Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
Our Mission To minimize the effects of all disasters and emergencies upon the people of Oklahoma through preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation programs.
Our Hazards Tornadoes/Straight-Line Winds Flooding Ice Storms Blizzards/Snow Storms Wildfires/Drought Earthquakes Manmade
Disasters in Oklahoma Oklahoma ranks 3 rd in Presidential Declarations since 1953 70 Major Disaster Declarations 10 Emergency Declarations 69 Fire Mgt Assistance Grants 45 Gubernatorial Declarations
Response OEM serves as the Disaster POC for the Governor Provides a 24/7 Duty Officer Coordinates and Trains State Agency Liaison Officers Maintains the State EOC and Administers WebEOC
All Disasters Are Local!!! OEM Provides Coordination and Support At the Scene And in the State Emergency Operations Center
We have a disaster Local response Incident Command established Perimeter established Local EOC at full activation
OEM coordinates resources from partner agencies
OKVOAD: Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters These and other Voluntary agencies and groups offer disaster response.
Here’s what happens…
We have a disaster Mutual aid responding Shelters for displaced Mass feeding for displaced and responders Local State of Emergency declared
We have a disaster State EOC activated State EOP activated State resources requested A Federal Disaster Declaration is requested 12
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