omega delta phi sorority alumni association

Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals Review Package July 2014 Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014 Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals July

  1. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals Review Package July 2014 Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  2. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals – July 2014 Summary of Committee Activities - Proposals  Additional Sections of Constitution Proposed: Hazing Statement Discrimination Statement Order of Succession Impeachment Process  Restructure of Officers and Board of Trustees: Elected vs. Appointed Position Changes Additional of Positions (Recruitment/Retention – Development/Fundraising) Expansion of Board of Trustees to include Legacy Members Standing Committees established Change in Terms of Service and Term Limits  Implementation of Changes The current Officers will extend their terms of office while the proposed changes are presented to the membership for voting Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  3. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals – July 2014 Committee Objectives: Restructuring Officer Section of the Constitution  Reflect the current needs of the organization.  Increase participation from all sectors of the Alumni Association base.  Escalate the importance of membership recruitment and development/fund raising work.  Increase operational performance through improved efficiency delivered by increased transparency.  Spread the workload of the current leadership team.  Encourage participation by reducing the hour’s people would have to commit to the organization.  Introduce the use of subcommittees, not requiring all members of leadership to have to participate in the details of all tasks.  Replace the Executive Board with a Board of Trustees, with wider representation, for strategic planning and oversight. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  4. Proposed Officer Structure OPD Alumni Assoc. Elected Appointed Board of Position Positions Trustees Alumni Association President Vice President Secretary Vice President 1 st Vice Chief Financial Development / Board of Trustees Membership & President Fundraising Officer Administrative Recruitment Director Property Clarkson U Potsdam U Alumni Manager OPD Alumni OPD Alumni Advisor to Historian Advisor to Rep. Rep. OPD, Inc. OPD, Inc. Newsletter Database Social Media Voting Web Site Manager Manager Manager Coordinator Manager Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  5. Proposed Board of Trustees Membership OPD Alumni Assoc. Board of Trustees Elected Appointed Administrative Position Positions Director Secretary OPD AA Current Alumni Current Chief Legacy Legacy Legacy Past ODP AA Association Financial Representative Representative Representative Presidents 1965-1969 1970s 1980s President Officer Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Clarkson U Potsdam U At Large Representative Representative Representative Representative OPD Alumni OPD Alumni Board 1990s 2000s 2010s 20nn Rep. Rep. Member(s) At Large Board Member(s) Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  6. Proposed Standing Committees Events Committee: Lead by : 1st Vice President. Member and responsibilities will be determined on an ad hoc basis by the 1st Vice President. Working together with the VP of Development, this committee is responsible for both Social and Community Service Events Purpose : To propose, plan and execute OAA events and to increase member participation. To present results to membership, officers and/or Board of Trustees as necessary Finance Committee: Lead by: Chief Financial Officer Members are VP - Recruitment/Membership, VP-Development/Fund Raising, Property Manager/Advisor, Other Alumni with financial or related expertize Purpose : To work on all financial issues outside of officers meetings and to present results to membership, officers and/or Board of Trustees. This group must minimally meet quarterly. Recruitment / Membership Committee: Lead by : VP Recruitment and Membership Members are Historian, Social Networking Manager, Database Manager, Newsletter Manager, Web Master and Other Alumni with related expertize or interest Purpose : To increase active membership. To work on membership recruitment and retention activities; setting specific goals and activities Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  7. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals – July 2014 Implementation Process  New By-law are in place to extend the terms of current officers until changes are voted on and new officers are elected.  “Pay Your Dues So You Can Vote” communications with proposals will be distributed. Contact updates requested.  A Question and Answer conference call will be scheduled prior Constitution Changes voting.  Voting Coordinator will configure voting system (accept/decline ) for constitution changes.  The Constitution Voting Period will be opened, closed and votes tabulated.  Nominations for Officers will be taken.  Voting Coordinator will configure the voting system for Officer Elections.  The Officers Voting Period will be opened, closed and votes tabulated.  New Officer transitions will begin. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014

  8. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association Constitution Committee Proposals – July 2014 What you need to do next  Contact your sisters. Ask if you can supply their contact information to the Association. Don’t assume we have it.  Send Catherine Usiatynski an email to check if you have paid your membership dues for 2014? If not , pay up!  Review the material. Do you have any major objections?  Vote for the Constitution changes.  Review all of the position descriptions.  Decide what role you can play. Self Nominate or nominate someone for an elected and/or appointed position.  Vote for new officers  Enjoy the benefits of sisterhood that the Alumni Association brings you. Omega Delta Phi Sorority Alumni Association - July 2014


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