , i.e. ��� X × 2 �� X X × 3 · · · ℓ ( X ) = ∗ Then, there is a monoidal pairing ℓ ( X ) � ℓ ( X ) → ℓ ( X ) induced by X × p × X × q ∼ = X × p + q , and Tot ℓ ( X ) ≃ Ω X as A ∞ -monoids Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  74. ���� Main theorem Thm. [C] The derivatives of the identity in Alg O posses an intrinsic “homotopy coherent” operad structure with respect to which ∂ ∗ Id ≃ O as operads. Idea of proof: Our method is to adapt a technique of McClure-Smith that if Y • is a cosimplicial space which is a monoid with respect to the box product � [Batanin], then Tot Y • is an A ∞ -monoid in spaces. Example: Set ℓ ( X ) = Cobar( ∗ , X , ∗ ) w.r.t. the diagonal map on X , i.e. ��� X × 2 �� X X × 3 · · · ℓ ( X ) = ∗ Then, there is a monoidal pairing ℓ ( X ) � ℓ ( X ) → ℓ ( X ) induced by X × p × X × q ∼ = X × p + q , and Tot ℓ ( X ) ≃ Ω X as A ∞ -monoids (note that Ω X is an A ∞ -monoid under composition of loops). Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 10 / 14

  75. Proof sketch of main thm. We use the Bousfield-Kan cosimplicial resolution of Id with respect to the stabilization adjunction ( Q , U ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 11 / 14

  76. Proof sketch of main thm. We use the Bousfield-Kan cosimplicial resolution of Id with respect to the stabilization adjunction ( Q , U ), i.e. Id Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 11 / 14

  77. Proof sketch of main thm. We use the Bousfield-Kan cosimplicial resolution of Id with respect to the stabilization adjunction ( Q , U ), i.e. ��� UQUQUQ · · · � �� UQUQ � Id → UQ Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 11 / 14

  78. Proof sketch of main thm. We use the Bousfield-Kan cosimplicial resolution of Id with respect to the stabilization adjunction ( Q , U ), i.e. ��� UQUQUQ · · · � �� UQUQ � Id → UQ ��� J ◦ O J ◦ O J ◦ O ( − ) · · · � �� J ◦ O J ◦ O ( − ) � ≃ J ◦ O ( − ) Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 11 / 14

  79. Proof sketch of main thm. We use the Bousfield-Kan cosimplicial resolution of Id with respect to the stabilization adjunction ( Q , U ), i.e. ��� UQUQUQ · · · � �� UQUQ � Id → UQ ��� J ◦ O J ◦ O J ◦ O ( − ) · · · � �� J ◦ O J ◦ O ( − ) � ≃ J ◦ O ( − ) Blomquist shows the maps Id → holim ∆ ≤ k − 1 C ( − ) are sufficiently connected to induce equivalences on derivatives Duncan Clark (Ohio State University) Derivatives of the identity GOATS 2 (6/6/20) 11 / 14


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